Meme busting… Saving your life

I am a conspiracy theorist. Because conspiracy is everywhere.
I remember when I used to be paranoid… and everyone said that I was wrong. But if you see that people are after you, and they are, is that paranoid? No, it is seeing clearly. It is being factual. A realist.
And so is with this conspiracy, except I am not talking about the conspiracies those stupid conspiracy theorists push, but the real ones, the ones they didn’t even notice.

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What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

I don’t believe dark side was even anticipated at the time of creation. I also don’t believe that Source is concerned about the dark side, or even knows about it.

So where did the Dark Side come from? Great question, right?

It seems to me that Dark Side was created by humanity. it is fed by the desire to receive for the self alone.

Desire to receive for the self alone has two parts:

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Sound healing… Vibrational Review. How to know if something works or not?

“Healing” modality: sound healing to make yourself coherent. The truth value of this presentation on the video is 4%. Anything with less than 30-40% truth value is c.r.a.p.

One of the mistakes that is typical is believing something is true, or the right thing to do. And never look again… until much later, when it all comes down crashing…

We all do it… some more some less.

I record every call I have. And I make it available online for the other party.

I record, I process the call, I upload the mp3 file, and I post the link to it. This last step is where I get sloppy… and a typo there means: the audio won’t play.

I did that yesterday, and last week, and the week before. At least once a week. Even though I know it’s an icky spot…

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Meme vs. a personal belief. Can you change either? Money, happiness, health… are they unattainable to you?

Meme vs. a personal belief… let me enlighten you about the differences.

In the Starting Point Measurements, #11 To what degree you think of yourself is a crucial indicator.

#11 indicates to what degree you can tell if something is yours or not yours. If that something is about you or not about you.
The meme that everything is personal is strengthened by the so-called spiritual teachers, who will help you get rid of your money beliefs, or love beliefs, or food/body beliefs?
By saying these beliefs are personal, they are on the side of the conspiracy, the memes, not on your side.

By saying these are subconscious beliefs, YOUR beliefs, and that you can beat them… like Mind Movies peddler Natalie Ledwell suggests that you can, they use these memes to line their pockets and empty yours.

Even the theory of famed psychiatrist, Carl Jung, who calls it “the collective subconscious” is flawed.
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Activation of The Original Design, Phase One For Planet Earth is Complete

I have been forced to take Saturdays and Sundays off, and I have been sleeping at least nine hours a night.

This is hard work. The hard part is the empathic part: physically experience all the emotions of all these people… it is very draining.

In addition I am hard at work finalizing the first elective activator. Even the name of the activator isn’t finalized, We, myself and the testers, are divided. These are still in the running… Personal Power, Living Powerfully, Eliminate powerlessness, Access to Power

Seven people are testing the activator, it is phenomenal. I will talk more about it in another article, but I want to talk about an unexpected side-effect I am still shaking my head about:

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“They” want you to hope for a miracle… magic, windfall…

“They” want you to hope for a miracle… magic, windfall…

And you have been compliant. You buy magical supplements. Start magical diets. Go to magical healers. Buy magical courses.
Magic bullet. You have a storehouse of those.
I recommended to a new client that she sells it to people who still want a magic bullet. She didn’t say yes. I guess she still hopes that one day they will magically start working.

I got a deep insight in this kind of thinking when i read the otherwise worthless long book by Laura Knight-Jadczyk. OK, it is not worthless to me, actually they were worth their weight in gold… they are worthless to you. The woman has insight, but mixes it with crap… I took the insights, if you read her stuff, you’ll probably eat the crap.
Anyway, what i got is the historical roots of magical thinking.

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What is the best starting point to raise your vibration?

The person who sent this email is smarter than most. He asked a good question.

He said:
Hey Sophie,
I came across your website, your work is pretty impressive, keep up the good work.
I am interested about the vibration measurement but I am curious to know how to implement the outcome of the measurement into reality.
Why is it a good question?
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Is this feeling mine? The most important use of muscle testing – updated

I am sitting here by my computer feeling devastated. In despair. On the verge of crying.

I have no reason to feel this way. Things are OK, I am OK. WTF! right?

So I muscle test. Is this mine? No. Is this coming from my next door neighbor? yes/no

OK? it is coming from there and from somewhere else? right? yes.

Is it an energy blast? A broadcast? Yes. We both got caught up in that. With the major difference, that I can tell, because of muscle testing, that it is not mine. So she remains in despair and i am free.

The human mind is a meaning making, story spinning machine.
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Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?

What is the difference between an opinion and an assessment, an observation, a statement, a theory, a hypothesis?

Many people use one word for many different things…

I have this “friend” who climbs the same steps I climb, except that he climbs it seven times each time, I climb it once or twice. He is a little younger than me.

I am fond of him: he is one of the handful of people I regularly talk to, eye to eye.

I often walk with him as he walks home: I guess I am hungry for human companionship: 10-20 minutes at a clip.
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