Energies… a series… Part 1: Subtle energies

Energies: Subtle energies
This is going to be a series on energies. I will try to make it such that regardless of your vibration, regardless on the level of your education, you will be able to get a glimpse into the invisible world of energies.

Make no mistake about it: energies are invisible. Just like light. You can only see the light’s effects… You don’t see light, you see the effect of it. But you can FEEL energy

If there is nothing to reflect it, to vibrate with it, you’ll see no light.

I am going to use examples, and you are going to “get it.” It will undo some of the misleading information you have been bombarded with.

And knowledge is power. My promise is that after reading this series you’ll have more personal power… Use it for good! Please.
Subtle energies… the energies of unconscious communication

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Pimples, acne, and other unsightly or itchy skin troubles

Humans, are smarter than animals. On the other hand, they are ignoring their cellular intelligence… that has as much knowledge as their mind.

Animal species have survived because they adapted to circumstances, and because only the strongest specimen of each species was allowed to multiply.

Let’s talk about adaptation.

It’s 94 degrees in Syracuse today, and I don’t have air conditioner.

So how do I survive? How am I well regardless of the circumstances?

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Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?

Most people have one or two tools in their tool box… And what is even stranger: they don’t want any more. Why?

Some of you cannot deal with complexity, and therefore you will deny your right to feel feelings. And some of you will indulge your feelings and never look, never ask any probing questions that could let you see what is really going on…

What am I talking about?

In the Playground program, always starting new groups, we attempt to bring clarity to life, we attempt to reclaim our power over our lives by separating what life seems to be, what seems to be happening in many different ways. One of these is having a “reality” side, everything a Martian could see or detect, and another that is all words.
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Correction or fix? When are they the same? or how to become an intelligent consumer?

I am a people watcher. I watch what they do, I watch the emotions underlying the behavior… the hidden stuff.

Even people whose life philosophy is to help people take missteps into the arena to offering fixes. But for most practitioners it’s a pretense thinly veiling that they are in business to make money…

What is the difference between fixing and correction?
It is not easy to see if something is a fix or if it is a correction.

You fix something that is wrong, on the same level of thinking that created the wrong.

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Maslow, emergency, up to your arse in alligators – do you have the skills to be successful?

I have a friend. We’ve just recently created an alliance: we support each other in our goal to build a new business. He builds one for himself, I build one for myself. For fun and profit.

We talk on Skype. He teaches me more about people and about what might be the reason people are underachievers than anyone before… not because he is especially screwed up, but because of the context: we talk to build… different from my normal calls, which are coaching calls… got it?

Here are the things I am learning about what is missing to be a winner, to successfully build something new:

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Ten signs that you are on the path of spiritual awakening

I know your spirituality is a private matter, but your generosity, or the lack thereof, unfortunately, very visible to all, and felt by you: stinginess feels bad, trust me I have been there.

Sharing is generous. Especially when you don’t want to… Almost as effective in raising your vibration as the secret tool I have shared before, validation.

Ten signs that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening:

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What to expect after gene adjustment? What will change?

I offered free gene tree testing in yesterday’s article to people I already know. A lot of people resonated with the misbehaving genes, and wanted to know if their lives are not working, if they are not very happy and successful because of those misbehaving genes.

So I was testing that…  Your DNA tree. The genes that should turn on or turn off on their own, but they they didn’t.

The baby genes: Two genes (I call them baby-genes) that are very useful in babyhood that normally turn off at some point to make you responsible for your actions, make you someone who can become self-sufficient and productive in life. These genes normally turn off by school-age… but for many of you one or both didn’t turn off, and the gene(s) ‘on’ left you with a life you don’t love, left you with a self that is hard to love. It left you feeling and acting entitled and thus unable to take the actions necessary to create a life and a self you can love.
The permission gene: Another such gene isn’t on for a baby, because it would make the baby not want to be a baby, not want to remain dependent. I call that the permission gene. At some point in life, around 8-9 the gene should turn on, but for many of you it didn’t or hasn’t. It is a gene that prohibits the child to go too far from the parent, from the safety of the home… but later in life that ‘permission’ is crucial to allow you to be willing and able to explore, do new things, to enjoy life, and to grow yourself and your ‘playground’.

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Updated: Is Sophie something special? Does she have special powers? Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach?

Am I something special? Do I have special powers? Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach?

Am I better? Am I special?

I am going to share with you what I see may be the reason. Is it the truth? I’ll check, sentence by sentence, with muscle testing, if it is, and so only what was checked and double-checked will remain in this article.

I know this is a question foremost in your mind, because people I speak with, ask the same question, with a sly all-knowing smile on their face… they are humoring me… kind of.

After all I am a middle-aged woman with an accent, nothing special about me, nothing that meets the eye. I deliberately underdress, and I as much as my own soul-correction permits I make sure that everyone understands that I don’t think myself superior or special in any way.

So what is it that allows me to see things that others don’t? Because I do…

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