Stepping up to the plate

Landmark Education was born in 1991. With its name change it also, appropriately, introduced a “new technology”.

The new technology was based on an earlier statement or assertion: that who you are in the present is given by the future you are living into.

It was also said like this: What gives you who you are in the present moment is the future you are living into.

But, although they were illustrating this assertion with a story , what they meant was this: what gives your being and consequently your actions in the present moment is who you invented yourself to be.

Let’s say you invent yourself to be a winner… what give your being and consequently your actions in the present, that no matter what you do, you’ll at least end up landing on your feet… and that makes you, automatically, a winner. And some of the time you’ll win more than just your safety or your life… you may win some stuff, some arguments, etc.

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The tail of the dragon… or wherein hides the power.

I started this topic, the dragon tail, in the third of today’s mini podcast episode… It is going to require a lot of looking to flash it out, so I am turning to the modality that can bear thinking, and doesn’t complain if between two sentences hours or days pass… like audio and video would. And maybe even private conversations.
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The Bible Codes… is it like UFO’s and fairies? What does Kabbalah have to say?

I read the book many years ago. Just after it came out. I had been wondering if it was fiction. The number of websites on the bible codes is high, bad sign. If it were really true, probably no one cared, I reasoned.
Until today. I found a move that is the Kabbalah Centre’s take on the bible code. Fascinating.
The Bible Codes according to Kabbalah

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High desire… it must be a good thing, right?

Desire vs ambition. What is the difference? Which one should you have?

For most people words mean something… approximately. Their life reflects this unclarity. Clarity is one of the most important determinants of one’s life… this is why I measure it in the starting point measurements.

I watched a guy who until his clarity went up to 3500, he was miserable.

Most people I measure have a clarity of 200-400. Puny at best, sh*tty life. Guaranteed.

Ok, desire and ambition. Let’s agree what the words mean… energetically.

Desire is 100% desire to receive for the self alone. Wanting something for yourself but not being willing, not even considering doing work to get it. If someone else has what you want, you envy it, you are jealous of them… but to match the work they did… hell no.

Ambition, on the other hand is a willingness to work, to sweat, to do for one’s own fulfillment. The higher your ambition the more you can accomplish the faster.

Desire takes the energy away from ambition…
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Pick your battles…

Pick your battles… have an organizing principle

A good 20 years ago I had lunch with a famous seminar leader from Landmark. We had a long history, and she shared with me how unhappy she was, and how ready she was to quit leading seminars for Landmark Education.

I was quite dumbfounded… she was the best in the country, the most effective…

She said: “We teach people to be more effective, and many use the technology to be more effectively dupe people, abuse people, exploit people, make the world a worse place than it would be if they were not equipped with what we teach them.”

I didn’t have an answer for her… but I was pondering that myself for the past 20 years.

And this morning I am as close to having an answer as ever…

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Superpowers: the magic of synergy

Sometimes you need to see a bad attitude, a bad behavior, and suspect that what you are looking at is a mirror. Ugh.

I saw ingratitude with one of my clients and it was killing me.

It took me some time, but I started to see my own attitude in the client.

Whenever I see something ugly about myself I swing into action… Remember? There is no way I am going to be anything less than magnificent… Why? I am sure it’s ego. I am sure it’s superiority.

But ego and superiority can fuel growth… and I use it abundantly. .

How is this new? Previously I was sure only I had superpowers… :-\ lol… not funny.

Sigh. I could cry, but I choose to mine this vein of gold instead.[/note]

In the next client session I caught a glimpse of something unusual about that particular client.

Your superpower is connected to something weird about you. I’ll explain what I mean by weird, off kilter, off usual… unusual.

You can be dyslexic. You could have been abused but not broken. You could have been shipped off to North Carolina without ever telling you what you did wrong. You could be weird… but all your weirdness comes from some lack, some pain, some discomfort, some misery.

Everything that happened to you, done to you, lacking from you can be the foundation of your superpower. I am not saying it will be… it can be.

I was a preemie, dyslexic, severe gastric issues (gluten, fructose, vegetable oil intolerance as it, decades later, turned out.) Insomnia, being blind as a bat… lots of weird stuff…

I was also abused.

Not something you are told to rejoice about, but in this article you’ll find out that those therapists were all wrong. Really. Being “normal” is highly overrated and NOT FUN.

Some people made a name for themselves… like Debbie Ford who calls this weird thing about you your shadow side.
Tai Lopez calls this your mess (Make your mess your message)

On a planet with nearly eight billion people you won’t stand out unless you have a superpower or two.

