Tag Archives: adult as a possibility

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off… or make you an outcast, or crazy

This article is not for everybody… Exercise caution!

I think I am going crazy.

The main reason people, most of them, almost all of them, are authoritarian, meaning not doing their own due diligence finding out if what is being disseminated as the truth is really credible, is that the truth is horrible.

Your mind acts as a filter, it doesn’t allow anything to go through and become conscious that you can’t handle. If it did, we would have a lot more schizophrenics that we do.

If it is safe to pass out, the mind will make you lose consciousness if the input is too strong for you to handle. If it is not safe to pass out, it will bury the true extent and meaning of the information until you are ready.

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Boys, Girls, Gender, coming to peace – Tigers and Bears, oh my!

boys… I always wanted to be a boy. They seem unperturbed, laugh a lot. Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off… So I really love this picture.

I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. I knew it was only a matter of time. I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. I didn’t know what was cut off, but I needed it.

I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.

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Is life all it’s cracked up to be? Life owes you something: it is not fair!

If I asked you to observe your face without changing it first and without going to the mirror, could you do it?

One of the most useful things I have ever read, that if you use specific muscles in your face to produce a micro-expression, your emotions will follow.

I first heard something similar some 40 years ago: one of my co-workers got pregnant and she walked around with a smile on her face. I didn’t know I was an empath at the time, but I knew she was faking it. I knew that inside she wasn’t smiling. In fact she was sad. Why? I didn’t know her well, didn’t know her circumstances. Maybe she was disappointed, she had imagined her life different, and there it was, she was working full time, pregnant, and that wasn’t fair.

For some reason incongruencies like this stuck in my head, and kept me busy revisiting them. I spent time in front of the mirror trying to figure out what made those facial expressions a lie. I tried to feel the face and watch the feelings.

I didn’t know about micro-expressions, the tiny involuntary muscle contractions that last a split second but belie the real feelings masked by poker face, a smile, or whatever the mask is.

This discovery and this practicing, learning to feel my face became, as it turns out, a tool that has assisted me in identifying the “demons”, the lies, the pretenses in me. The beliefs that were killing my life.

One of these facial expressions is a very young face: corners of the mouth curve down, the area under the nose is tense, and the outside edges of the eye brow also turn down. Five muscles, if I am not mistaken.

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What is the Self? Part 3: What happens when you find your self? Or after…

What is the self? This question comes up again and again. Is it the same as the ego? Is it the same as soul? Is it this, is it that?

I have been asking this question as well. We didn’t come to this world to know self, and definitely weren’t allowed to get to know self.

The moment, in the cradle, you discovered that when you smiled adults got excited and gave you more attention, your corruption, the corruption of the untarnished, unspoiled self began.

The personality that you now honor as your self is on the circumference of your being. The circumference is rich in adjectives, adverbs, and poor in being.

You say I am this, and I am that, and I have to maintain this and that… or sometimes you say “being this” or “being that.”

The moment there is a word after the word “being” we are moving away from Self.

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Talk Back To Me: Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

How to get the most out of your Avatar State audio?
Hello Sophie

Below is a copy of the receipt I got from PayPal as requested in your “Package Deal” to acquire access to “Harmonize Your Vibration Audio”.

Also I have some questions.
I have both the Self Discipline and the Unconditional Love Activators and have listened to both at different times while on my computer. My question is this, should they be listened to separately, perhaps even alternating days or can they be listened to one after the other? Ideally I could have both of them running in the background simultaneously, but I don’t know if they would cancel each other out or worse, fry some brain cells. LOL! Is that an option?
For the nth time, let me say how the Avatar State Audios work:

How the harmonize works: the harmonize audio is slightly different from the rest of the Avatar State audios, in that it does not have a FOCUS.

It “shakes” you to harmonize your vibration with the vibration of the Universe.

The more out of sync you are, the more work the audio has to do.

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Energy vampires: how it works and how I fell victim to one myself

Some people thrive on your energy. If you have no tools to measure, you don’t even know.

The people that attach themselves to you to drain your energy into themselves are normally your family or close friends.

