Tag Archives: 30×30 total transformation

Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Truth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie.

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?

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Warning! Beware! The Total Transformation 30×30 will infect your mind with a mind virus.

Warning! Beware! The Total Transformation 30×30 will infect your mind with a mind virus.

Dr. Fabrizio (Fab) Mancini is an evangelist for positive thinking… which is a mind virus. No positive thinker can elevate their vibration above 170… and 170 is quite miserable.
Do not buy the 30×30 Total Transformation package.
I spent the time and energy to watch the webinar where they were selling it. Although the owner of MindValley is not a positive thinker, Dr Fab is…

And the meditations are all done by Dr. Fab: an excellent opportunity for the mind virus to attack you or infect you even deeper than you already are.

You’ve been warned.
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