Where there is anger there is a lie underneath…

How your integrity, or the lack of it is one of the keys to your raising your vibration, or not raising it…

Yesterday we had a last session of the course, From Upset to Communication.

The call was nearly all about integrity… or the lack of it.
There are countless ways to violate integrity.
The most significant ways are

lying by commission
lying by omission.

We all tend to know when we actually say something that is a lie…

We rarely know when we lie because we don’t know what is the truth

And we almost never realize that withholding the truth is the worst thing we can do for ourselves. It is a lie by omission.

I have written about, and taught the inner dynamic of perpetration-withhold before, but it seems that it is never enough. I have 3000 articles on this site, and no person can read them all… We are talking about more than 30 full size book worth of articles… that is a lot.

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I don’t think you understand how humans are ‘designed’!

You are born with potentials but no skills. Even breathing is a skill you need to learn.

Skills are the atoms of actions. Each action, like a molecule is built of atoms, each activity is made of parts that we call skills. Some actions are complex, others are quite simple… mirroring the diversity of the physical reality.

Atoms are building blocks… If you don’t have atoms, you can’t build anything… If you don’t have skills you can’t build actions. No actions… no success… And no good life.

No food, no money, no paper, no house, no life…
And yet… you are trying to build a life without the building blocks… because… Yeah, why?
Why you don’t have many skills? Why don’t you get busy developing skills… gathering skills? Why don’t you fill your ingredient box, your pantry, your tool box with what you may need for the good life?

Why are you waiting for opportunities to start learning anything? Why are you looking for your life’s purpose before you’d do anything?

Because you think it is a waste of time to dig a well, unless you are already thirsty.

I could say that this is true about every person I encounter online, but I would be lying. I have met so far 10 people for whom it wasn’t true… 10 out of thousands.

So what is underneath this attitude?
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I have added a new measure to the Starting Point Measurements: humility. Humility is the measure whether you can grow or not

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. Wrote Rick Warren in The Purpose-Driven Life, where it appears as part of Day 19, “Cultivating Community.”
When you have “thinking of yourself” block or filter what you are looking at, you end up in a small box that is all about you.

There is no joy there.

I just finished my Sunday call… unfortunately I forgot to turn on the recorder… it was all about this principle, about how different people have a different amount of time spent thinking of themselves, and how the amount of misery they experience differs, very consistently, accordingly.

Different soul corrections place different amount of emphasis on “it is all about you”, so each of us gets a different start in life… some are more about it than others.

Want to know yours?

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I downloaded the Days Of Power energy yesterday and it knocked me on my butt

It’s Monday and it’s raining.

The perfect weather for what I need to do…

I downloaded the Days Of Power energy yesterday and it knocked me on my butt.

Honestly, I forgot how strong these energies are: I had taken a break from them for a while.

So this article is about the magic of growing. Or what it takes to be someone who can grow, someone who does grow, someone who, through growth, becomes someone more, better, closer to who they can become…

So here you go:

Even while I was up there, I was starting to get intolerant, irritated, overwhelmed, and raw.

Then I yelled at everyone who, by now, were getting used to me being calm, collected, magnanimous, except yesterday I wasn’t.
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Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo

When I say ‘feeling’, I often include the other perception organs…

The most obviously not ‘mind’ feeling is the physical sensation of pressure, heat, blockage, itches, tickles, nausea, headaches, pain, burning sensation, orgasm, warmth, butterflies in your stomach. When I say ‘feeling’, I don’t mean emotion, even though emotions have feeling-components. For example all 48 Bach Feelings feel in a certain way in a certain part of the body.

But what I mean: the uninterpreted raw sensation, that either comes from the outside or from the body itself.
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Start Something. No Matter Where You Start, No Matter Which Direction, As Long As You Start, And As Long As You Stay Connected

No Matter Where You Start, No Matter Which Direction, As Long As You Start, And As Long As You Stay Connected

I will start with an admission: Staying connected is not easy.

Life steals away your attention. You are tired. You are hungry. You have to pee.

Your car isn’t starting. You are worried. You are angry. You are sad.

So no wonder, that even I, who teach people to connect, get disconnected, hopelessly, from time to time.

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Success? Failure? The difference between success and failure: it’s how you look at it.

As I am working to strengthen the integrity of my site (slow going and a lot of mundane work) I re-read some of my earlier articles, and I am amazed how good they are.

I wish I could just take a metaphorical funnel and pour them all in your brain… But…

You probably would not be able to use any of it.

Anything you don’t earn, or you don’t feel your earned will be rejected by your higher self…

At some period in my life I wrote articles about strippers and strip clubs, and was stupefied by the strippers’ behavior. They earned their money in a way that their higher self did not condone, so they had to get rid of all their money, and fast.

Some, where this inner conflict didn’t exist, invested their money and became rich.

Life, money, success, failure is how you look at it.

This is what this article is about…
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