I had a client whose father was draining her life force for years when I first checked her. She was in worse shape than the father. Although I removed the attachment every time we spoke, she stayed living with her parents. She got sicker and weaker by the day, she was sacrificing her life for her 80 year old dad’s. I refused to cooperate.

Another client came to me with an attachment that had been there for years. He went shrinking, complaining of ringing ears… I removed the attachment, but he went out and looked for other women to attach themselves to him. He had no courage to live his live as a fully responsible adult. This way he had an excuse.

My downstairs neighbor, a male, was using his girl friend’s energy. I watched the girl wither. I sent her energy without her knowing it, and finally she moved out and away to have her own life and keep her own energy. The guy promptly went out to look for another victim.

>For the past week I have been feeling off. My balance has been off, my energy has been off. I didn’t think of measuring my vibration, but a “student” tested his muscle-testing prowess on me, and it turned out that my vibration dropped 33 points: huge. I was mortified, really I still am.

As you know, muscle-testing is tricky: you can’t just ask any question, the question needs to be clear and have a yes/no answer. So you are left to your imagination and intuition: the better questions you ask the surer that you’ll get an answer.

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There Is No Such Thing As “Instant Healing”

There is no such thing as “instant healing”. “Instant healing” is the tool of the looters and the drug of the moochers.

If we compared you to a house with its architecture, rooms, utilities, equipment, furniture, wall-paint, etc. we would be able to see a lot of the hokiness and untruths that are being disseminated today by the looters, and believed greedily by the moochers. You. No offense, just stating the facts. Moocher and looter are distinctions, objective and well-defined, and unless you get offended by the truth, you won’t get offended.

If you are here because you have an honest desire to have a life worth living and to have a body working for you, not against you, you may want to relent your rigid standards as to what is true, and what is nice, and how it all works. What got you where you are is all those hoky truths, your standards and ideals, so let’s put a question mark to all that, and let’s question it all, OK?

I am working with the analogy of a house, because we all can relate to that.

The question I am going to deal with, mainly, in this article, is “instant healing,” but all I say will also apply to everything in life, your emotional well being, your career, your relationships, your whole life.

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What is the sky telling you? You never looked? Maybe it says you are not lovable?

I got an email today: A classmate of mine died yesterday.

He wasn’t the first one to die, he was the first one I cried over his death.

I pay attention when I cry. It is part of my guidance system. It takes me to places I need to go. Not forcefully go, not mind-directed go, instead go like a child goes, his hand in the hand of an adult, and they just go together, and the child doesn’t even consider worrying: the child is safe as long as the two hands touch.

It’s like a pilgrimage… not like I know what a pilgrimage is, this is the word that came, and I am going to trust it.

I had no idea why I would cry over the death of this guy. I don’t remember talking to him more than once, for maybe one sentence… that’s it. This is going to be interesting…

I am going about doing the things I do, webmastering, answering emails, making lunch, tea… nothing extra. I know that I am still being guided, I feel it.

Next piece of the “becoming conscious pilgrimage” is a movie I loved.

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Magical Solutions To Life… So You Can Experience Love, Care, And Appreciation, Finally… Pure Magic… Part One

Pure Magic
Magical Solutions to life… so you can experience love, care, and appreciation, finally… Part One

Why can’t you really experience love, caring, appreciation? What displaces all these wonderful feelings?

Part One of this article will bring focus to the real cause of why you can’t really experience love, joy, happiness, real connection, gratitude… all the wonderful feelings that would make your life worth living, and make every moment a celebration.

One of the magical results of my online workshop is that they return love, care, appreciation to your life.

How do I do it? It is surprisingly simple. And I just found a poetic way to express it.

I am quoting my most magical teacher’s Monday Morning Memo: always an inspiration, but today especially.
Time is a Solvent

An auction house is an island of cast-offs and misfits where the rejected and broken feel finally at home.

I am speaking of the merchandise, of course, not of the people.

Perhaps I am speaking of the people, as well.

From the age of 18, Pennie and I have searched for buried treasure in auction houses. When you collect the misfit and the broken, you quickly learn how to accentuate natural beauty and disguise the inevitable flaws. These are valuable skills for a marketing consultant.

There is magic in that moment between Before and After.

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