And we all want to stand out. It is genetic. It is in our DNA.

Now, truth be told, even if you know what could be your superpower, you may not know what the heck to do with it. It is still true for the coaching client, and that meeting was a month ago.

Your superpower is a how and a who, not a what… and hows and who’s are hard to see.

This is true for most people.

If you have a friend, an amazing parent, a coach, a teacher with enough generosity and enough insight can be of assistance to you to see your superpower.

I always recommend using the superpower in combination to create an edge effect.

The second element is a second weirdness… if you have one.

The two together can create a strange alchemy that works like magic.

You can experiment with different combinations. The best outcome is from making an eclectic mix of things… this is what I have done for myself. A soup with many ingredients.

But here is the
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Parallel Universes… according to Kabbalah

I found a movie that explains this. The explanation will surprise you and delight you. It is actually easier to travel between the universes than you thought. You don’t need a time machine, and you don’t need a rocket that flies faster than light. You have been actually doing it without your knowledge.

Find out what you have been doing, so you can start doing what you have always wanted to do.
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Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…
The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…
Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect

The streetlight effect is a type of observational bias where people only look for whatever they are searching by looking where it is easiest. The search itself may be referred to as a drunkard’s search.

Taken from an old joke about a drunkard who is searching for something he has lost, the parable is told several ways but typically includes the following details:

A policeman sees a drunk man…
…searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, ‘this is where the light is.’
David H. Freedman apparently coined the phrase ‘streetlight effect,’ but the story and concept were used in the social sciences since at least 1964, by Abraham Kaplan, where he refers to this as ‘the principle of the drunkard’s search’

Science is divided. There are the Creationists who say that god created the universe, designed everything and all we can do is go with it.

And then there are the scientists who say: man is a machine, life is an accident, and their inquiry and methods are consistent with this context.
As you may notice, I am not going to support or argue with either of them: both of them are theories from the limited perspective of the human mind. They all look under the streetlight.
What I am intending to talk about is what both miss.
Although in my coaching practice I see it clearly that NO ONE IS LOOKING… even when all the pieces they should look for are on the board… they look inside, in their minds… supposing that the answer to any question is there… ugh… talk about ineffectiveness…

But the difference between the two camps is most visible, when they talk about intrinsic motivation.

That small part, or aspect of a human that isn’t connected to the mind, isn’t connected to anything physical.

Call it the spirit, the spark, the divine part of a human. It shines through the eyes of a child, and then slowly dims in most people…

That part that knows that you are imbued with something that doesn’t come from the survival game of the genes, from the horizontal plane of dog eat dog world.
That you are in the world but not of the world
But it is also not part of the ‘positive thinking’, pious, all mind stuff. It is NOT mind. It is not even brain. Not thinking. It is what can be called Consciousness.

It is what can be
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You have invested so much into spiritual teaching!

These should be frequently asked questions, and yet no one asks these questions, as a rule

I am continuing the practice of giving free strategy sessions to people who buy the Starting Point Measurements.

It’s work for me. It’s hard on my body having to be with their resistance, fear, or whatever they are feeling. It’s often talking to people whom, in normal circumstances, I would avoid. Why? Because they are argumentative, because they are often hostile, and because only one in 13 knows that I am an empath, what is an empath, and how I got to the measurements I got to. So they never did any work on knowing what they are paying for.

So, it’s hard. And yet. Sitting in my ivory tower is not useful any more.
Each person brings something to light I would not have otherwise seen.
For example a person yesterday. Soul correction “Finish What You Start”… I have other people with this soul correction, and they are argumentative. But I never realized that this is part of this soul correction. Arguing is a type of resistance: you block input and you put yourself in control… I don’t do well with people who argue. They, intentionally, put me on the defensive, and I have nothing to defend…

So for this learning I am grateful. I don’t work well with this type of soul correction… with this type of attitude.

The second thing I learned from this person is through a question he asked:
How come that I am still doing so poorly after I have invested so much into spiritual teaching?

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What Is The Difference Between A Highly Intelligent Person And A ‘Normal’ Person? Can Intelligence Be Activated?

Does the intelligent person have more brain cells?

The difference is to what degree they use what they have. Or how they use it… or for what…

It is said, that most people use 2-3 percent of their brain. That statement is not entirely true, they use more, but not for thinking.

The rest of the brain is used for fear based negative thoughts. Or to mill water… Ponder stuff that doesn’t matter, fret, worry, explain in your head… yeah, the stuff your mind is busy with.

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