Category Archives: Whats the truth about you

We all have multiple personalities… How does your delusional self impact your life?

We all have at least two distinct and recognizable selves that we switch back and forth between.

In this article we’ll look at intelligence, but we could also look at the character, the attitude, the moral fortitude of the selves… but because I look at the world through the frame of smart and stupid, and only secondarily through loyal/disloyal, I’ll write this article on the intelligence level of your two selves.

Now, let me start with a statement: there is nothing wrong with being stupid. As long as you know and embrace that you are stupid.
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Love is wanting for you what you want for yourself…

Maybe love is wanting even more for you than you want for yourself… but I am not sure about that.

Because of great love one is courageous. And coaching you is a lot like training tigers to act like pussycats… And as dangerous.

A coach wants for you what you say you want for yourself…
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You can’t JUMP to the truth… in fact, any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

The reason I like to use the 67 steps in my own slow turning to the truth, and in teaching and coaching, is because even though it seems to JUMP to SOME TRUTH, it is wise enough to not declare that small and relative truth, THE Truth.

This is in contrast with everybody else.

I am talking about Tai Lopez and his 67 Steps Program, $67, worth all the money you can scratch together.

The overall truth value of the program is 10%. And yet, it can be the foundation of a life well lived, and a life lived powerfully.

Why? Because of its diversity, because of it looking at so many things, and so many layers.

It doesn’t address world view, because that is a controversial topic, given that 100% of humanity “sport” an inaccurate world view… and they protect it like their lives depend on it.

And I bet it feels like that their lives depend on it. Being right is more important than being happy, being healthy, and even being wealthy.

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I didn’t know that I didn’t know! The the dangers of thinking you know something that actually isn’t true

What you don’t know that you don’t know

If you are like me at any point you think that what you know is how it is. And that makes you stuck.

Here is what happened that woke me up from this seductive illusion that what I know is so.

I have been fascinated with nut butters. OK… nothing fancy in that…

I bought a machine to make nut butters, and it was a tedious job: 90% of the time was scraping the wall of the bowl… or the machine would run as if it were empty.
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Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article

What would put you into the vibration of money? Or why are you repelling money?
Summary: 90% of what keeps you in money, or what repels money from you are you attitudes towards people, including yourself.
It is not vibration, per se… but people feel it. And they refuse to give you money.
The solution is to develop attitudes more conducive, more attractive, more inviting to money.
Most of my courses are about that… Changing your attitudes…
The article below may be too scholarly for most of you…
What is blocking your ability to abundance? To making money, to accepting money, to do things worth money?

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Secret of Success – change your false belief

Your core belief is what keeps you sick, fat, miserable, and poor…
…but it is not easy to see your exact belief… A belief is a sentence… words… And without the exact sentence, you can’t release it

I have showed you a way or two to find your false belief in previous posts…

Another great way to suspect that there is a core belief is the following method?

Let’s suppose that you love movies. You watch a movie. You are spellbound. You are somehow kept in awe, but when someone asks what about that movie that does that magical thing to you, you have no answer.

I have a few foreign movies that did that to me (American movies are largely unsuited for this purpose: they treat the viewer as imbecile)
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Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

The question is: are YOU causing your attention? Are you causing what you want to cause?

I always thought I was curious, but I am finding out: you cannot be curious if you are not open.

One of the issues of my soul correction is not being open. Self-protection, personal-reality protection.
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Are you planting enough seeds so that you can have a rich harvest come fall?

If we took an inventory of your life… If I followed you around for a day, a week, a month… How many of your actions are planting seeds for the future you desire, how many are planting seeds to no results, or undesired results?

Most people plant no seeds. Some plant seeds but then forget about watering them, and the weeds or the dryness kills the seeds before they can even sprout.

Most people think that the world rotates around them, should play according to their rules, and their rules are: give it to me now, because I want it.

Manifestation, the law of attraction, mind movies, instant healing, the “bars”, incantation, shamanism, and thousands of fraudulent abusive modalities all capitalize on this warped world view to make it all right for you.

But they are lies, frauds, intentionally misleading you. And you are willing. It turns my stomach.
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What are you? Beauty, truth or goodness?

I am having an interesting conversation with one of my students.

The philosophy student…

He wants to write his thesis on the Feelings book, but he needs his thesis counselor’s support, maybe even his enthusiasm, or it is going to be a tough road to hoe.

It’s a sales job, or if you are a Landmark Education graduate: and enrollment job.

Enrollment is simple speaking in a way that the other person gets “touched, moved, and inspired” and may even be ready to move in the direction you describe.

You cannot do it if your “about you” score is too high. Because you don’t know what touches, moves, and inspires others. You may not even know what touches, moves and inspires you!

Unless you let yourself be inspired, touched, moved, you are dead my friend.

What touches, moves, inspires you is always from the beyond… beyond what you want. Beyond your self-interest. Beyond your me-myself-and-I. It is beyond what makes sense. It is beyond fear and concern for yourself.
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Your vocabulary number is a predictor of your abundance… or scarcity

This post, this audio is a little on the choppy side, because you are witnessing me entering the invisible and making new connections, connecting some dots. Brilliant if I may say so myself… 🙂


Okay. alright, it’s Saturday. I just finished listening to today’s installment of the 5-Minute Mentor Series. This is one of the things I signed up to carry my consciousness around 360 degrees, and alter, with the help of consciousness, what it is that I do about my finances.

Why do I trust it? Because it’s done by the same person as the 67 Steps. The 67 Steps, whether it’s good or bad, it has revolutionized my life. I did all 67 for eight times. I have been doing it since February, two and a half years ago. Because of some slight lifestyle changes, I now prefer to do the five minute a day version.

So in today’s installment, Tai talks about how to pick, or unpick people we associate with. His filter is, are these people going to abuse us, use us, take advantage of us, cheat us, or not? It’s a great way to look at people.
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