Reframing… She is a person! OMG.

Refraiming, or looking at things in a different context is one of the tools you have available to you when you raise your vibration.

Ultimately, the most accurate description or definition of higher vibration is that the vibration number expresses the height from where you look at events, ideas…

The higher you are the less personal it becomes.
The higher you are the less the desire trap will rob you of being able to see that A is A…
The higher you are the more options you see.
The higher you are the more you can see what bigger thing you can accomplish while you are taking care of things…
And of course the higher you are the more ready you are to look at things through different frames and actually see something different.

Some of these new frames, when you first get to look through them, are dramatic. Upsetting. Revolutionary.

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Reframing… Label of ethnicity or cultural origin

One of the things that came up in the Muscle Testing Course is ethnicity.

Ethnicity is “the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.”

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A great story… and a question: Compassion or conspiracy to keep things the same, grow the dark side, stay the same?

Here is a story I lifted from an email I got. I liked it. Then I got a phone call. And suddenly it had a bigger lesson than what the original story teller meant to give you. Read the story and then my lesson…

There is a story about a coup d’état that took place in a small kingdom. When the soldiers came looking for the king to kill him, he fled into the city and hid in a tailor shop. Immediately recognizing his important guest, the tailor, without so much as a question, shoved him under a large pile of clothing.

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Who are you? Beauty, truth or goodness? Let’s find out

I was having an interesting conversation with one of my students.

Because he wanted to write his thesis on the Feelings book, an unknown entity, he needed to gain his thesis counselor’s support. And maybe even his enthusiasm. Or he was going to be alone… and it was going to be a tough road to hoe.
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Reframing: What is your higher power?

Frame: Your higher power?

Back in 1988 I had an emotional meltdown. I suddenly remembered things from my childhood.

I was suggested by someone in Landmark that it would be beneficial for me to join an ACOA group. Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I did. I had clear signals that I belonged. #1 of the identifying features of ACOA people is “I don’t know who I am”.

Anyway, an ACOA group is not a fun place.
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Reframing: How old are you being?

Raising your vibration, raising your coherence is your job. With my help. The helping is my job.

I am experiencing a blissful period in my work.

I personally experience seeing things from a higher place and in a richer way.
I also experience that suddenly more of my students are getting coherent than normal… than before.

Someone said: when you succeed you celebrate, when you fail you ponder.
But a really successful person ponders, no matter what.

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Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.

Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.
Setting rules is also a mental illness.
Doing only what seems to have the highest chance to succeed: ditto.

You treat yourself as if you were a nincompoop, but when I call you that you are offended.

You treat yourself a feeble minded toad, a never do well… and expect others treat you as a prince, or a genius.
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10 Key Success Quotes That You NEED To Hear and the illusion of progress

by Alex Ferriera

Please pay attention: this is NOT my article, and the references to “I” and “me” are not mine, they are Alex Ferriera’s… I am republishing these quotes because I want it to be an experiment… Clue is at the end of the article.

Motivation is as much of necessary habit as eating is. Constantly surround yourself with the correct inspiration and you are sure to expand your dreams. Here are some of my favorite quotes which remind me to keep progressing forward.
10. “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

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Activation Journal Days 7-15

Activation Journal Days 7-15

It’s been two weeks.

The world had 100 people at or above vibrational frequence of 299 (Gratitude) when we started and now there are 111.

I accidentally pushed my vibration up to 830… then it fell back to 825. There is no anger at 830, but there is at 825. I felt angry today… lol. I don’t mind. Maybe 830 is the level what others call enlightenment? I’ll let you know.

I have learned more in these 2 weeks than in the 64 years previous.

I have “known” over 5 billion people intimately… been in the shoes of all those countries, experienced their despair, their cockiness, their sadness, their helplessnes, their resignation, their pride, their hopes, removed dark side attachments, pockets of internal parasites… quite an emotional roller coaster.

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