Category Archives: Uncategorized

The three umpires… which one are you most like?

Last night, before I got to bed, I wanted to “talk to” Source.

OK, I actually don’t know what Source is. But over the past 10 or so years I have learned that Source either doesn’t know something, and will let me know, or what source says yes to is actually true.

The conversation was about money, about my business, about the numbers that seem to tell me that nobody loves me any more…

Now, I have been learning how to ask questions… so I asked if my business is in trouble… No, was the surprising answer. Did I do something wrong? No, was the answer. Do I need to worry? No, was the answer. Do I need to do anything? No, was the answer. Whatever is going on is not me.

OK… hm… interesting.

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Can I feel you when I look at you and hear you? An empath’s struggle… A bandwidth issue

If you observed me, you would say that I don’t do myself what I suggest that you do: expand my life, expand my cone of vision, expand my social whatever… But what you see and what is are vastly different. Most of what matters happens in the invisible.

I am going to explore this difference, this seeming or real gap in this article.

I mentioned in an article that the exercise class has introduces sideways motions of my body and as a result a pain that limited my movements for 20 years eased to such a degree that today I can lie on my back and both legs will be lying on the bed. Previously I could not do that. For 20 years. Why? What was wrong? I don’t know.

A student of mine, a massage therapist wrote back to share that she had been, instinctively, using techniques that allowed her to stay on her feet and be well…
In one of your recent articles you were talking about how side movements help with joints. It’s a very interesting observation.

For years I’ve struggled with back pain. I am tall 5’11” so if i fall it’s a long fall and i fell a few times in my 20’s.

Anyways I have noticed even when I massage for many hours a week my back is doing good. When I massage I am on my feet and my movements are always sideways so i rock back and worth sideways. After I read your article several days ago I became a little more conscious about how I massage and how I move.

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It may be true that the key to the kingdom is gratitude and appreciation, but just like humility, gratitude is rare

There is pretense gratitude… just like there is pretense humility. Ultimately your actions tell the real story.
I have been having shorter or longer conversations with people who ask for their Starting Point Measurements.

It’s, as it is usual with me, an experiment. I ask for my time at $200-$250 an hour, and I give away 3-4 hours a week in strategy sessions. I am starting to feel the tiredness… in fact this morning I woke up exhausted.

For most people time is just time… not any currency… but for me it is the most valuable non-renewable resource. It is not just time, it is all I have… And it is hard on my brain, hard on my body, hard on my nervous system as I am giving all I have to a client.

Normally, when I talk to someone, they politely thank me for my time. Each time I get a stab of pain, sadness, when someone thanks me for my time.
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Selfish, selfless, wanting, forcing, pushing on a string…

When you are a value recognizer, you see value, for you, everywhere.

Seeing value, recognizing value, is a very high vibration capacity, and I literally don’t know anyone who has it fully open… meaning the DNA capacity.

It’s Tuesday, and I had no idea what to write about today. The way it was looking, life was going to be mundane, maybe even boring today…

But I opened my horoscope from Rob Brezsny, and it all changed when I read it. It brought back yesterday, and the whole past month.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): How sexy is it possible for you to be? I’m referring to authentic soul-stirring sexiness, not the contrived, glitzy, counterfeit version. I’m alluding to the irresistible magnetism that wells up in you when you tap in to your core self and summon a reverent devotion to your life’s mission. However sexy it is possible for you to be, Virgo, I suggest you unleash that magic in the coming weeks. It’s the most reliable strategy for attracting the spiritual experiences and material resources and psychological support you need.
In the 30 dry days… that seemed to pass through the land of commerce, I learned a lot about scarcity, about abundance, about being Selfish and being selfless, wanting, forcing, and pushing on a string.
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25 cognitive biases

The power that incentives and disincentives have on the actions of others cannot be overstated. Munger says this should be obvious but so many people don’t understand the how important incentives are for shaping people’s motivation to complete a task.

Incentives and disincentives are extremely important in changing behavior.

Just follow Benjamin Franklin’s Maxim:

“If you would persuade, appeal to interest and not to reason”

“Never think about something else when you should be thinking about the power of incentives.”

“Incentives will almost always trump any moral duty”

‘The most important rule in management “Get the incentives right”‘

“Bad behavior is intensely habit forming when it is rewarded.”

