Stoic vs. Epicurean… Will you get unstuck from the desire trap.

Imagining, the desire trap is an Epicurean way of living. You imagine what you want, enjoy the pleasures from it, and never invest in a future where you could actually have, in reality, what you wanted.
I just finished Step 10 of the 67 steps… this is my tenth, maybe eleventh round through the 67 audios. It’s given me, so far 26 months of being light on my feet… instead of flat footed.

I have changed a lot in these 26 months. I changed, but more importantly, what I see, what I CAN see has changed.
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How can I help you grow? How can I help you raise your vibration?

My business is to teach you and coach you to do what it takes to raise your vibration.

It is very difficult to explain to anyone how to raise their vibration… because your current vibration prevents you from hearing what I say. And yet, my job is to teach you how to raise your vibration.

A few weeks ago I asked all my subscribers to answer a question: “what do you want in your life?”

I intentionally made the question very generic and very general, because some of the subscribers have been my students, and some spent as many as one hour total on the site, so there is a whole range of people with a whole wide range of exposure to my work.

Most of the answers were predictable: people said what they wanted to get or to have or to experience…

A few of the answers were something that told me that the person is willing to work towards that…

And one person was specific enough and also asked for help so I’d like to answer his questions publicly:

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How to get smarter with the same brain you had yesterday… Or dumber… this is the direction most people go

I wrote this article on Thursday… two days ago. I just didn’t want to jam up your pipes…

Lots of people are looking for some remedy, some solution for low IQ. Interestingly most of them are from developing countries. Mainly from Asia.

But occasionally Westerners notice, also, that they are not very smart, that they cannot think well. Same IQ, different experience.

But let’s consider that you are just foggy… that you are less smart than your usual self… what is going on?

Your brain turns slower, it misses stuff… and your results are less than pristine. You don’t see, you don’t hear, you are in a fog, or maybe molasses.

This happens to me too, but unless I am challenged, it is hard to notice. You notice that your brain is off only when you really need it.
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It may be true that the key to the kingdom is gratitude and appreciation, but just like humility, gratitude is rare

There is pretense gratitude… just like there is pretense humility. Ultimately your actions tell the real story.
I have been having shorter or longer conversations with people who ask for their Starting Point Measurements.

It’s, as it is usual with me, an experiment. I ask for my time at $200-$250 an hour, and I give away 3-4 hours a week in strategy sessions. I am starting to feel the tiredness… in fact this morning I woke up exhausted.

For most people time is just time… not any currency… but for me it is the most valuable non-renewable resource. It is not just time, it is all I have… And it is hard on my brain, hard on my body, hard on my nervous system as I am giving all I have to a client.

Normally, when I talk to someone, they politely thank me for my time. Each time I get a stab of pain, sadness, when someone thanks me for my time.
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Would The Michelangelo Method Work For You With Your Money Blueprint?

The Michelangelo Method and your money blueprint
In a previous article I told you about the three-phase methodology of changing your money blueprint, that will allow you to make, keep, and enjoy more financial benefits than your money blueprint currently allows you to have.

The 3 steps were:

The first part of the process is to diagnose.
The second part of the process is to shift.
The third part of the process is to create a new set-point.

What are not spoken of in the plan are the common actions we all do that backfire and make all our actions ineffective, and work against our best interest.

I dubbed this method the Michelangelo Method because it has its emphasis on removing these actions, thoughts, and beliefs, in one word the causes, that work against the masterpiece you were meant to be. By removing these active elements (the part of you that is not the masterpiece), you’ll be left with your masterpiece… just like Michelangelo was left with David after he chipped away everything that was not David.
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The attitude of high self-esteem, does it help you or hinder you? Here is your answer…

High self-esteem can be expressed in the picture of the cat looking in the mirror seeing herself as a lion. But is she? No. Therefore, any time she is just a cat, doing what cats do, she will feel bad about herself, because she isn’t living up to her own self-image of a roaring lion. She won’t be happy just being a cat, she won’t take correction, she’ll argue with you to death that she is OK, she doesn’t need to change, that she is a perfect lion.

That cat is you, my dear. Result: everything you try to change your life fails, because in order to change you need to allow yourself to not be perfect. In order to be trained, you need to empty your mind of everything that’s there, and declare yourself ignorant.

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What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…

Part of my job as a ‘evolver’ (evolver as in causing the evolution) of the human race is to see what is the wrong.

To see what is unsustainable, untenable about human attitude and behavior. Why is it that humanity, time and time again destroys itself starting over from nothing.

I am starting to see that it is the possession and power over things and others… the hunger and the desire for more and more, better, and different.
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