Mercy. You want to receive it but You don’t want to give it?

The Universe has three energetic elements, just like the atom. It has the negative element, equivalent with judgment in our worldly life. That is the electrons of the atom.

It has the proton, the positive, in our worldly life it is called mercy.

The third type of element is the neutral…

Without the positive element, the world, yours, ours, the Universe, falls apart.

As it’s above so it is below… and vice versa.

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The straitjacket of your identity

The identity you invented is preventing you from living the life you want

What identity? you ask.

That person you deeply believe that you are. The good person, the helpful person, the nice person…

Or the superman
Or the intelligent, well spoken person
Or the smart person…
Or the humble person…

But there are questions, because those same identity traits are at the root of some of your complaints, so there is a disharmony somewhere.
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Some Kabbalistic Wisdom From my KabbalahChick blog

Seeds of Agenda: What’s In It For You?
Rav Ashlag, founder of The Kabbalah Centre, said that ego-less sharing is almost impossible.

When a person wants to change and transform themselves, they will never do it unless they get something out of it.
The energy needed for the sharing and caring must come from their ego.
There is a paradox, no doubt. On one hand giving and sharing and caring sounds like it’s not selfish. On the other hand, without a selfish motive, no one will ever share. Mother Teresa, or anyone! But if the giving is selfish, the rewards are all ego-rewards, short term high, long term low…

But here is a move that will surprise you:

When you acknowledge your initial selfish motives, the rewards of your giving are longer lasting. But when you think you are doing it out of the goodness of your hearts, there will be a short-circuit at some point in the process.

So, how do you do it?

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What is a DNA upgrade?

What is a DNA upgrade? Not the hokey stuff you hear about, but the one that is for real?

The internet is full of false prophets and it is in vogue to want to upgrade your DNA… none of those methods actually work… if you want, I can review them one-by-one… though I think it is a waste of my time and energy.

Now, about the “real” DNA upgrade… I wish I could find an expression that doesn’t have 11 million competing websites on google…

As I’ve said, the DNA is the blueprint according to which all cells are created in the body. In addition to the physical characteristics, your inclinations, talents, capacities are also imprinted in your DNA.

By large, all human beings have the same DNA… although we are all individuals, with individual variations on the same theme.

We have the same or very similar potentialities… but in a different combination and a different start in life, different influences.

We are born with the capacity for speak, language. We are born with the capacity to smile, to eat, to procreate.

In this regard humanity hasn’t changed much, and no amount of education seems to have made a difference: our whole nature is built on an animal chassis… both physically and emotionally.

We seem to have an enormous capacity for pretense: a tool for survival: the better pretender will be better thought of… and will go further in life, will get a better mate, etc.

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The Bible Code, DNA, the Original Design… Is the Bible a Code?

Some 10-15 years ago there was a blockbuster book, the Bible Code. It was written in the style of a report, but really it was a novel.

Its fundamental issue was the idea that the Bible (The Old Testament) is a code that tells everything about the future, the past and the present.

It used the original Hebrew “version” that is called the authentic “Torah” and it claimed that if you take out all the spaces and punctuation out of the text and make it a string of just characters, it can be used as a code.

The idea is bogus, but us, gullible humans grasping for some meaning in life, for some certainty, it was something to investigate.

Why is the idea bogus? Because for thousands of years the text of the Bible was an oral tradition: it was never written down… and something that passed through so many mouths cannot be considered a reliable foundation for a code by its letters.

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Update on the psychic attacks on my person

I have been feeling a little better.

It seems that I am coming out of this nightmare of a period with more gains than one would expect at the end of something this horrible…

For example, after a year of not being able to eat vegetables (they made me sick) I have had three meals of freshly made vegetables this weekend, and I loved it. Theses attacks must have started long before I noticed them… but now that it’s all in the open, now that I can tell who are the people that are attacking, what exactly they are doing, and what is my exact recourse to protect myself, I have times in my day when I actually feel better than before. Not many and not long.

It seems that now we see why energies do not really heal: while the energies are sent, I feel like a dog… the moment the energies stop I feel perfectly well. So it seems that there are going to be no lasting consequences.

Sitting, working on the computer is still difficult, so I spend my time on my back, alternately fighting back, or reading Sherlock Holmes detective stories on my Kindle.

