Becoming is a growth mindset concept that says: you can change from where or who you are to bigger, better, higher…
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Monthly Archives: June 2022
It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…
It’s not communism or socialism that is the enemy of freedom and prosperity. It is authoritarian systems.
Authoritarianism=my way of the highway.
I have lived in socialism. People may be lazy there, but creativity, thinking differently, individuality, ability and productiveness is not penalized… Maybe Russia was different. I lived in Hungary.
At this point Hungary’s system is really kleptocracy… stealing power, stealing stuff, stealing rights, stealing freedoms. We are seeing that in the USA happening… I hear that they are copying Hungary, a tiny country in the middle of Europe.
But in authoritarian systems who is calling the shots are the freeloaders. The looters, the moochers, the people who want something for nothing. The enemies of thinking, the enemies of originality, the enemies of production.
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Activating Spiritual Capacities
There are 160 spiritual capacities, and these are just some of the ones you can ask for.
When you ask for the activation of a capacity, I’ll test if your ego is willing to accept it, and if you are willing to do the work to keep it on.
If the muscle test says “no”, there are two option:
I refund your money
I suggest another capacity that is a better match and your ego is willing and able to nurture it.
If you’d like to know what capacity matches best where you are and what you have, you can come to a “diagnostic” workshop”, or if there are none scheduled, you can ask for a 1-on-1 session to ask me to help you find the “next” capacity you need.
Please email me for an appointment. I will send you a payment link if I accept your request.
The ability to learn to see what you see accurately, the Warren Buffet capacity
See the consequences of your actions, The Sight
Life Force, aka Ambition… have spiritual energy to desire and go for it
The capacity of process… to go step by step instead of jumping or wanting to jump
Courage… the capacity to summon courage. Needs you to feel fear…
Hierarchy… be able to see that one thing is more relevant than others… see the order of importance
Flexibility: find your core and be able to return to it after a disappointment or attack
Be able to create and follow systems that get you what you want
Bilocation: being able to see things from a neutral third view perspective
Self-trust: the capacity to see that no matter what happens, you can handle it
Generosity of spirit: allow another’s light to shine
Unphased: be able to use toxic environment to build beauty: the capacity of the White Lotus or the Peacock
This is the capacity of being astute… beeing able to see and discern.
The capacity of being able to relate, to place yourself into the other person’s shoes: empathy
Resilience or mental toughness: the difference between being a wuss or a winner
The capacity to appreciate things… see their value accurately, on a sliding scale, not only as good or bad
The capacity of being untouched by others feelings, attitudes, and maybe even behavior
The capacity of being able to leave what you know at the door so you can listen and learn something new, unencumbered by what you know
Read the many articles on the topic of spiritual capacities
Let me measure how many capacities you have right now
3-day coaching to help you keep the capacity on
Expanding Human Being vs an all-knowing guru type
Summary: In this article I am turning a leaf in explaining how context is so decisive, and how come your life is a repetitious movie… and how to start living a different movie, a movie that will give you the life you deserve, the life of an Expanding Human Being.
I have spoken about context before…
…but in order to understand how I know what I know, you will need to understand context, in a deep way.
Imagine going to the movie theater. Normally, what you see there is a screen… nothing on it. But it is furthest from the truth. The screen is never quite empty.
Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation
Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation
I have been looking at some of my personal sticking points.
Addicted to milk, addicted to sugar, avoiding doing the laundry… these are just the tip of the ice berg.
Oh, you thought that I was beyond that? Oh, sorry to disappoint, you are never beyond that. Besides, if I were, I would not be writing these posts, it would be painfully boring.
Life is about growing, life is about being an advancing personality, not about comfortably teaching something that is a non-issue for me. Even if writing about it would potentially cause your growth: life is about each person becoming an advancing personality, not some teaching others to be that, so they can be off the hook…
Anyway, returning to my top of the iceberg imperfections: I am wondering what is the payoff.
Fixed mindset
Pioneered by Carol Dweck… the mindset that considers IQ, talent, abilities unchanging and unchangeable. Fixed.
People with a fixed mindset will not do practice to get smarter, will not learn, because in the fixed mindset it doesn’t make a difference.
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Modern gurus: The business of consolation, the business of confirmation
I had a “guru” ask for his vibration today. Nice guy. Low vibration.
Another guru, some 6 years ago told him that there was no need to seek, he could start his own guru business…
Horrible disservice.
Embarrassment… and the difference between male and female
I watched Emma Thompson embarrassed in her new film, Leo Grande
And I cried. No. I sobbed.
Then left the screen where Leo’s character smiles, Emma laughs on my screen, so I can return to what made me cry.
So it’s next morning and I’ve noticed that I’d spent the past 13 hours somehow returned to innocence.
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an original that has been imitated.
“the archetype of faith is Abraham”
synonyms: quintessence, essence, model, embodiment, prototype, stereotype
a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology.
“mythological archetypes of good and evil”
An archetype is the pure essence of a behavior, relationship, or a phenomenon.
It is not found in nature, because it is easy to taint it… God is an example of that. Or fields of relationships are examples of that.
If you go to find examples: you won’t… Essence does not have examples, essence is always covered or mixed with inessential… And yet it exists… in the depth of things.
Flip the Switch On. Now you are connected. Simple. Easy.
Flip the Switch On. Now you are connected. Simple. Easy. Brain-Dead Simple. Get All The Light You Need.
The feedback from people attempting to connect is coming in, fast and furious, and it’s a little disappointing.
The silver lining in disappointing feedback is that now, like every time I’ve had a question, I got an answer from Source.
This time the answer will surprise you. It surprised me.
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