These were some quotes from Charlie Munger on Reward and Punishment Super Response…

We ignore the faults of other people, products or companies that we admire.

According to Charlie Munger, a newly arrived human is born to like and love, and the strongest inborn tendency to love is that of a mother for its child.

Liking/Loving tendency makes the liker or lover tend to:
To ignore the faults of, and comply with wishes of the object of its affection.
To favor people, products and actions merely associated with the object of his affection as seen in bias 10 – influence from mere association.
To distort other facts to facilitate love.

We also ignore the virtues of those things we dislike and distort the facts to facilitate that hatred while putting on blinders to other options and opinions.

Disliking/Hating Tendency happens from the time the newly arrived human is also born to “dislike and hate”

1) Ignore the virtues in the object of dislike.
2) Dislike people products and actions merely associated with the object of his dislike.
3) Distort other facts to facilitate hatred.

Disliking distortions often makes mediation between opponents locked in hatred either difficult or impossible.

All from Charlie Munger’s Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger, Expanded Third Edition

If we are unsure about a decision we try to quickly remove any doubt by making an ill-informed, quick decision, this is doubt-avoidance tendency

Doubt-avoidance tendency is triggered by some combination of puzzlement and stress.



We have a reluctance to change. Eliminating bad habits is a rare trait.

The brain of man conserves programming space by being reluctant to change, which is a form of inconsistency avoidance.

Factors that create an anti-change and Inconsistency Avoidance Tendency mode in humans:

It facilitated faster decisions when speed of decision was an important contribution to the survival on nonhuman ancestors that were prey.
It facilitate the survival advantage that our ancestors gained by cooperating in groups, which would have been more difficult to do if everyone was always changing responses.
It was the best form of solution that evolution could get to i
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How to Think For Yourself… or how not be a buffalo

When buffalo were still common in North America, Native American hunters learned a trick to hunt the herd animals. Buffalo don’t look up when moving as a group. In fact, if a few buffalo in a herd were startled into running, the entire herd would charge, even if most of the buffalo had no idea what they were running from.

The Native American hunters learned that if they encouraged a few buffalo to start running towards a cliff, the entire herd would run off the edge. The buffalo followed the group thinking, and couldn’t stop themselves–even when it meant their own deaths.

Although you’re probably not gullible enough to run off a cliff, it’s easy to stop thinking for yourself. It’s easy, because you don’t realize when you’re doing it. Thinking for yourself takes effort, and it’s easy to be tricked into going over the edge.

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Truth Value

Truth value is a number… a percentage of the truth in what is measured…

I normally use the phrase for a body of knowledge. A book. A course. The whole knowledge or world view of a person, a group, or a culture.

Truth here doesn’t go beyond what the “body of knowledge” represents. So if this body of knowledge does contain pieces of very relevant knowledge, but we don’t know about it, even then this missing knowledge is part of the 100% with which we compare the truth found in the body of knowledge.

There could be a person who knows 100 things, while others know a million. But this person’s knowledge could be 70% truth value. While if everything he knows could be part of everyone’s knowledge, and yet the everyone’s truth value could be as little as 2-3%. A simple math problem…

Often a person consumes knowledge, but mixes in his convictions and beliefs, and dilute the truth value of the original… Let’s say 100% truth goes in, only 3% of truth comes out.

Mainstream’s knowledge is only only 7% truth value
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What’s the difference between a presidential candidate and an internet marketing guru?

American citizens, eligible to vote, are divided.

But whether you will vote to Obama, McCain, or you stay at home and let others decide, one thing is certain, no one is looking at the real issue:

The skill it takes to win the votes of the majority, i.e. win an election is a very different skill from the skill of running a country. Unless running it to the ground qualifies as running it…. ;-)Â as we have experienced, time and time again.

Just like in politics, the same is true for teaching anything, including internet marketing. The skill it takes to be a successful internet marketer is a vastly different skill from the skill of causing another person’s success.

We all look to our guru to teach us what to do and how to do it, so that we can be successful like them, and we all get very frustrated and very weary, because what they say and what they do are often different, and even if and when we did exactly what they said to do, we meet with meager success.

How come? We seem all very surprised.

Well, let me ask you this: have you ever heard of a successful football or basketball coach that played real well?

Or the reverse: have you ever heard of a successful player that was also a great coach?

Most successful players play from their “other than conscious mind.”

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