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How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency

The vibration number, often called “vibrational frequency,” tells a lot about a person.

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.

“Vibrational frequency” is a number on a logarithmic scale, and it measures how accurately your world view and your emotions, thinking, behavior match reality, to what degree you have departed from human animal and rose to the level of human being. The current level of vibration of humanity is 130, which is about 1% of the way to human beingness.

It is good to know where you are at. You cannot change something that you don’t know where it’s at… With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimate your vibration, your “vibrational frequency”. Click here for another article I explain high vibration

To measure another person’s vibration, spiritual vibration,

you need to be energetically connected to that person (an empath capacity), or touch them… I am a True Empath, so I can do it remotely, and reliably
your vibration needs to be above 200… and even there,
you need to be connected to Source,
be outside of your ego, to do that… to muscle test the other person’s vibration.

Spiritual vibration, the number, will predict what you can see, recognize, how astute you can be, how well you’ll do in life in all four areas of life: wealth, health, love, and happiness.

My vibration is above 900, I am 98% outside of my ego, so I trust my measurements. I share my story of how I went from a vibration of 35 to 185 to 295 to ultimately above 900 in about 50 years… I am 70 years old now.

People’s lives, emotional state, achievements, relationships prove that my measurements are accurate, not only their actual feedback, of which I have a ton.

It’s not only how you feel about yourself, but what you can do with your life that testifies and proves your vibration.

I can measure your vibration for a donation of $15 or more. I will email you the number, and my experience of you while I was measuring your vibration.

When it is obvious to me, I will also email you my recommendation of a product of mine that will either ease your current discomfort, or will start the process of raising your vibration.

If someone has measured your vibration already… then you want a second opinion. If this is you, email me the person’s name or email address… I’ll also measure THEIR vibration for you to see how accurate they could be in measuring yours.
What is vibration? What are we measuring? What is the process?
Vibration, as we use it to measure your level of consciousness, is a number that is reflective of your world view, your self-view, your ability to use all the faculties you as a human have, and it is very indicative of your state of mind, your mood, your ability to see things accurately, to make astute observations, and to make accurate and effective decisions about your affairs, about people, abut stuff.
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2 Simple Meditation Techniques to Practice Daily

This is an article I copied from someone’s blog. This article is a great example of how meditation is taught.

Meditation is an ancient technique, and its main purpose was to gain insight into life, into nature, into how the world works through going withing and upwards.

It wasn’t practiced to get healthy, to get exercise, to calm down, to deal with stress. The mindset that you want something and use meditation to get it firmly anchors you in the horizontal plane, where your wants and your likes and dislikes live.

Real meditation is to get you to the vertical plane, where your wants, likes and dislikes are just noise. Where you don’t need anything, because you live in the domain of being, the domain of Human Being.

That doesn’t mean you don’t do, and that doesn’t mean you don’t like or dislike. It only means: you don’t live through those likes and dislikes: you live through being, experiencing the likes and dislikes. No emotional attachment.

This is what I teach, and this is what is possible: a glorious way to live. Now, here is the “borrowed article” you wanted to read. Enjoy.

While it may be next to impossible to find a quiet place for meditation, a constant sense of tranquility is essential to recharge and relax our minds. What follows are simple meditation techniques that you can perform at your own convenience.

Try these two simple meditation techniques that you can do on your own, without the help of a professional or expert.

1. Vipassana: The Art of Conscious Breathing.

Considered the easiest meditation technique, Vipassana simply requires you to be ‘aware of your breathing’. This meditation technique traces its root to Gautama Buddha who follows the philosophy referred to as the “Golden Mean”. He believes that going extreme is not necessary, be it in terms of fasting or in prayer. Vipassana is the perfect type of meditation for the modern man because it can be done anywhere, at any time.

Breathing is among the most natural process in our body that we can easily be aware of. It is also considered to be the sacred link between our body and our soul.

In Vipassana, the rule is simple: just be aware of your breathing process. Do not control it, but feel your breath as the air enters your body and exits. (Vipassana should not be confused with ‘Pranayam’, a breathing exercise taught in yoga which controls breath movements.)

In meditating using the technique of Vipassana, you should simply ‘watch your breath’. Although you can do this anywhere, it is highly advised that you set a specific time and place to undergo this meditation daily.

2. Mantra Meditation: A Process of Positive Reinforcement.

Feeding our minds with optimistic thoughts does eventually lead to positive results. Mantras are words or phrases that you chant, act as the focal point for the meditation. It has been used as early as the time before the popularity and rise of Buddhism. It is considered to be an ancient meditation technique
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Spirituality and Personality: The Psycho-Spiritual Controversy

If you have been involved in either therapy or counselling, or spirituality and meditation, in recent years you have probably encountered two basic, polarized viewpoints concerning personality. Essentially it amounts to this: therapists are pro-personality (and its improvement through healing neurosis etc.) while spiritual teachers proclaim personality a big waste of time, since neurotic or not, you are more than your personality.

This is not particularly surprising, since therapy and counseling tend to be concerned with the individual, while spiritual practices are concerned with higher matters. But it does lead the novices and beginners into a quandary where they are faced with the decision of what to do about personality. On the one hand, therapy could be an expensive, futile effort to better the personality, whereas, on the other hand, spiritual practice may offer an excuse to leave personal problems behind, with the justification that you are moving on to more lofty concerns.

