Your worldview is holding you back. But what is it?

Your worldview is holding you back
First off: what is worldview? Worldview is how you see things, a set of lenses a set of assumptions that are invisible to you. It is a particular philosophy of life or concept of the world. Maybe even an ideology.

Religion is a worldview.
Democracy is also a worldview
Fascism is also a worldview
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You don’t have a life… you have many fragmented segments

The Missing Unifying Link
Can you find a thread that connects all or at least most of your daily activities? If not, then you clearly are living a fragmented life — a series of disjointed experiences.

Could a business or a machine run this way work well? Could a human body whose systems and organs are not coordinated work well!

What impact does fragmentation have on you and your well-being? What toll does it take on your psyche and your peace of mind when you have many diverse voices and demands tugging you in different directions?

If a business cannot function without a unifying mission, how can you?

We’ll go deep into this issue of fragmented life in this article.
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Quotes that influenced me

Know thyself.
If men would search diligently their own minds, and examine minutely their thoughts and actions, they would be more cautious in censuring the conduct of others, as they would find in themselves abundantly sufficient cause for reproof. “It is a good horse that never stumbles;” and lie is a good man indeed who cannot reproach himself with numerous slips and errors.” “Every bean has its black,” and every man his follies and vices.

The adage also teaches us to set a proper value upon ourselves, and to be careful not to do anything that may degrade us. It is not known to whom we are indebted for this golden rule; we only learn that it is of very long standing, and was held in such high estimation by the ancients, that it was placed over the doors of their temples, and it was also supposed by them, that ” E coelo descen- dit,” it came down from heaven. ” ‘Man know thyself!’ tins precept from on high Came down, imagined by the Deity; Oh! be the words indelibly imprest On the live tablet of each human breast.

My note: To know anything or anyone, one needs to look. Straight. Without judgment. Without fear. Look and see. See what is there. Look long and hard.

If you try, you’ll see that it is not as easy as it sounds. You’ll want to run. Or you’ll want to look for signs that you have prejudged accurately, and ignore everything that says otherwise.

If you have looked rightly, you’ll see a lot of ugliness. In yourself, in others. It’s been always there. 

As soon as you are able and willing to include it in who you consider yourself, it melts away.

This is the process I teach… get to the good, the real, the magnificent through the ugly.

From PAGES: Essays by Werner Erhard for the est staff, January 1, 1981

The only thing you are going to do today is: what you do today. Therefore, the only thing there is to do today is: what you do today. That’s all there was to do when you started no matter what you thought or think.


Most people go around thinking that what there is to do today is all that stuff that there is to do, that is to say, everything that isn’t done. This is a lie. This lie leads to stupidity. This stupidity leads to ineffectiveness. The ineffectiveness leads to fewer results being produced, leaving, apparently, more to be done. And there you have the downward spiral which is unworkability.

The only thing there is to do today is: what you actually do today! There is nothing else to do today! You get it? There isn’t anything to do today except what you actually do. That’s all there is to do today. Do you get it? If you do actually get it, you should feel the muscles in your body begin to relax. A sense of freedom and power begins to well up within you.

Now, you want to go to work, get to it, get at it, get it done. And here you have the upward spiral which is workability.

But what are you going to do
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Addiction: Could This Healing Modality Free You From Your Prison? Bring about Heaven on Earth?

Addiction: Could This Modality Free You From Your Prison?

I just re-read an article I wrote back in November. A lot has happened since, and with the development of the Bach Flower Energies, (the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) and the Heaven on Earth energy bundle, I can now say: there is help for addicts.

What keeps the addiction in place is the “no alternative” and the bad feelings in absence of the pleasure trigger, the thing one is addicted to.

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Case study: from 200 to 400 in 22 steps. Could you do it?

How a student rose her vibration from 200 to 400 in just 22 steps… and an organizing principle.

And just so you know, only 10 people are on that level or above on the planet. How many claim they are already there? About a hundred.

The average vibration on the planet is 70… Busy concourse level.

Street level is 100.
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You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before

You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before

There is a core group of people that come to every class, every meditation, read most of what I write.

You would expect them to rise steadily on the vibrational scale, wouldn’t you? I did.

To my dismay they aren’t. Why not? They are doing the work, right? You say. Maybe even they say that.

No. They don’t. They may pretend to do the work, but the work they do, is not the work to do.

Let me explain: The work to do is to restore the Original Design in your own life, and live it.

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Seeing. What? How? How far? How wide? How astutely?

If seeing is our access to everything, then seeing is our most important skill.
It is actually a metaskill… A meta-skill is a permanent part of you that enables you to achieve things. Metaskills get more and more important as the new kind of work… the future of work. And life…

But, unfortunately, when I look, according to my measures, it is our ability to see is the ability most taken for granted.

We, at any moment, feel that we see everything… except that even the best of us only see some of what there is to see, and the average sees about 3% of what would make them happy, healthy, loved, and prosperous. 3%… while they think they see it all.

