Tag Archives: aloneness

Turning Points: Queen to Play… movie scripts

Turning Points: Queen to Play
Lots of movies are based on a script of turning points. Of course: a dramatic turning point is a really great story.

But few of the turning points are of any use for the viewer because you cannot see, cannot recognize the dynamic of the turning point. No distinction…

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Alone is one of the itches we identify on my Itch.

An itch is something that you want, desperately, to come to you, from the outside. But even when it does, it doesn’t do it for you, it doesn’t scratch the itch. Only you giving what you want scratches the itch.

The perfect example is the fireplace: you want heat from the fireplace. After all the fireplace is supposed to give you heat and coziness, and romance, and a sense of home.

But in real life, you need to feed the fireplace, before it will give you heat… let alone cozy and romance and a sense of home.

When you have Alone as your itch, you are always disappointed, because no matter what you do, the alone follows you, like your shadow.

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