Category Archives: Unconditional Love Activator

Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews

Teal Scott aka Teal Swan aka Teal Bosworth must be making waves again… Frequency paintings

Can these paintings raise your vibration automatically? Of course not. It is another greed: raising your vibration… without work… hah, gotcha! lol
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Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

I have been looking at some of my personal sticking points.

Addicted to milk, addicted to sugar, avoiding doing the laundry… these are just the tip of the ice berg.

Oh, you thought that I was beyond that? Oh, sorry to disappoint, you are never beyond that. Besides, if I were, I would not be writing these posts, it would be painfully boring.

Life is about growing, life is about being an advancing personality, not about comfortably teaching something that is a non-issue for me. Even if writing about it would potentially cause your growth: life is about each person becoming an advancing personality, not some teaching others to be that, so they can be off the hook…

Anyway, returning to my top of the iceberg imperfections: I am wondering what is the payoff.

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What is The Creator that loves you unconditionally?

Summary: In this article I am going to illustrate to you how something evolves, as opposed to being born…

I will illustrate to you the thought process it takes to move something from good to better to better and even better… There is no such thing as best in this thought process. This is the foundation of an Expanding Human Being: there is no limit to expanding, neither in the mind nor in the reality of the Original Design. And I’ll share the breakthrough we had in raising your vibration.

When I came to this country at age 38, I was much like you in a lot of ways. One of the thngs that I remember vividly is my relationship to improvement. If a product label said “improved”, my thought was “that means it wasn’t good before, and probably isn’t good now… so I won’t get it.”I still lived in the mind, and the mind does not like improvement, it doesn’t like change. If something is good, then it is good, no need for improvement… Bah humbug.
When I was an architecture students, I learned two things that became totally useful regardless of the field I applied them. One of these is what I learned from my famed History of Architecture professor: He shared that when he graduated as an architect, he went to work in a theater, instead of the field of design or construction.

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Never Give Up Who You Are For A We…

Never give up who you are for a we…

I am watching a French movie. I am in the middle, and the music has changed. It is talking about impending doom. My brave, independent, innocent heroine fell for another and I am weeping for her.

I feel that it can lead to no good to give up who we are. Even if we are not anybody special, anybody talented, anybody important.

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If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value.
Why? Because you like what you are. You are attracted what confirms what you think, how you are, who you are, what you know.

There is no mystery why humanity is growing away from its true nature, not towards it.

Watch who and what is hugely popular?

The more popular someone is, the more people they attract, the closer their “truth” is to the common society trained mind. The more it sounds true to the low vibration man… The average vibration on the Planet is 120… the closer a guru is to that vibration the more people they attract.

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The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained

The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained

I have written about the timeline of the Planetary Ascension before, but I will explain it in this article again.

First Phase was mandatory. It started on July 24 and ended on August 15.

Every single person on the planet got the activator. It activated “human” capacities. It also eliminated the bulk of automatic negative thoughts. My experience was, in my own environment, as if the mute button had been pushed: people’s mind wasn’t frantically busy with negative thoughts.

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Updated: Discovery, invention, innovation and ambition: Introducing the Unification Energy

Summary: some six thousand years ago a mind virus was introduced. It lead to the rise of a strong ruling class and a sheep-like plebs. In this article I introduce the first ever remedy to the mind virus: the Unification Energy.
You see, humans have a strong inner connection to wisdom through connecting to All-Knowledge, but the mind virus severed, blocked the connection between the part of each human that connects and the part that they consider themselves to be… the part that has the mind, the subconscious, the body, and the Ego. The part that will look for nourishment, guidance, leadership, meaning, outside: on the horizontal plane.

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Ambition versus Desire… Why ambition has become a dirty word, and who does it serve?

I spent yesterday reading the novel the 1997 Dutch film (Character) was based upon. Of course they changed a few things, and the film left me in deep quandary. The title didn’t make sense. The whole dynamic didn’t make sense. So I read the book.

Most movies’ ending is clear… this is probably only the second movie that left me with questions: WTF just happened? The other movie is the 2002 Chinese movie “Together”.

Anyway, I read the Character book. It was written in 1938.

I did learn what the title was about. And I learned a lot more.

This article is not about the movie, this article is about what makes a man a Man.
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When your vibration drops everything starts to bother you

One of the most harmful words in the English language are I, my, and me.

It is not that they are intrinsically harmful! they are harmful the way we relate to their meaning.

Context is decisive. Sometimes these words (I, my and me) are the context, and sometimes they are heard in a context… confusing? Yeah, context has been confusing to many of my students. But being confused is a very high state: the lowest state a human is “knowing.” Why? Because once you think you know, once you think you have the answer, you stop looking, you stop being present, your mind is running the show, the stupid machine that anyone can hack, and they do, and you wouldn’t even know.

What is the highest state? I am not sure. But I am certain that the “I can see that” is higher than “confused”. I am not at the highest state, or if I am, I have no idea what indicates that state… so let’s not go there, ok?

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