Cats leave paw prints on your heart…

I have a magnet on my refrigerator door that says: Cats leave paw prints on your heart.

And they do. You remember your pets fondly… and often.

I remember one woman, often, and fondly, even though she was an enigma to me.

We met at the psych ward and spent some time, every day, together. I met her husband, son, and mother in law… whom I knew from work: she was an acoustic engineer advising me when I was the architect for acoustic practice rooms for the Hungarian Academy of Music.

My friend was in the psych board because she could not sleep. I was there because I didn’t want to live.
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Happiness or misery… the invisible dynamic

Tikkun is a Hebrew word, means correction.

I am yet to hear a Westerner, or an Easterner use the word: correction. The world, nowadays, is into “fixing”.

Fixing is an ugly world, immediately signaling what the speaker sees, that there is something wrong and it urgently needs to be fixed, because it is wrong that it is. Reactive.

But when emotions run high, the cone of vision narrows, your intelligence plummets, and stupid as the stupid does, your fixing creates new problems, that are the next thing to fix.

Compare that with the approach of correction… course correction… returning to the path of true north.
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Knowledge is not enough…

Unless it’s accurate knowledge… i.e. true, tested, from an accurate source.
Unless you know what you learned… unless you know what you know… you didn’t learn anything.
And unless what you leaned changes your behavior, inside or outside, nothing will change.

All learning is behavior modification, modifying behavior to become more fit to life, to play the game of life better, for yourself and for the human race.
So how do you modify behavior?
The process starts with an insight. The more energy is in the insight, the more energy you can or are willing to bring to the insight, the easier it will be to make the modification.
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The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…

Rob Brezsny writes: U2’s singer Bono, says that all of us suffer from the sense that something’s missing from our lives. We imagine that we lack an essential quality or experience, and its absence makes us feel sad and insufficient. French philosopher Blaise Pascal referred to this emptiness as “a God-shaped hole.” Bono adds that “you can never completely fill that hole,” but you may find partial fixes through love and sex, creative expression, family, meaningful work, parenting, activism, and spiritual devotion. I bring this to your attention, because I have a strong suspicion that in the coming weeks you will have more power to fill your God-shaped hole than you’ve had in a long time.
If you look at Bono’s take on the human condition, that we are designed to be forever somewhat unfulfilled, to experience a gnawing black hole in our insides, what Bono calls the “god-shaped hole” a 3% truth value statement… then, muscle test says, the truth part is that some things provide temporary relief, reprieve from the feeling of that emptiness, but it is his list that is flawed… not the idea: him including meaningful work, for example, don’t belong to the list. Neither does creative expression… the rest: it depends on you. Parenting could fulfill you, but often you don’t know what the heck you are doing, so it leaves the hole unfilled.

The idea that this hole is part and parcel with being human is valid empirically, and it also makes sense that a physically weak species can only survive if they have this desire to be more, to know more.
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Why can the 1% do what you can’t do? And how could you?

In my site’s statistics, it is readily apparent that 70% of all visitors to my site are brand new, and have never visited before. They come from some old article, and have no idea about the scope of the work that is delivered here.

Most of the visitors are interested in finding out their eating style… The second biggest group is interested in the law of attraction as far as getting money, attracting money goes.

And the third highest number are people who think they are already enlightened…

Maybe two people a week are interested in what I am really doing: using energy to transform misery to productivity and fulfillment… Turn 99 percenters into 1 percenters.

Only a few people refer their friends or their family to me, because what happens to them is not flashy. Starting out being miserable like everyone else but pretending to be happy, thinking yourself worthless, not OK, not measuring up, going to finally getting things done, paying attention to what is important, etc. is not flashy: most people cannot see the difference.
You really cannot see what you cannot distinguish.
Losing 30 lbs? Yeah, very visible. Having a pile of money? Very visible. No need to see how, and why, and what it took… By the way.

This article will, through three clients’ recent email, show you what happens that unless you can see it, you can’t see it. All the results happen from clients starting to see what they could not see before.
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Do you want to be a hero or will you settle for being a dutiful serf?

What would happen if they passed a law that no one can take money until the buyer says he/she has used and is satisfied with their purchase… because the product or program delivered on its promises?

Judging from many testimonials, the majority of buyers leave their testimonial before they test or consume what they paid for. They like the packaging, the color of the stuff… or the accent of the coach… so they are happy. With what? one might ask…

I wonder how much these people value themselves and their money… My guess is: not much.
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How to get reasonably clear of your past?

This morning, while I was measuring someone’s starting point measurements, I wondered if there was another word for the desire measure. And it is… drumroll: entitlement. The person feels entitled to get from nature, from the universe, from the world those things that are desired without having to earn it, work for it, barter for it, compete for it… just because they are themselves. Knowledge, love, respect, compliments, stuff, money… It is almost always the same number as the lack of humility number, how much you think of yourself as the center of the universe, as it’s about you, take things personally.

The higher those two numbers are the less satisfying life becomes, because you always feel cheated.

Every young child thinks that the world, other people, their emotional state and response is centered around them.

So when something happens, and something always happens! they are sure it has something to do with them, that somehow they caused it.
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Long term memory…

Connecting the dots… Cognitive performance… Cognitive activity… what am I talking about?

Cognition, according to the dictionary is “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.” Acquiring knowledge means: it stays… NOT merely understanding. You’ll see why later in this article.

As clients get better results nowadays, I am now really motivated to get better myself, to be able to help them get even better results.

So I read more books, watch more relevant videos, have extra conversations to home in on what isn’t working as well yet as I hoped it would, and what would.
How do I learn?

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How high can you go from where you are?

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.

This article is a result of that few minutes of looking today.

Oh, I mostly look at people who signed up to get an email notification each time I publish a new article… by the way. Those people have expressed interest, so I want to see what people who say “I am interested” are doing.

There are two kinds of “readers” that I have detected.

The first kind reads the whole article, reads the footnotes, and then returns later and reads the article again.
The second kind skims the articles. Skims 2-3 articles per minute, looking for something interesting to read.

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Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken

Fix Broken Sh!t First; I got an email with that title this morning, so I am using it. This is the perfect title for this article…

You see, human nature is weird… It tries to fix everything by throwing stuff at it making it more broken. Add stuff…

When you have indigestion, or when you are sick, or when you are tired… You want to put food on it. You buy stuff… You throw sex on it. Coffee on it. Complaining on it. The kitchen sink on it.

I have noticed that anything anyone says about you or your stuff triggers a self-protection mechanism, as if you have anything about you that is not perfect means you are wrong, or don’t deserve to live, or maybe deserve to die.

Totally out of proportion reaction to the size of the threat.
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