In the extensive time I have been engaged in therapy and spirituality I can say that I have discovered the answer to this controversy! And I don’t say it without reluctance and a certain caution, since my answer is liable to offend both camps — therapists and spiritual teachers. Perhaps my answer is less a rejection or abandonment of one viewpoint for another and more of a synthesis. This may be an answer of the best kind – the kind that doesn’t marginalize or dismiss anyone’s experience or viewpoint. For my answer, while radically new and innovative, does not fundamentally disagree with either point of view, but considers each appropriate to the complex, total unfolding process of our human nature and potential.

My answer to the dilemma is to propose a third band of human experience. I call this “the authentic self” and since I am not using any unusual words I need to define this term, because I do mean something specific. The authentic self, in the way I use the term, is the bridge between the personality and the spiritual self. It is arrived at usually, but not always, after a lengthy period of intensive, deep, applied and consistent inner work. This inner work consists of a journey of self-discovery in which one circumvents the self, becoming increasingly aware of the conscious and unconscious material that comprises one’s sense of self, or ego. This involves character, which is essentially defensive strategy or an intelligent, protective reaction to early conditioning, which becomes increasingly calcified and adapted throughout adolescence and adult life. Character is composed of the way in which we survive and protect ourselves from inner and outer stimuli and ultimately avoid really meeting life. It creates a self-imposed prison — limitations in which we feel falsely safe.

Self-discovery also involves cultivating our awareness of personality, or the way in which character (defenses and strategies) is experienced. Both inwardly and outwardly we
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What Is Sleep Hypnosis And How Does It Work?

Hypnosis is mysterious and peculiar. It is not fully understood. Some therapists are taught a very diluted version of hypnosis and they market themselves with statements about hypnosis that are not true. They are true to the techniques they use, but not to hypnosis. Here are six common misconceptions about hypnosis and their relevance to effective change work. Some are encouraged by practicing therapists and some are just urban legends.

Hypnosis is a sleep like state

Hypnosis gets its name from the Greek God of sleep, Hypnos, which is misleading. Relaxation and sleep are two very common suggestions used in the induction process. The relaxed state you often see in hypnotised people is the acceptance of a suggestion, but it is not hypnosis. It is the effect not the cause.

In a stage show you will see the subjects slumped when the hypnotist is not using them, they look like they are asleep, puppets with their strings cut, yet as soon as the puppeteer gives them an instruction they jump to it – you do not do that when you are asleep. When they are doing what they are told as part of the performance – eating an onion or falling in love with a mop – in the reality that the hypnotist has given them they are in they still hypnotised and they are very definitely not asleep.

In therapy the client will spend a lot of time with their eyes closed in a relaxed state as in therapy the attention is turned inwards and so it makes sense to block out external stimulus, but they are not asleep, they are following instructions given to them by the hypnotist, rearranging their subconscious patterns and changing their lives.

A good therapist will ensure some sort of two way communication between themselves and the client so they can gauge the effectiveness of what they are doing as they go. This might involve talking with the client, asking for head nods or shakes or establishing Ideo Motor Responses which are tiny involuntary muscle movements – one for Yes and one for No. You cannot do that with someone who is asleep.

The most common phrase from a clients mouth when you wake them up is something along the lines of ‘that was weird’ – probably not the first phrase uttered each morning.

The Hypnotist cannot make you do anything you do not want to do!

Many hypnotherapists will claim this on their FAQ pages, they will tell you that you are completely in control throughout the session as many hypnotherapy schools teach this. Any therapist that claims this is not using hypnosis or they do not understand the tools of their own trade. Hypnosis is the acceptance of suggestion without question, without reservation, without inhibition and that is exactly why you go to hypnotist rather than a counsellor or psychotherapist which work with your conscious faculty at the pace you wish to go to try and get past problems – hypnosis removes your conscious critical faculty from the equation to get you fast results.

Let’s examine the term ‘want’. Let’s
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ess stands for Evolutionary Stable Strategy.

It is a balance of forces that want to tear down life, and forces that want to build it.

It is neither good nor bad… but in my experience, it prevents you from growing. Before you can grow, you must upset the ess… and force it to move to a higher level.

Growth happens through a series of upset… new ess.

The best example I see in my work is the way Source guides me to advise my health clients… The first diet I give them is not going to make them much healthier but after a series of upset… new ess I can take them all the way up to 70%, the highest I have been able to take anyone.

The ess method of nature is the method of zig-zag… that takes us to the strait and narrow.
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Epigenetic Shift

In this work we talk about Epigenetic Shift a lot.

Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence…

The 160 spiritual capacities are part of the human DNA, but the capacities are either expressed or suppressed.

You live life, successfully or not successfully depending on the number of capacities that are expressed.

The spiritual practices we create are designed to activate capacities that are needed for a successful life.

It is the hardest thing to do, yet it’s possible. But if you have no capacities active yet, it is really hard…
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More about tithing… Become a value recognizer

More about tithing;

In the previous article on tithing we discussed the issue whether to tithe or not to tithe.

In this article we’ll look at the issue: if you want to tithe: what is the best way, what is the best place, from the point of view of your own self-interest.

The distinction I’d like to introduce here: Value recognizer, and I suggest that you become one. Why? You’ll see… invaluable!

Become a value recognizer
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Capacities, constructive attitudes. How do you create them?

Capacities, possibilities, new constructive attitudes…

What these share is that they are words first and foremost.
The second thing: saying the words will not make you that…
And unfortunately, it turned out that turning on the capacities in the DNA won’t create permanent changes… unless.

So what is the technology of inventing and making these capacities, possibilities and attitudes real?
This is what this article is about. It’s about you learning how to have what you want.

Let’s first talk about what people want… What you want.
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