How will increasing the accuracy of your vocabulary lead you to a fuller experience of life, joy, purpose?

Yesterday I had a conversation where I had a number of opportunities to see how and what way your unclarity, your vocabulary, shows up, not as a theory, but as a reality.

How it prevents you from seeing reality, or hearing what is being said.

It was somewhat new to me, so if it was new to me, it will be really new to you.

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Turn around fast enough to catch your shadow

This article explains how come that you can only interact with Maya, which is ‘not that’ in Sanskrit, i.e. not reality, illusion, shadow play, the hologram, etc.

It is much less mystical than the Vedanta imagines it: it is quite simple and it’s explained in this article.

Without the capacity that I speak about here, you are going to continue living in Maya for all your life.
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Stay Open In The Pain. Experience it with your eyes open

Yehuda Berg says: Our spiritual work is to grow more connected to others around us. Our obstacle to building bridges to other people is stored hurt. Perceived or real… When we don’t resolve conflicts in our relationships, our lives can’t move forward.

Today, tell your boyfriend or boss or brother exactly what you want, what you feel, what you think. You are going to worry about what they will say or think. And honestly, that’s the work. Just expose yourself and be vulnerable. Ask the Light to give you the strength to stay open in the pain.

Your soul will love you for having the courage to speak up.

You see, pain is inevitable in life. No matter where or when you were born, your financial situation, your family situation, whether you are fat or thin, sick or healthy, loved or despised… pain is inevitable.
Mind you, suffering is optional… and while it is true, this is not what this blogpost is about.

You see, I just hung up on skype with a friend of mine from Architecture School, Panni. We went to architecture school together is Budapest, and we got reunited about 3-4 years ago. We now speak once or twice a week on skype, with camera. It is the most intimate medium ever, it is like we are sitting at her kitchen table and drink tea or coffee and talk.
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Do you need passion to love your work? Purpose? the right work? What is the truth about that?

One of my ex-students sent me an email today. He is an ex-student, because I could not get him to achieve any results whatsoever.

But he has sent me valuable information before, so I read the email.

He sent me to a short video about Cal Newport’s book: Be so good they can’t ignore you.

I watched it. It was good. 30% truth value. Same as the book. 30% truth value is exceptional… but…

It is a topic that is in the forefront of most people’s mind: how to have the eight plus hours of work, the activity that provides you with enough money to live on, enjoyable. Not drudgery. Not feeling like a tool, feeling like a slave. Not something you have to do, but something you get to do. Not something that after that you can have your own life… something you are deprived of for eight whole hours.

Thousands of books are written to these people… and all of them are low truth value.

When something is only 30% truth value, you can be sure it won’t work unless you find the missing truth.
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Don’t judge a book by its cover

Quoting from Rob Brezsny:
In the nights to come, I expect you will dream of creatures like fiery monsters, robot warriors, extraterrestrial ghosts, and zombie vampires. But here’s the weird twist: They will be your helpers and friends. They will protect you and fight on your behalf as you defeat your real enemies, who are smiling pretenders wearing white hats. Dreams like this will prepare you well for events in your waking life, where you will get the chance to gain an advantage over fake nice guys who have hurt you or thwarted you.

I am a rough and tumble Hungarian/Israeli/New Yorker.

Most people, especially in the South, California, Canada, and Australia, people think I am a little too rough, to straight forward, bordering on rude and arrogant.

I am your fiery monster from the above quote. I fight on your side, I fight on your behalf.

Your real enemies are the white robed, white hat donning, smiling pretenders.

How do you know I am honest? You don’t. How do you know I am telling the truth? You don’t.

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Why you cannot spin plates… why your life is like an obstacle course… ups and downs…

Roller coasters are fun, exciting, and you can scream all you want… But when your whole life is a roller coaster, 24/7, that is not fun. That is exhausting.

I used to feel like my life was a roller coaster. Like people, emotions (my reactions to people, events, tasks) were jerking me left and jerking me right.

I hated the experience. I like smooth. I like to feel in control of my life and my inner state.

But nothing I knew could do that for me, smooth out my ride… nothing. … and believe me, I tried.

I took courses. I learned to use energies. I exercised. Nothing seemed to eliminate the roller coaster… until… until a few months ago. The ride was getting smoother… but life was still jerking me.
In this article I’ll teach you what’s going on in the invisible, that life is like that… and what to do about it.
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Who am I and what gives me the right to write about Kabbalah

Good question, right? You were just about asking that… Gotcha!

OK, simple question, simple answer.

First I tell you what I am not:

I am not a Kabbalist. Kabbalists study, practice, and teach Kabbalah full time, for many many years. It could be even said that being a Kabbalist is like an insider… you need to be appointed.
I am not a teacher of Kabbalah
I am not a guru
I am not someone who knows a lot about Kabbalah but doesn’t live it.

OK, then what am I?
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I watched the second season of Goliath on Amazon yesterday…

I watched the second season of Goliath on Amazon yesterday.

It was a huge let-down. Not because it was bad, but because it was truthful.

We have been acclimated, we have been trained, to expect that the good will always win. The other people can fight your fight. That there is hope.

There is no hope.

I could have expected that from Billy Bob Thornton, after his Sling blade movie. But I was still jarred awake.

And if I needed to be jarred awake, you doubly, triply need to be jarred awake.

Your understanding of the world, your world view has handed your life, your control, over to others… who use it to enrich themselves.

Your accurate vocabulary is so low partially because you are taught to think positive, you are taught to close your eyes instead of looking at reality.
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Healing, Curing, Self-Healing… a case study and a half

I just hung up with my friend. He sounded week…

Turns out he spent the past week in bed, has fever, and seems to have a systemic infection.

I, of course, volunteered to look around, see what I see, and do some healing work if I can.

He has a bacterial infection, a food carried bacteria, food poisoning, specifically he ate salad in a restaurant on his trip to Georgia the week before.

The doctor gave him a wide spectrum antibiotic.

The cause of weakness, and discomfort is now from the excretion of the bacteria.

Bacteria makes you ill by its byproduct… this bacteria seems to have a nerve toxin as a byproduct: my friend’s whole right side is shutting down, his right arm is already starting to be numb.

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Enlightenment? Is there an outlined path towards it?

Great stuff I want you to read. I found this on Quora

When you read all the comments (there are tons of them) you can see how much tree of knowledge there is out there, wishful thinking, hoping that there is no work in becoming enlightened.
I think that if you are hoping to lighten your load, and start soaring, you have come to the right place.

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