I am reading and re-reading the stories. I am starting the see the difference between the thrill of the first-second reading, much like a one night stand, the rush, and the deep love, deep appreciation of the subsequent readings: most people I know never go to that place with anything or anyone.

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Learning to Learn on

Learning to Learn on, the missing piece of the puzzle, especially if you combine it with the Playground: the partner calls, and the skill learning challenge.

I’ve completed the first two weeks of study on coursera, with 99% effectiveness measured by the tests: only two mistakes total.. But did I learn the material?

Why didn’t I take a whole week to do a week’s worth of study?

I am like a person who after weeks lost in the desert, finds good drinking water… Hungry, thirsty, excited.
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DNA… The Thousand Years of Peace, the Bible, and more

DNA… The Thousand Years of Peace, the Bible, and more

lots of misleading stuff goes around about DNA… I don’t know a lot of “popular” authors or speakers that speak the truth.

The closest to truth are Bruce Lipton, and Kabbalah.

I am ill, so I am not going to do any research, I’ll just speak from the truth as I see it: DNA is like the blueprint of a building: it says everything about the building.

Each cell in your body has a DNA in the seed of the cell, and hopefully all the cells of your body have the same DNA.

Virus is nothing more than an alien DNA that replaces the invaded cell’s DNA, and the infected cell will start to produce more virus, instead of more of you.

In its behavior, cancer is a virus.

The current DNA of humans is the sixth generation of human DNA, and its blueprint allows for the destruction of the planet.

In my work for the past two and a half years, my most important job was to distinguish, clearly, the necessary DNA changes for the creation of the seventh generation DNA: the DNA that will create the humanity that is capable of living at peace with each other, and with the planet, for the period of the Thousand Years of Peace: The Promised Land.

I found 13 missing capacities, that need to be embedded in the new DNA.

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Your Biggest Pain Is Your Biggest Blessing, or How To Awaken The Soul’s Desire

In this 2011 article I will show you how I connected to Soul, and through that connection how I have been able to awaken the desire to connect.

As I have said in other articles, desire is necessary to open the spigot of light… Desire opens and closes this spigot, and you can control desire.

The biggest issue is to awaken this desire: it is not active in Soul.

All the modalities, all the methodologies that talk about soul’s desire, try to cause your conscious self’s desire, and that desire doesn’t open the spigot. This is how I did it…

In 2010, October, I took a program, called the Landmark Forum, for the 20th time.

Why on earth would I do something for 20 times? Well, there was something that I wanted to uncover, that in all the Landmark programs I had never able to get a glimpse of. I wanted to discover how come that in spite of all my talents, in spite of all my diligence, I was never able to stay above “just over broke.”

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Vibrational Review: Trivortex and Brian David Andersen and energized water

Quasi scientific discoveries attract those that think they are smart… But most quasi-scientific discoveries, most of them, are ineffective, fraudulent, and fake. But they sell well… They appeal the the “I am smart” person, and they appeal to the majority that says: Science knows what they are talking about. But this is, even in so-called real science, is a lie… most what passes for scientific is

1. financed by greed, fueled by greed, either for money or for recognition.
2. simply based on a hypothesis that is not true.

With that said: wanting water that energizes your body, wanting more energy is on everyone’s agenda” the perfect playground for marketeers and charlatans.

I myself energize my water. I fashioned my solution after the Sante Water model, without their equipment, although I used those for 15 years. Today I use a Source energy that makes the water coherent… It is simple, and it is inexpensive.

I haven’t had anyone who didn’t see the difference, but that is not my main source of income… so I am not pushing it.

Ok, onto the Vibrational review: enjoy.

As usual, this review was prompted by a student’s email to me.

After I spent two days in pain from checking out an energy “healer” in California, I was quite scared to expose myself again.

Yesterday I cloaked myself diligently every 30 minutes, and before I fell asleep, and woke up well and without pain. So here is the email and here is the review… interesting.
Good morning Sophie.

Could you please test this guy for me and if his products any good? My friend has a wellness shop in town and I used to work for her some. A year ago she sold me a Tri-Vibe and a Disc which I don’t use. Apparently products do something because people report pain disappearing and water tastes better but I have muscle tested it against the body and it makes chakra’s weak and water to me tastes no different. Vortex is very strong I actually feel it. If I put it over my body it makes me dizzy.

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