Vibrational Review: Ann Taylor Healer: is she a fraud? The 3-card Monte of Ann Taylor: watch my left while I pick your pocket with my right

Ann Taylor healer, founder of Inner Healing, Inc., is an internationally-known energy healer and teacher. Personal Vibration: 250. Truth value of her teaching: 200; clientele: under 100.

Her world view is faulty, so even if she mixes truth into her fast talk.

Ann Taylor healer, oh my.

Let me measure your vibration?Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.
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Attunement is like entrainment, except that it is a permanent change in your makeup, even changes your DNA.

It is much like using a tuning fork: the sound can shatter a drinking glass, a mirror, if the vibration of the drinking glass or the mirror are close to the vibration of the sound of the tuning fork.

Spiritual masters have been attempting to attune their disciples by satsang, which is a passive mode of attunement. The results have been dismal.

In my “implanting” version of attunement I am using strong Source Energies, that are able to bridge larger gaps in vibration, so the results will be better than dismal… i.e. there will be at least a few people that attain to the energy, attain to the higher vibration.

I will make this entry a growing one, so far I have distinguished divinity, caring, and feeling loved as missing from the blueprint of humanity.
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The filter of expectation… what should be there but isn’t

I woke up unhappy. I woke up from a dream where I was framed and was struggling for my life.

Even though waking up freed me from the struggle, the unhappy state hung out for a few minutes after awakening.

I went to bed last night, and didn’t fall asleep for two and a half hours. I wasn’t unhappy then… Instead I was musing. About worlds. About humanity. And about history and alternate history. I was fascinated and enjoyed it.
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Bach Energy tm

Dr. Edward Bach was a British physician at the first third of the 20th Century.
Based on the principles of homeopathy, where a minute energetic sample of the symptom of a disease eliminates the disease, he found 38 plants, flowers, shrubs and trees, that have all the range of human foibles, character flaws, and negative attitudes.

He created a water based essence of each and diluted it. They work famously, but given that the carrier of the energy is physical, when the different essences are mixed, the result nix each other out.

Source has duplicated the energies of these essences. These are what we call Bach Energies. They work as well as the essences and do not nix each other out.

These can be used individually or in any combination, they can be infused in water based carrier, and other items as well. Amazing and very fast results
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What will happen when the new healing modality and the self-improvement, behavior improvement, mood improvement, life improvement method gets out and big?

What will happen when the new healing modality and the self-improvement, behavior improvement, mood improvement, life improvement method gets out and big?

Will it get squashed? Will I get crucified? Burned at the stake?

What will all the injured parties do?

Who are the injured parties, you ask?

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No guts, no glory… is that even a principle?

And whatever that glorious future you dream about, no matter which side of the great divide you are on, that glorious future is a stillborn. That is, unless you have the guts to go for it, and go for it with gusto.

And, because it is a principle… as every true principle, it is true everywhere.

Timid souls, careful souls, cautious souls’ good ideas die on the vine.

What really puzzles me, though, why is it that people who are on the side of genocide, racism, suppression, violence, world dominance…
Why aren’t those people who are on the wrong side of the law, why aren’t they timid?
Because they aren’t.

People who hate me have the guts to write to me and tell me. Tell me what a piece of excrement I am… egotist, judgmental, whatever they call me. They yell. Not timid at all.

On the other hand, my students whose life is slowly brightening, who finally find their path, who have reason to celebrate… they are quiet, with finger on their lips… modest, and silent.

I find the same thing in politics too.

What is politics? Unfortunately it is politics where most things about your life are decided… Decided by thieves, loudmouths, robbers, killers, cheaters, perverts… people you’ve elected. Both sides. Even if your current president is timid…

So life is getting worse. The dance floor is getting smaller. And the noise is getting louder from the wrong side of the divide… They yell AND ACT, so most of the rights people have fought for, are taken back. 

I find that only humorists have the guts today to say what there is to say. My favorite is Andy Borowitz… his Borowitz Report. Hilarious and outspoken.

About everything.

I want to be like Andy Borowitz when I grow up.

But honestly, personal responsibility, personal power is on the decline, and…
…those who have a crowd to scream with scream. Those who have no crowd… whimper.
Back some 20 years ago I was writing a magazine review on topless dancing. It was early afternoon and I was the only customer in the joint. The dancer was a blonde buxom woman. She was dancing for me. She spit on her breast and the saliva was sliding down on her skin… and I got turned on. Yeah… I still get a stomach ache when I think back.

So then I spent a few hours contemplating if I was suddenly gay.

I considered that I had to choose. And I looked what life would be like if I started to be attracted to women… and it looked like a disaster. Being different was already unpleasant. Even having friends was already a non-issue: I had none. But being THAT different: no, thank you, no. I didn’t want that.

Later I found out I could be turned on by anything sexual… for example two men kissing… huh… interesting.

So I am heterosexual…

I have counseled many (tens) of people who struggled with and against their attraction to the same sex and had to deal with their parents, their community rejecting them.

I hear that belonging is the strongest desire
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Bilocation is the ability to experience one’s self at two different places. Experience as view, hear, sense. The two “selves” act differently, one is the observer, and the other is the “explorer.”

In Star Trek The Next Generation, there is an episode that is the perfect illustration for this: Year 7, 3rd episode: Interface.

In this episode Geordi LaForge, the blind engineer, is hooked up to a probe that they send into dangerous missions. The probe is operated by Geordi, and the probe feeds back sensory information to Geordi. In effect, the real Geordi experiences being there, seeing, hearing, touching things his mortal self could not survive, temperatures, climates, etc. This “probe” is your bilocated self that goes out on a mission to get the information for you, to test out new behaviors, to help you live the activated life you are capable of.

Bilocation in remote viewing is doing exactly what happens in this episode of Star Trek… to learn more about remote viewing, there is a good site out there, Remote viewing site
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Quotes I want you to ponder

Tell me one last thing, said Harry. Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head? Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?- Albus Dumbledore

Dumbledore: This kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.
Harry: What is it?
Dumbledore: Love, Harry. Love.

“Don’t let the fear mongering of the middle class mindset scare you away from moving toward your vision. Stay strong and fearless. No matter how crazy the economy gets, champions will always thrive and survive. Keep planning, pushing, and dreaming. The economic impact of roller coaster markets pales in comparison to the psychological impact they have on the masses. We can’t control the economy, but we can control how we think about it. Stay focused on what you want and immerse your consciousness in thoughts of love and abundance.”

-Steve Siebold

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avatar state

Avatar State is my term to represent the kind of connection that is both wide and deep.

It is a state where I am connected to all of it on the vertical, and broadcast an ever growing diameter “donut” shaped energy of Source’s or Zero Point Field energy to harmonize everything in its wake to its harmonious energy. The Zero Point Field is all knowledge and the stabilizer of all that exists. And all that is new comes from the Zero Point Field.

The Zero Point Field is what Wallace D. Wattles recognized as the in all, through all presence… my hunch that you could call it god, although it is not a being.

When I record the Avatar State Audios I enter the Avatar State and add a slight angle, a context to remind the energy to nudge you in a particular direction that is defined by the missing capacity the title of the Avatar State Audio indicates, procrastination, being in the mind, and such.
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What is the Ego’s role in getting you to the Promised Land?

What is the Ego’s reward for getting you to the Promised Land?

So, I have been observing that many people who seemingly were interested in what I have to say now aren’t.

So what are they suddenly interested in? And I am especially interested in where they go where they actually spend their attention and their money.

I am turning on my X-ray eyes, so to say, and look.
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