Can you tell when you are stupid? dull? incoherent? Or do you wait until someone points it out to you?

One of the remarkable things in the book, Flowers for Algernon, is the new awareness Charlie (Charly) has about his mental state.

When he was just a retarded person, he could see the shadow of the mental feebleness, but once he got smarter, when his mental abilities decline, he can see it directly… not only the shadow.

Once you raised your cell hydration, which translates for most people to a brain surgery similar to Charlie’s, you have a higher factual IQ. You should move to the same position as Charlie: when your cell hydration drops, you should notice it.

Of course, if you never realized that cell coherence increases your IQ… (mostly because you don’t habitually acknowledge the source of any result, you take things for granted, no capacity for appreciation, etc.) you won’t check your water…
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What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study

The sentence I hear only occasionally, is “But what is the work?”

It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.

I didn’t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots… I didn’t see the forest for the trees.

What woke me up and made me see the big picture was an email from a new student.

And that, in spite of the fact that I had an opinion about her, a judgment, if you wish, that she talks to much and listens little.

Some of the time my attitude and my opinion matched 🙁 when I didn’t see that my opinion is a mind chatter, and that I can create my attitude freely.

Other times I had an attitude of service, in spite of my opinion of her predisposition to talk a lot.

And then the miracle happened. She started to ask clarifying questions, and… GASP! started to do the work.

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The grass doesn’t grow where you walk… does that make you special?

1. I think it was in 1991.

A manager of mine in Landmark said: you don’t make a difference.

My answer was: then I must kill myself…

I was banned from participating for about 8 months. By that time the manager and everyone have forgotten the interaction.

It was significant to me, and not significant to them.

Today, I got that I was just one of most, including themselves, who didn’t make a difference.

It sounds bad, doesn’t it? Very bad indeed. From one vantage point.
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Case Study #7: Theta Healing as a healing modality

Vibrational Review 1/14/2012

This review was written almost six months ago: much has changed for me.

Vianna personal vibration: 570 Update 10/7/2013: 170… wow. Update 2/22/2021: 100
Theta Healing methodology of healing: 7%
Teaches to connect effectively: no

Theta Healing is ‘Da Bomb.’

Of all the modalities I have tested and measured and used, this is the one that can actually connect YOU to the Creator, which means, it is up to you to what level of vibration you are willing to go. No go-between, no guru to follow, no trips to spirit and entity land, no animal spirits… no, you connect to the Creator, and you experience going home.

The modality vibrates near 800 160, because it doesn’t put anything between you and the Creator, not even itself. The originator, Vianna Stibal, who could have played the usual game, where she puts herself in the way, like a gatekeeper, completely gives the method away: I learned it from her $20 book I bought on

The same cannot be said about its practitioners.

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Do you feel responsible for what others say about you? The savior racket

Soul correction, responsibility, what is yours and what is not
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said it best: what others think about me is none of my business.

For most this is the hardest thing to learn.
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New topic: how to be able to have sex till you die

It’s Tuesday, my “errand” day. I found myself in a great mood today. In fact I’ve been in a great mood for a few days now. Maybe because I am sleeping better since I changed my diet.

Either way, I was observing a guy standing around in a product isle, just looking at stuff. I joked around, and we started to talk.

Turns out that he is Slovakian, and his mother cooked Hungarian… great topic, by the way. You want to talk to someone: food is a good topic… lol.

Emboldened by the conversation I asked if he eats breakfast. “No, no time,” he said. “That’s why you have this big belly” I pointed at the barrel size midsection of this guy. Yeah, he said. “My mother says that I should chase after young women” he said laughing, but if I catch them… and he made a face I could not misunderstand.

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How old is your child self that is running your life

What is an adult, what is a child… and does your ego-state (Child, Parent, Adult) influence how much money you have, how much love you have, how healthy you are?

One of the distinctions, fields: what field is this interaction which we learned about a year ago, is closely related to Transactional Analysis ego states… very educational…
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