Who do you like? Who do you love? Who is the one loving?

Or here is another question for you: Who are you?

If you asked back: What do you mean? you did the smart thing. Because the question: who are you? can be asked from so many vantage points, we can spend hours exploring that.
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On growing as a person, on getting guidance, on learning

I wrote this article five years ago. I never published it… Enjoy.

I am using my squeamishness to learn from it.
How I find the next leg of our journey.
I turn a controversy into a guidance.
How I keep on growing… and you could too… but you forget to do it.

I always take a mental note when I quit watching a certain movie. A movie that until that point I liked…
Today that diligence in watching has led me to a rule, and a principle I didn’t know about.

I am trying to remove a rule every day… this is a new practice I’ve started)

I can’t tolerate, can’t watch, can’t stomach someone putting mind altering drugs, heroin, crack, etc. in their bodies.

It has something to do with my ancestry. Being of a tribe who, unless we were aware, and awake, and beware, were killed, annihilated, burned to the ground.

I probably take it to the extreme.

In 1970 I was offered two full ride scholarships to Princeton, and another University I didn’t even consider. I spent almost a year trying to decide, and in the end the usual scene from an American movie: the husband arrives home. Puts down his hat and walks to the drink cabinet, makes two drinks and walks to his wife and says, then: hello.

Really, I did not want to study in a country that was running from being sober, from being aware, from being all there.

I am not against drinking… I just don’t drink. And don’t want to deal with people who like to live in unreality.

It is mighty strange, if you ask me how I ended up with nearly every client and student a TLB 1.
Freud says in Civilization And Its Discontents:
The life imposed on us is too hard for us to bear: it brings too much pain, too many disappointments, too many insoluble problems. If we are to endure it, we cannot do without palliative measures. (As Theodor Fontane told us, it is impossible without additional help.)

Of such measures there are perhaps three kinds:
–powerful distractions, which cause us to make light of our misery,
–substitutive satisfactions, which diminish it, and
–intoxicants, which anaesthetize us to it.

Something of this sort is indispensable. Voltaire has distractions in mind when he ends his Candide with the advice that one should cultivate one’s garden; another such distraction is scholarly activity.

Substitutive satisfactions, such as art affords, are illusions that contrast with reality, but they are not, for this reason, any less effective psychically, thanks to the role that the imagination has assumed in mental life.

Intoxicants affect our physical constitution and alter its chemistry.

It is not easy to define the position that religion occupies in this series. We shall have to approach the matter from a greater distance.
Now, after reading again Freud’s words: I have, I experience the same aversion to the other ‘palliative measures.’

xxxI am observing my students. Not much escapes my awareness.

One of the things I noticed, that what’s missing from
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Why do you want to change?

A guru I used to know, had a conversation with members of his staff, when they wanted to marry someone.

In fact, he saw the couple.

The conversation’s purpose was to find out if the relationship can last or not.

The questions the guru asked of each half of the couple:

what is wrong with the other person

can you be (can you love them, tolerate them, live with them forever) with what’s wrong with them?

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The boy in striped pajamas – propaganda for what?

The boy in striped pajamas… I must be off my rockers, right?

If you have been reading my articles for any length of time, you know that movies are a fertile ground for me to see stuff about myself, about the nature of ego, etc.

This article I am going to write about The boy in the striped pajamas

Why? I trust my inner voice, and my inner voice has been doing two things today: made me sing the “Amazing Grace” and ponder about the ending of that movie.

So, what’s up with that movie? Great title, eh, the boy in striped pajamas, who would not want to watch that?!

Ever since I read the Ayn Rand book, Atlas Shrugged, my eyes have opened, and see things I didn’t consciously see before.
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I didn’t know that I didn’t know! The the dangers of thinking you know something that actually isn’t true

What you don’t know that you don’t know

If you are like me at any point you think that what you know is how it is. And that makes you stuck.

Here is what happened that woke me up from this seductive illusion that what I know is so.

I have been fascinated with nut butters. OK… nothing fancy in that…

I bought a machine to make nut butters, and it was a tedious job: 90% of the time was scraping the wall of the bowl… or the machine would run as if it were empty.
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The Quiver of Clarity in many many many words…

PS: Here is an email I got from a fellow coach, Terry Dean.
It’s brilliant, and although he never says the word ‘clarity’, the whole article is about clarity. Awareness. And accuracy. Read it. it’s good read.

I also identify with what he says what is his strength as a coach: being able to see what’s missing, and what is amiss… Amiss = not quite right; inappropriate or out of place.

He has a Mentoring Club, where he talks, and the members listen.
I have a coaching program that is daily individual conversations between me and the paying member.
Two different styles of coaching.
The result, alas, depends 100% on the person being coached. On their awareness, on their accuracy, and on their clarity. And, of course on their implementation, aka actions.

OK… here is the email he sent:
Last week I was talking to one of my clients about his long-term business plans.

Where did he want to be 3 years from now?

He saw a multi-million dollar company that was continually growing (he is already coming close to the million dollar mark now).

But he didn’t want to be the manager. Keeping everyone going in the right direction needs to be someone else’s responsibility.

