Your negative thoughts and feelings are not the enemy

Great works of art, science, philosophy are much like a sculpture: they are all chipping away the parts, that don’t belong… but start with a block of marble, a blank canvas, or a single idea.

I offer measuring people’s vibration, because every 30 measurements or so I have an epiphany of sorts: I can unravel, I can see a tiny bit more of what I could not see before.

This is exactly what happened this morning.

The epiphany was about the Harmonizer audio.

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The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means

The entitlement is anchored deep, and unless it’s pulled, it will keep jerking you back and forth, like a puppet.

Because I never felt that I was entitled to anything. My entitlement genes turned off when they were supposed to. It was around age 2. That was actually a little early, but that’s when it happened for me.

I never suspected that the entitlement anchor is actually more predictive to the quality of your life, to your unvoluntary harmful actions than the anchor to doom.
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You are a racketeer. Small time, bit player. Smoke and mirrors…

Why is drama a racket? Why is it never real…
Life is never dramatic. The drama is added by the onlookers or the participants.
Things happen. And you do what you do. You may get mauled, killed, or laughed at. But drama only happens in your head… it is never out there.

You look in the mirror and you see what you see.

I look in the mirror and I see loser. Why? I don’t care. I know there is no loser there… in fact there is no loser anywhere. so I have a choice: make drama or not make drama.

Most of my life, like everyone, I was making drama.

I found clever or not so clever ways to make people say that I was a loser or something like it. Other ways to prove I was or I wasn’t.

Life was a drama around being a loser.
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The homework attitude and the desire trap

I got an insight today…

People are asking one question and one question only: how do I get started? How do I get to where I want to get to?

And when I tell them how to get started, they ask the same question again. My answer wasn’t good enough.

So the insight I got is this: when you followed the current harmful teaching to imagine yourself where you want to be, you are expecting me to hand you the key… not tell you how to build that new reality from the bottom up.

This “imagine…” bullshit has destroyed people’s ability to see themselves, and reality, accurately.

Nothing works the way those “imagine…” people say… everything in reality is built from the ground up.

Yesterday someone asked me how to talk to someone to get a date.

I offered, instead, to look if he is ready to date, if he knows what he wants from dating, what is his agenda, etc.

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“If it is to be, it is up to me”

“If it is to be, it is up to me” The horizontal and vertical dimensions of life

Most people interpret that statement, that declaration, in a rah-rah, motivational slogan way.

But even when they use that narrow interpretation, they don’t commit to it, they don’t lock themselves in, they don’t burn the ships, they leave a back-door open, although they never tell the truth about it.

They have a secret addendum: if I feel like it, if my mind agrees, when I’ll feel confident enough, if the weather is nice, if it’s easy, if it doesn’t take too much of my time.

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Compassion… why a coach needs to have it or else…

I cry a lot. Most of the time not about myself. I cry with people.

When I pull an anchor, decades of misery and sadness spill out. And I feel it. I feel your sadness. I feel your longing to belong, to be appreciated. And I feel that you feel that you have been mistreated. And now that we have uncorked it… you can grieve.

I recommend that you do. Grieve.
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What is the number that most predicts how effective you are

Theory induced blindness

I like to call the phenomenon of not being able to see what doesn’t agree with your theory of life: theory induced blindness. A more popular and better known label for it is “confirmation bias”.

You only hear what you agree with. Or more precisely, you only see what you recognize. And you only consider what you recognize as agreeing with your world view.
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Motivation and Fear: The Importance of Both

What is motivation? It is the desire that moves… People say they are not motivated, but the truth is that every time you do something to fill a desire: sit down, watch tv, order a pizza… there is a motivation.

People like to say that they are not motivated, but what they are saying is that the action that is required of them has less power, less motive power than the fear accompanying it.

The truth is that every action that is taking you to an unknown, unpredictable area of life, future, is going to be accompanies with fear. Our reptilian brain makes sure of it.

Fear is our constant companion. As humans that got off the trees, were at the mercy of their fear to keep them alive. Every sort of danger was waiting them out there, and fear was a useful tool to keep them alive.

But, as you can see, humans used fear, instead of being paralyzed by them: they got out there and hunted, and gathered, and built shelters… and the ones that survived formed your ancestors.

The art is to consider fear and consider the danger, and then choose to move.

As long as fear is to be obeyed, for you, you are never going to amount to much, and you will live your life in quiet desperation, like billions of others.

I teach the art of looking, observing, considering and choosing. Look up my classes, my products, my coaching… because living a life of quiet desperation is a horrible excuse for a life.

Robert Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” This profound statement may seem simple, but there is much more to it than meets the eye. This statement hints at the reality that motivation and fear can be closely linked.

It is common to fear failure. As humans, we do not like to lose. We do not like to be wrong. We do not like to be embarrassed. We do not like to be rejected.

And yet, the most successful people throughout history failed many times en route to their greatest achievements. Michael Jordan didn’t make his high school basketball team at first. Thomas Edison failed thousands of items in his attempts to make some of his greatest inventions. Christopher Columbus was rejected several times in his attempts to get approval for a voyage across seas.

Great success often requires failure, for failure teaches you how to do things better. Failure makes you wiser. Failure makes you better equipped to take on greater challenges.

But you must meet failure with respect. You must appreciate all that it holds within it. All the power within failure can be yours if you can see it beyond the surface.

Yet most people do not appreciate failure. In fact, failure repels most. Further, the fear of failure keeps many people from even attempting things at which they might not initially succeed.

If you want great things in life, you have to be willing to fail. And you have to be willing to fail many times over. Failure is a part of life. It is what makes us better. It is what makes us stronger. It
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Free. from me to you: Liver cleanses… without smoothies, or any gimmicks… takes 3-5 minutes each time.

The recording is here…

I have been under the weather. If you are foggy, fat, tired, maybe you can join me in some free treatment?

This has been a trying winter, lots of cold, lots of snow, very little time spent going outside.

I feel weaker, and it feels like I am on my last leg. When I shared this with my friend from University, she was talking about reversing, and going to the doctor… but I was resigned. But what this conversation did to her: I didn’t like. And she is “just” a friend. And what this was doing to me… suddenly my sense of freedom is gone. I don’t read for pleasure… life in hell has returned to me in patches. Thank god not all day. But enough…

The perfect combination to be wide open to be the sucker in the room.

Something is wrong and it needs to be fixed… is the perfect state to render you the sucker in the room.
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