Please help me in this test… Thank you

I trust you that you’ll do what is in your best interest. That is what I want you to do… because then the information I’ll glean from this test will be valid. thank you.

Who is my ideal client? It matters not what you say, it matters more if it is heard by the right people…
I have been asking this question for a few years now.

Marketing teachers tell me to find people who are kept awake at night by something that nag at them, that doesn’t let them sleep… a problem, an itch that cannot be scratched. I am not attracted to the suffering.

I want to expand my business to start selling “stuff”.

But what stuff shall I sell and to whom?

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Beingness and being, is there a difference?

Being: The state or quality of being being; existence is a tricky word, in every language I know. We use it as if it were cheap, inconsequential, but that misuse causes mischief.

When you say ‘I am depressed’ instead of ‘I feel depressed’, without knowing that there is a difference, you, unwittingly, practice self-definition.

You can feel a lot of things. Feelings and emotions have a normal tendency, that when not resisted, they move. They change. They morph from one feeling to another.

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What I say can change nothing for you, only what you say can

What I say changes nothing for you, only what you say can
Unless, of course, I am a judge and my word is law…

But most people aren’t judges, and even if they judge: nothing changes. It is just words… And words only have power if the person who speaks them has the power to say.
Imagine Bill Clinton turn to his bedmate at night and say ‘I think the Russians have oversteps their boundaries. I think I’ll start a war.’
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20 Blunt Truths About Life No One Wants to Admit

I have found this article on the website

Some of it is true, some of it was new-agey b.s. So I am culling it… And in some of them I am going to add my two cents worth… for example the pursuit of happiness… I have learned something about that from Ayn Rand that surprised me.

Just one more thing: my students in my coaching program struggle with the concept of principle.

A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

A principle is not something that you just pull out of your, ahem, mind. We all want to be “independent thinkers” but the path to independent thinking is through learning the principles others discovered… precisely, verbatim. So, for our purposes: a principle is quoted from someone a lot smarter than us.

A quote. not rephrased, not your take on it, but a quote. Not every quote is a principle, but every principle is a quote.

These so called truths are not principles. They are the author’s opinions. Don’t honor them as principles… And if you find that your life is based on personal opinions… try to find principles to replace them with. Really. Every single one of them. You’ll thank me for it, guaranteed.

You’ll notice that I am a lot more interested in giving you the principle of principle guidedness… than those brutal truths the guy made up… Sorry guy!
20 Brutal Truths About Life No One Wants to Admit

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What are you building with that?

What are you building with that?

This question was my absolute favorite in Landmark Education’s Communication Course…

I have tried to ask it of people outside of Landmark, and the answers I always got was puzzled silence.

So, what am I asking here?

Well, you are always building something. A more popular but less precise way of saying the same thing: you are always creating something… creating yourself, creating your life, every moment.
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From filing clerk of information, to glorious human being

Mind says: the important thing is to have the answer.
Life says: the important thing is to have the question.

Thinking, the proper use of the thinking part of the brain, is to ask questions. Questions allow you to penetrate things deeply, to see new connections, to see what’s below the surface.

The mind, also a part of the brain, isn’t interested in that, the mind really isn’t interested in anything. Maybe gossip, but that is it.

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Are You Jinxing Your Success? Part 2

In Part 1 I introduced the issue: You want something, you have a little bit of success, you share it with people, and all the success disappears.

I have done a seminar, called “Money, from concern to freedom” three times, maybe more. Every session there is a homework, and at the beginning of each session people stand up to share. They share all the unexpected money that came to their life in the previous week.

But when you tally up where people started, and where they are at session 10, the numbers don’t lie: people don’t make more money, and that is what happened. All that sharing, no lasting results.

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Why only 1~2% of participants produce results in a course? Any course… And why you are not among them?

It’s Sunday. I hung up my Sunday Rants call 90 minutes ago. I spent these 90 minutes watching marketing sales videos… as I would like to get better at marketing.

And it suddenly hit me… It hit me why no course, no program, no video course, audio course or group coaching can get much result, my program or others’.

I remember a few years ago when famed marketers, like Frank Kern, approached Tony Robbins to get some coaching on how to make people actually achieve the results they promised them in their sales letters. The meager results were bothering them. No matter how good, how detailed the course was, how much handholding they gave, only a fragment of the participants produced results.
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