His role would be the mad scientist coming up with discoveries behind the scenes.

Because that’s what he does best.

That’s when he feels most free.

He’s that slightly disheveled guy who’s kept in the back room.

Wouldn’t want him allowed out, or he might scare the ‘normal’ people.

He can’t stand the day-to-day humdrum.

He’s all about testing and tracking… figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Try a totally new mixture. That’s how he creates breakthroughs.

And he’s happiest when he gets to do that without distraction.

My goal is help him get there. It means putting the right team members and systems in place to make it happen.

When you first start a business, pretty much any kind of business, you wear a ton of hats.

You’re in charge of the products, the marketing, the customer service, the planning, and what feels like a million other things.

That’s why you feel so overwhelmed.

It’s too much.

You feel that first measure of freedom though. This is your thing. No longer are you working to make someone else rich.

That initial excitement can carry you through until you gain some momentum.

But you need to discover what your personal gifts are as soon as possible.

Out of all the activities you’re doing, which ones fit your skill set?

There are some things you’ll struggle with. No matter how hard you try to improve, you’ll never be all that great. You need to eliminate, automate, or delegate those activities.

But there are other activities which just seem to come naturally to you.

Not only are you excellent at them, but they also energize you.

They fulfill you.

You’ve probably heard experts talk about how you need to concentrate on $1,000/hour work. Focus on what brings in the money.

But here’s what most

What are beliefs? And what keeps you from what you want?

Is there really such a thing as a belief?

One of the things that keep you stuck is the language that you use.

One of the words that definitely hand over the reins to someone else is the word belief.

I, personally, argue that such a thing even exists.

Approaching life, approaching reality, approaching tasks with inadequate tools, antiquated tools will lead to disaster, and that is where you, most of you, find yourself.

Lots of words, lots of books, lots of talking, but no advancement. Neither personally, nor as a race.

As a true empath, I actually see why.

You and everything you read is stuck on the surface. On the seeming working of the Universe, or in this case, the seeming working of a human.

If we dealt with computers, or cars, or even houses the way we deal with, try to fix, etc. humans, ourselves, our thinking, our behavior, we would go back to the stone age.
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Intrinsic Values and Your Vibrational Frequency

In the All-That-Is vibration, which is the highest accessible to human beings, you’ll find all the intrinsic values, just like in a perfectly polished diamond, all facets of the diamond reflect the perfection of the whole.
What can raise your vibration? The mirror effect
In this article, we’ll need to distinguish three things:

1. what are intrinsic values
2. what you complain about others shows something fundamental about you
3. what you are, you attract
What are intrinsic values?

Intrinsic values (I use this as an ethical term) are the many qualities, capacities and feelings one would strive for, although they do not produce or provide anything tangible and fly in the face of self-interest.

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Is the Universe friendly to you?

I sent out an email:
My email exchange
I sent out an email the other day. here is the whole email:
Is building confidence a topic you like?
I have been looking at topics that may be of interest to you, and so far, I have settled on building confidence…
Do you agree that if you had more confidence, you’d do more, you’d have more fun, you’d accomplish more, you’d feel better about yourself?
Please hit reply and let me know what you think.
There are no right answers, and there are no wrong answers. Only YOUR answer that matters to me.
I can’t wait. I’ll answer your email, I promise.
thank you in advance,
The answers knocked me conscious… Most of my subscribers don’t live on the same planet as me… we don’t see eye to eye…
The duping of the planet is almost complete…
Until you get that you are on your own, and the Universe is NOT on your side, your life will be hell.

Here are some of the email exchanges… and at the end of this article, I’ll point the way to a world where people are smart (YOU?) and self-sufficient…

Yes, Sophie, thanks! I agree. But I’d like to tell you one more thing that I’m not actually able to overcome – I cannot believe (I have no confidence) that the Universe is really on my side. You know, after too much time when things are going wrong (I mean years) and I can see a solution that would be for the best of everyone involved, and I asked, and I tried to command – there was I time I really felt confident I could have what my heart desires -, and I tried to work on myself but I don’t see anything good really coming my way except in my imagination and in “predictions” from “seers”, in time I lost the confidence I had in the Universe, even if I keep on reading that many people think quite the contrary. And I’m starting to think that many of those people are not true, too…

Furthermore, if I’m the only one to blame for my situations in life, that leaves no room for the existence of angels and spirit guides to help me out, so that leaves me completely on my own to face everything!! And I’m so alone at that that I really feel overwhelmed… so I hoped those beings were real and I tried to ask them as instructed by the so-called “angel ladies” and various channellers but I still had no help in coming out from my bad situations, only promises I don’t really believe in anymore.

Ok, sorry, maybe I’ve gone a little off topic (of what you asked), but I thought that maybe it could be helpful to remark that not only a lack of personal confidence is a problem but also a lack of confidence in the Universe.

Many thanks and all the best,

My answer: the truth is that you are on your own, and the Universe is not on your side. There are no angels, no spirit guides, and the angel ladies are blood sucking parasites.

Do you really think that? They’re all really lying? How can someone overcome their doubts, then, and their feelings of hopelessness?
Forgive me if I ask so clearly, but by
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