Frequently Asked Questions

Why I refused to measure your vibration?
What is Scarcity? What is Scarcity Thinking?
Do you offer a refund on measuring your vibration?
How to infuse energy in your water
What happens when you receive an energy download and then you ask for your money back?
Is it OK to mute the audio or the Harmonizer of the HOE long range? Will I still get the benefit?
Strategy to use when you read my blog:
More on energies, especially the Heaven on Earth
What is Context?
What does it mean to raise the vibration?
What is “having”? What is allowing? Why does allowing make such a big difference?
How do you measure vibration?
What are the 5 interview questions?
Do you need to change to raise your vibration?
What is your soul correction? What is your soul’s purpose?
Who is this site for?
I’d like to raise my vibration. What do I need to do?
Why are you promoting other teachers on your blog? And if you are promoting them, why do you tell people how fake they are?
Can I book a private session with you?
Your rights as a buyer of my products

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There is no way around it, only through it

Humans have been living on their periphery, through their organs of perception that look outward, through their periphery, the life that we call the horizontal plane.

On the horizontal plane what you see is the other. You don’t see yourself. You may feel your body, you may feel your feelings, but you don’t see yourself.

You see your effect on others. You see the other, that may be a reflection of you… if you can recognize it as such.

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Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain

Your brain is an Unused Resource
It is what most rainmakers do. Start using unused resources.

Rainmaking is a business/industry distinction.

There is a business that does so-so. A new CEO or leader comes in and restructures the company and their results go through the roof.

But the same thing can be done on any level, including the level of the person, or your own self. Your own life.
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Your Resistance To An Activator Is A Gift – A Case Study. Repairing The Hardware of The Soul

Your Resistance To An Activator Is A Gift – A Case Study.

Just like pain shows you where you are out of whack physically, a resistance shows you where you need work spiritually.

It may be more than just one thing, so don’t jump into conclusions. Pay attention and you’ll be able to peel it like an onion.

B. had resistance to all the activators in the beginning.

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Why I refused to measure your vibration?

You sent a donation and asked me to measure your vibration.

I refund your money and I say: I can’t connect to you

I refund your money and I say: I am not allowed to connect to you.

In both cases All-of-it signals to me that either you don’t really want me to connect to you, or you are not someone I should mix my energies.

I mostly don’t know what was the real reason, until I get your reaction.

Some people send me company emails. Nothing personal. I sense it, Source knows it. They really are just testing me. No, thank you, I am not playing.

They ask me to remove them from my emails, saying that they lost confidence in me. They never had any.

Some people have the type of low energy that Source says: don’t connect. What it means “low energy”? Want me to make a list? I’d rather list for you what I like to see and feel in people, not what I’d rather stay away from.

I am proud that I have grown enough to respect my own boundaries.

Even this way I often get an attachment… I am risking my own health and well-being by merging my energies with yours. Just like you wouldn’t want to French kiss with anyone for $5, I don’t either. And if I would not do it for $5, I would not do it for $1000.
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What is Scarcity? What is Scarcity Thinking?

What is scarcity?

Scarcity is an attitude. A feeling. A world view.

A view of things that they are limited either in time or quantity. That there is nothing you can do to change that.

So you can hurry to get what is limited in time, scramble, because it feels that losing THAT is the end of the world.

Or you can decide that you will never get it, and be depressed about it.

Scarcity is not a mind phenomenon, it is not a belief, it is not thinking. Scarcity comes from a world view.

Scarcity is sometimes real. There is an actual scarcity of resources, from time to time. But Scarcity as an attitude is what keeps you uncreative, and a victim.

Scarcity fills your whole view and renders you immobile, and stupid.

When you can tear your attention away from what you think is a threat, then you can stop being afraid, you can stop scrambling, and can get creative. You can invent how you want to be in the face of scarcity.

You bring your higher functions to it, to life, and create a meaning.

Victor Frankel, a Holocaust survivor coined this method Logotherapy.

He, himself, while in concentration camp, invented, that the way he wants to live and die is with dignity.

This altered his experience of life in the camp, and contributed to his survival, to his being able to return to life, while 95% of the prisoners died when they lost hope.

Looked at another way: scarcity says that you have no choice. That your choice was taken away.

But you, as a human, always have a choice in your beingness, it cannot be taken away, you can only give it up, if you do.

Beingness is the highest function of a human, a function of consciousness.

When you have only a few capacities in your DNA turned on, you have only limited access to beingness and, for the most part, live therefore a limited life, where your power is very limited.

When I turn on more DNA capacities for you, you have more choice in how to be, and scarcity and other limiting ways of being are balanced out, and you can get more out of life, better relationships, better results in your work, better relationship with yourself and life.

For example, without the capacity of Empathy, you are condemned to only what you know, what is stored in your mind about what other people are thinking or feeling.

When the capacity of Empathy is turned on, you miraculously know with high accuracy, what is going on for people, and your interaction with them becomes a lot richer, a lot easier, a lot more enjoyable.

Another example: without the capacity of self-trust, you are condemned to be fearful and in a limbo: afraid to take steps that are unfamiliar.

When the capacity of Self-Trust is turned on, you have a choice to take a step into the unfamiliar or not, because you know you can handle anything that comes up.

There are 160 being capacities encoded in the human DNA, and most people have 5-7 capacities active.

Being able to turn on capacities and keeping them on
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Middle of the road – wisdom or mistake?

One of the biggest challenges for me on the path is to stay in the middle. Neither left nor right…

Neither too egotistic, nor self-cheating.
Neither too buoyant nor down in the dumps.
Neither accepting nor refusing credit.
Neither too nice nor too rude to people and myself.

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Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love

Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love

Finding true love with the person you have, or with a new person

Vibration: Gay: 200, Kathlyn 200
Results: percentage that get the promised changes: <1%
Truth value of teachings: 3%
Truth value if it were after my style activation (phase 2+3) 10%, so even then if wouldn’t be very true
Results if it were after activation: 4%
Price: $299
Price with activation: 299+47=$346. (Activation through my site, they don’t know about it… lol https://www.yourvibration.com/dailyconnection/)

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, meditation, chanting, etc. Anything under 500… won’t raise your vibration, most will lower it. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source and the Original Design.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.
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Do you offer a refund on measuring your vibration?

I measure your vibration when you send me a donation $15 or more.

Donations are non-refundable. They are donations. You are not paying for a service, you are sending a donation.

99% of requesters don’t like the results they get, that’s why I am not asking you to pay. Sending a donation is not paying… and measuring your vibration is not a service.

I once had a suitor who bought me stuff. I didn’t know that he considered his gifts as downpayment to owning me…

When I told him I wasn’t marrying him, he took me to court.

Your question shows me that you may be a lot like him…
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How to infuse energy in your water

The infusable energies are weak subtle energies. Therefore the audio source needs to touch the bottle.

I have tried to infuse energies remotely, and more often than not, I failed…

So, what you do is play the audio as loud as you can, and place the headphones facing each other on the bottle that contains the water.

The larger the surface of the headphone speaker, the tighter the headphones are touching the bottle, and the louder the audio, the more energy will be infused into the water.

If you use earbuds, the time will be 10 times longer than if you use full size headphones.

If you play the audio AT the bottle, no energy will infuse.
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