The three umpires… which one are you most like?

Last night, before I got to bed, I wanted to “talk to” Source.

OK, I actually don’t know what Source is. But over the past 10 or so years I have learned that Source either doesn’t know something, and will let me know, or what source says yes to is actually true.

The conversation was about money, about my business, about the numbers that seem to tell me that nobody loves me any more…

Now, I have been learning how to ask questions… so I asked if my business is in trouble… No, was the surprising answer. Did I do something wrong? No, was the answer. Do I need to worry? No, was the answer. Do I need to do anything? No, was the answer. Whatever is going on is not me.

OK… hm… interesting.

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The results of coaching depend on the client

No matter how skillful the guidance, the teaching, the coaching, the results will depend on the guided… On their skill and diligence.

And willingness.

Any guidance, any teaching, any coaching is choosing. And when you choose, unless you unchoose something you’ll stop and flail and stop moving.
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Success Loves Speed

Success Loves Speed… why is that? what does that look like in real life?

I have a simple tale to share, and it will become clear:

I have liked this guy for quite some time. He sounded firm, no b.s., and he left a nice comment for my blog.

I asked for his skype contact and we spoke. He sounded like someone I should do a project with. He had skills I didn’t, research, finding joint venture partners, so we discussed what we could do together, and after some discussion we settled on creating a product together: he interviews me on how to measure your vibration, how to measure anything, and stuff like that. Piece of cake.

We started out, had 3 audios made, when time came for the fourth, he was away on a hockey tournament for his son. Then finally he came back. It took us a long time to remember what we had been doing. Then he took a week off to do his taxes.

By that time I had no interest in doing the interviews, I had moved on to other projects.

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An exercise to begin to raise your awareness so you can start on the path to the good life

Awareness is the number one predictor of how your life will turn out. High awareness: a much better life.
In essence, awareness is a number that shows how much of your time you spend outside of the mind… how much of reality can get through to you.
I just had an insight.

Most people can’t see anything that they didn’t already see. Nothing new can penetrate their awareness… No changes even, nothing… One way mirror. And you are on the mirror side. I can see you making faces at your reflection, picking your nose, etc. What i don’t see you is seeing what is on the other side of the mirror. And when I say, hearing works the same way.

Seeing what you have always seen, hearing what you have always heard is not useful.
Most people are on this site because they want to raise their vibration. And raising your vibration means seeing what you haven’t seen before, bringing conscious awareness to all areas of life.
Some people have a real difficulty with that.

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What would happen if you considered YOURSELF a business? Would you continue mistreating yourself?

What would happen if you considered yourself a business? You would consider that your activities either add to the value of the business, or take away from it? Your purchases, your skill level, your attitude, your “customer relations”, your research and development, your maintenance would either contribute to the business of you, or take away from it… would you manage yourself differently? would you treat yourself differently? would you still spend your time doing what you do?

I bet you would have a ton of upset about the things stand now, and a lot to do to turn your life matching a business you’d desire to be! I know, this is exactly what’s happening to me.

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How to get out of your mind into reality where life happens?

Or how to unite your two selves so you can stop hating yourself, punishing yourself, and be happy inside and out
I had an insight this morning. I saw that every health issue I have ever had came from some idea, some thought, some teaching, not from my body.

Until age nine I was skinny. Then at that age I heard that whole grain is better for you… and I got promptly fat.

I have been hovering around 122 pounds when I heard from a student of mine about intermittent fasting. So I decided to do that. I promptly packed on three pounds. Nothing else changed…
All good ideas come from some mind, not your self. Your self is a lot smarter than you allow it to be. There is a separation between your mind and your real self. This article is to remove that separation, so you can be happy in all areas of life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

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Secret of Success – change your false belief

Your core belief is what keeps you sick, fat, miserable, and poor…
…but it is not easy to see your exact belief… A belief is a sentence… words… And without the exact sentence, you can’t release it

I have showed you a way or two to find your false belief in previous posts…

Another great way to suspect that there is a core belief is the following method?

Let’s suppose that you love movies. You watch a movie. You are spellbound. You are somehow kept in awe, but when someone asks what about that movie that does that magical thing to you, you have no answer.

I have a few foreign movies that did that to me (American movies are largely unsuited for this purpose: they treat the viewer as imbecile)
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Full self realization: what does it mean and how to be the one in 100 thousand who does it?

Full self-realization is hard… Even half is hard… even being on the path is hard. Partially because we don’t know how to do it. And partially because you prefer to be comfortable…

This article maps it all out… so you can choose. Choose to go for it or not… And, please don’t expect stuff you have read, hear, everywhere… If it worked, a lot more people would be fully self-realized.

What prevents you from full self-realization and what could be your pivoting point?

Self-realization is rare. You’ll be surprised why… read on…

We don’t even agree about what it is… do we?

But I had an insight this past week: self-realization is when the two selves meet and start to work as a team, synergistically.

And that is rare.
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