Bridging… how to inch your way to your dreams

As a rule, I don’t have many marker feelings in a day.

A marker feeling is a feeling associated with a set of words… like “you are stupid” and then you feel bad.
Or “you are making a mistake” and you feel fear.
This morning I wanted to work on my presentation on tomorrow’s webinar: the remarkable system of getting to a life worth living… or whatever i called it in the email…
So, as it is totally normal, not a single cell of mine wants to do that work. It’s normal.

Doing something new, doing something public, upsets the ess… it’s not comfortable… it is not what I normally do day in and day out.

Now, if the work were to write an article… none of this would happen. But the webinar format is different… I cannot pause and think between sentences like when I write an article. It has to flow… and there is a fear… A fear of mucking it up. A fear of losing some subscribers. A fear of losing face. A fear of looking bad.

Normal. Not pleasant.
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Drinking 8 glasses of Water Makes You Fat? Yes, if it is not coherent energized water!

Drinking 8 glasses of water per day makes you FAT?

Yes, water that is not compatible with your body, that is not coherent, will cause you to put on weight. And the same is true with any food that is not a perfect match to your body.

All foods are toxic… but some your body is used to, through thousands of years of your ancestry developing a tolerance to the toxin in those few foods.

That’s what scientists are saying, and you’ll never guess the reason why. (Hint: It’s NOT water weight they’re talking about)

Don’t pour yourself another glass of water until you’ve watched this alarming video.

A man almost lost his life because he committed this mistake.

In it, you’ll get a full list of other “hidden” weight gainers which are adding several inches to your belly right now.

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Looking at things from a burka… can you take off the burka and yet see the same?

I read. I read a lot. I read and re-read books that I like.

So now I am re-reading Neal Stephenson’s historical fiction of the 17th-18th century…

One of the characters in the book is Eliza who in her very young years was a slave, harem girl. She is about 45 at the time of the book.

She is in a carriage, that reminds her of the time of her harem-girl time, when she and other girls were taken to outings dressed in a burka… the point of similarity between the two times.

Seeing the world through a slit or the small opening of a burka.
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Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?

How To Raise Your Vibration? Become A Better Human Being, Practice Compassion
What is gooD? wHAT IS the definition OF GOOD?
The first question that you should ask when I suggest you become a better human being, is ‘what do you mean: better?’
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Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind… Get out of your mind!

Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind

Most of what you call intuition, isn’t. It is, in fact, reaction. Mostly it is the reaction of your reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain seems to have retained the memories and learned behaviors of our reptilian ancestors, as if it had been us, personally gone through the experiences of a reptile.

Hold your breath when there is danger. Make yourself unnoticeable and blend into your environment unless you are ready for a confrontation, attack first ask questions later… these are all from the reptilian brain.

Depression, schizophrenia, maybe even ADD are reptilian brain reactions. And no, I am not a psychiatrist, but I do observe people, and I look deeper than most psychiatrist: I didn’t learn this, I distinguished this. This is Tree of Life knowledge, not dead.
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Life is unnecessarily hard for us. How do I know?

I have found, that the biggest ‘deterrent’ for me from getting something new done is a version of visual/mental overwhelm: when my wires get crossed.

Any occurrence of not understanding something begins the process.
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The Producers, The Takers, The Waiters, The Hopers, The Wanters… Which One Are You?

In this article that i started seven years ago, I looked at what it is that separates from Producers from Hunters and gatherers

I had a conversation with my friend, Nancy F., yesterday. The topic of the conversation, after some wild twists and turns, settled on what is the secret of Jewish people’s success.

Nancy F. has always wanted what Jews had, without having to be a Jew or doing what a Jew does… lol.

Much like my next door neighbor.

She want to be an Israelite without becoming an Israelite.

Here is an example: I look out the window between our houses. I mostly look to see if the mailman has been here so I don’t have to go downstairs and climb back a few times a day. Our mail comes at unpredictable times.
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Busy mind?

What creates confidence? Is confidence a skill, a feeling? Neither… it is Stepping out of your mind…

I don’t know if you have ever considered, but having something intelligent to say about anything takes studying and takes intelligent, independent thinking and a lot of experimenting.

Life and the Universe is holographic, which means that in a drop of water the whole ocean is present: studying deeply the drop of water gives you nearly everything you need to know about the ocean.

This is especially true about humans, the human behavior, human feelings, human thoughts.

When I decided to make confidence my next area of study, I didn’t know much about the topic: in fact I knew nothing useful, nothing. I didn’t know that it will lead me back to something I have experience with, that I know I do, that I have been teaching from time to time… that is actually the key ingredient in confidence. Wow… talk about holographic.

But let me return to confidence and what I have learned, so far…

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Paris In The Spring Or The Benefits Of An Empty Mind

Paris in the spring… nice thought.
Stay with me for a moment!

I am part of a study group. We go to seminars together to learn integrity so we can live an unpredictably great life.

This past Sunday, when the sun was shining and it was the first nice-weather weekend of the year, five out of the seven members of the group forgot to call our conference line on Sunday. Paris in the spring…

The seminar leader suggested we declare a breakdown. “What’s declaring a breakdown?” Asked one of the members innocently.

I volunteered to write a little essay (that is like a one-page scientific paper, lol) and sent it out to everyone. And then the s-h-i-t hit the fan.

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Approximately… the price you pay for being casual and democratic

I have been telling you, telling my students, telling my clients, that you hear what I say… approximately. You follow instructions… approximately. You read… approximately. You keep your diet… approximately. You live… approximately.
You only got up this morning because you didn’t die the night before.
I am re-reading The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. 2600 pages… What can I say, I like long books. lol.

I have started to check every word in the kindle’s built in dictionary some time ago. Maybe a year ago, maybe two. I originally read the Baroque Cycle four years ago.

The book has plenty of words I needed to check. And to my dismay, I found that the first time around I only understood what happened… approximately.

Approximately is missing 90% plus of what you read, and you are left with the inconsequential 10%. The stuff you already knew. The gossipy stuff. The mundane stuff. The stuff that allows you to remain the same, your world view to remain the same.

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