Great Stuff I want you to See: Are you setting yourself up for failure? You probably are…

Most of what we do, most of what we are taught, most of what we understand sets us up for failure.

I have a lot of success skills, and yet, I am not as successful as I’d like to be.

This past week I started a project of causing, consciously causing success in a particular endeavor, creating and marketing a new product largely unrelated to what I do on this blog.

I have been coming up against a lot of walls, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, wanting to stay comfortable.

And although I am doing this all with my eyes open, as an impartial observer, and I am starting to see methods to break through the blockages, I am sure I have more to learn.

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Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?

I have clients and students who have been in touch, buying stuff or courses since the beginning. That means about 10 years.

There is a certain kinship between us… they look out for me, they consider me, in addition to be their teacher, they consider me someone they want to be well, want to live long, want to succeed.

It is a very interesting experience for the teacher, because often the only thing that makes people listen is the authority the teacher has, by virtue of some achievement. So when they come to me with an idea to help me, I have to go through a process taming my ‘ego’ that wants to stay i the upper position. I ultimately manage to say: they are doing this because they love me… whether it is true or not, ego is willing to listen.
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Is the love that you feel a good guidance for your life?

There is a saying I like: you can feel your way through life.

Is that feeling an emotion?
Question: Is the love that you feel a good guidance for your life?

If there are at least 10 comments, YOUR answers to this question, I will tell you what is Source’s take on this…

Now, comment. Let me know what you think so we can see if you and Source are in alignment, OK? Please…

You can comment anonymously, without anyone knowing your name… by putting anon into the name field. But please use your real email address, or I won’t count your comment as part of the minimum 10 I need…

And you want to know this answer!

The answer to this question will sort out your question: why you aren’t living your soul’s purpose… and how you could.

OK, please comment. Click on the red arrows below!

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Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie

Warning: if you like your glass half filled, if you are a positive thinker, if you are optimistic, if you think hope is good, then please don’t read this article: it will attack your world at its core.

A society or a species that can have coherence and maintain that coherence is a species that survives most any calamity.

If you want to destroy a species (or and individual) you need to introduce incoherence.

Incoherence means: stuff is there that doesn’t fit. That doesn’t work well with the rest of the organism. That conflicts with the goals of the organism.

How is incoherence introduced?

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Don’t even look at the marshmallow…

I like failed experiments. Why? Because successful experiments are more likely the result of confirmation bias… So even in experiments I opt for the Anna Karenina Principle: remove all that isn’t a certain yes, everything that is accidental in the results or make the result a bad result, something I don’t want.

So I am preparing for an experiment today, the “don’t eat the marshmallow” experiment.

I have been, thus far, absolutely unreliable and untrustworthy to not eat something I should not eat, like candy or chocolate, or fruit.

So I ordered a 10 oz bag of dark chocolate covered mint patties, sugar free. Last time I did this I ate all of it within 16 hours…
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Mastery: how to go from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence?

The one rule of the Playground Program: All speaking needs to answer the questions: what happened, what is real?

One of the first things people learn in the Landmark Forum is the idea that most of what you think happened to you, around you, in your life, is a story.

It’s a simple distinction, yet it is profound, it is life altering… for a moment. In the moment of seeing that, it is profound. Then it disappears, it goes underground.  It is replaced completely by the story… Flash in the pan, kitchen fire, not forest fire… Inconsequential. In spite of the fact that when it is alive, when it is operational, it is life altering, transformational. Big.

When I talk to graduates of Landmark’s programs, they, maybe, can give lip-service to this distinction, “story”, they know about it, but if you listen to them, it is not a distinction that is alive and well, guiding them through the maze of mind-full (living from the mind) living, unconscious living, living without distinctions.

My experience has been that a little knowledge will definitely lower your vibration to lower than it was before that little knowledge. Tree of Knowledge… knowing about it, but no mastery.

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A coach’s job is to make you do things you don’t want to do

A discussion with hidden argumentative undertones is going on in the comments of some posts.

It’s about coaching.

Most people want gentle guidance. They want the results, but they want it all to be easy, nice, a walk in the park. They can’t find this anywhere, so they sign up to my coaching calls, but they don’t like what they are getting. They wanted gentle guidance, but they get coaching.

A coach’s job is to make you do what you don’t want to do so you can have what you won’t have if you do what you want to do.

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Seeing Wide and Far plus seeing Reality is the key to the Kingdom

This are the rarest human qualities, rarest capacities of all. They require high level of consciousness… that is why.

Of course no one is high consciousness or low consciousness… we are all on a scale of consciousness.

For example I discovered, doing the experiment with the candy yesterday, through glimpses of my behavior and thoughts, that side by side the high vibration, high consciousness person there are remnants of callousness (showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others, cold hearted, unfeeling) that I wasn’t aware of. It includes me, it includes my health, it includes everyone.

I woke up at 3 am from a nightmare… a tiger was licking my dog (I don’t actually have a dog, I have never had one) before it would eat it, and it was all my fault… I was scrambling for some weapon, until I stumbled onto a rake, and stabbed the tiger with it and it let go of the poor dog.
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Conversations, intimacy, human connection: are you emotionally unavailable? Emotionally slutty?

“Yesterday I was clever and tried to change the world. Today I am wise and try to change myself.” ~ Rumi

I offer private healing sessions to supplement my income. It is mainly a massage, a conversation, and sharing some of my observations for change.

I only see older people, mainly men. I don’t like to work with women in this capacity. I don’t enjoy their energy.

In my screening email exchange I look for two things:

that their vibration is above a certain point, 170 seems to be the minimum, but sometimes I take an exception if a 150 feels right to me.

I spend minutes connected to them, living in their shoes in their vibration, and if I find it miserable, or victim-like, I won’t see them. I find a way to tell them I won’t see them. I lie.

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