We need to LEARN to see… whaaat? Yeah…
So in this article I’ll attempt to list all the ways seeing or not seeing makes a difference for your life.
Seeing and labeling, seeing an interpreting arise exactly at the same time… this is why so many of us can’t see what we see, we can only see what we’ve said about what our visual perception organ said about it.

If you want to compare people, and really know what the difference between them, instead of looking only at their performance, results, happiness, etc. you’d be better at looking at what they see, how they see it, how far they see, how wide they see, and how astutely they interpret them.

Why? Because you can learn to see more, better, farther, wider, and more astutely, while you don’t have much power, directly, over your results.
Your attitudes come directly from what you see. Directly.
And even though you and another dude see, supposedly the same thing, his behavior is going to be different, his results are going to be different, based on one single thing: what they see and what they say about it.

Most of my students have a base way to look at the world. They evaluate what they see by what they wanted to see. And what they see is not what they wanted to see 90% of the time.

So they see what they see through a very binary filter… and can’t see any shade, anything in between, any opportunity, any beauty, any good thing in it… because of that filter.

When they allow that filter to become more malleable, allow some gray come in through it, their life’s become a whole lot more manageable, and they start seeing more opportunities for being.

So when we look at the title of this article and ask the same question, the way most people on the planet look at the world is black and white, good or bad, right and wrong.
We call this The Valley of The Shadow of Death level… or the horizontal plane.
We see only things we either want or don’t want. Neutral things remain invisible… unimportant.

Our attitude, our mood, regarding what we see enters through the filter of ‘this is it’ or ‘this isn’t it’. Right or wrong. What we wanted or we don’t want this. Emotionally we swing wildly between euphoria and despair.

We don’t see beyond the immediate… where it goes, what may be beyond it is not visible… Other
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Courses and workshops

All past courses have been recorded and some are available for purchase. I am in the process of checking them, updating the sales letters, etc. So if what you find is a mess… just email me if you want to buy the course.

Amish Horse Training
Carrot and Stick course
Feel Your Feelings course
From upset to communication course
Inner Authority
Instant Coherence course
Integrity workshop
Money: what is missing? workshop
On building a raft… the foundation
The Ego webinar
Turn Around on a Dime aka Being a Winner

Second phase activators
Third phase activators
Brilliance at will level one and level 2
Activate your divinity
Daily connection
The itch that you can’t scretch: the course
The pebble in your shoes
Empath Training
Self healing course
Muscle Testing
The Soaring Method
The Playground… learn what belongs to you, what is real and what is not… so you can become a responsible adult

email me for a payment link and with questions
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Coaching and Consulting

I am available for training, coaching and consulting to take you to a life you life and a life that you live powerfully in all areas of life, wealth, health, love, and fulfillment.

If you are in need of consulting please contact me by email, and we’ll see if I am able to help you in your specific problem.
Diagnostic consulting. I use muscle testing to diagnose
This can diagnose your health, your soul correction issues, and your core issues in finally raising your vibration in earnest. This is normally one session.
The Juice Exercise: find your secret core desire
This is my secret weapon. When asked, most people don’t know what gives them juice to really enjoy life, 24/7, regardless of what they are doing.

The “Juice” is the idea/or context that makes your life integrated, and turns the dullest moment into sources of pleasure… Mine is: bringing the divine to everything, big or small…

This is normally one session… occasionally two.
Mindset/accomplishment coaching.
One-on-one phone coaching by application only: If you are interested in this type of coaching, this is most effective coupled with my other programs, so you can have an immersion experience. It is best to start with one of my “in writing” coaching where we find out if we are a good fit, so please start there. If we are, and we got to know each other, then you can ask me to upgrade you for one-on-one phone coaching.
Email coaching:
This is, normally, an add-on to a course or a project. Recently I have started to give feeedback in audio. It adds a layer that disengages your knee-jerk reaction to words, because the words come with a tone of voice that tells you: there is nothing wrong here… The feedback from students and clients has been very good.

The Reclaim program aka 67 step coaching: This is a program uses Tai Lopez’s 67 step program to take you to about 100 principles you’ve never seen. I coach through a forum… the coaching is personal, and frequent. It focuses on finding the principles, and distinguishing them in every other area of life… to equip you with enough knowledge as a foundation for curiosity and personal growth. Daily opportunities for guidance and correction. Calculate 18 months for real results.

The Science of Getting Rich coaching uses the book. You are asked to do a chapter a day, and make changes in your mindset and in your thinking as a result… Report to me in writing, and I nudge you until you get it right. You’ll be cycling through the chapters until you are masterful at it.

The 57 coaching uses the distinctions, the invisibles to take you from being blind to the invisibles to seeing them and integrating them in your life.

Accountability coaching… this is an add-on to any other coaching. You train yourself to get things done, things that when you are left to your own devices, you don’t get done. Most important things belong to this category.



One-on-one in person coaching
If I don’t know you,
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