My amazon best seller is out.
The book I co-authored. I paid a thousand bucks to be part of that project.
First it was exciting. There was also fear, ‘am I good enough?’. Then a whole month where my attention was stolen by the topic of the book (The Entrepreneur Code) and every article I wrote, every conversation went to the topic… entrepreneurship.
Then I wrote six different article-length chapters, and discarded them all.
Then the deadline came and I got no notification from the organizers… So I sent an email: when is the deadline? They answered: It’s today, but you can get two more weeks.
That is when I knew, that is when it hit me that I was taking this too seriously.
So I submitted what I had, and said good bye to any expectation that my thousand bucks (YOUR thousand bucks) would bring me any joy, any satisfaction.
The book is out. It is a ‘best seller’ on Amazon… which means nothing. It is by manipulating the numbers. You just ask the 14 ‘authors’ to email their peeps to buy the book. Am I asking you to buy the book right now? No.
The book is listed on my ‘author’s page’ is probably the only thing I got out of this deal. And a lot of people search for my name on Amazon before they decide that I am legit.
I had some learning: It is a business model for the person whose name is on the cover of the book, who collects the thousand dollars.
He might word his model like this:
I publish a series of book that have multiple authors. I decide on the topic, have the cover designed, announce the opportunity to become a ‘best selling author’ for a day to people who aren’t. Post the book with a delayed publishing date on Amazon.
I collect the money. Employ an editor, and wait. The editor puts the ‘chapters’ written by the other ‘authors’ together in kindle format, and I sit pretty in the knowledge that each ‘author’ will promote the book once it is out, or even before that.
That is what creates the ‘best seller’ numbers.
That is that. Not a bad gig if you can get it. About 700 dollars for about 10 hours of work… AND his track record of publishing Amazon best sellers. I talk more about track record a little later.
Kind of a letdown to me.
OK, done. No big deal.
Now, what did I do here?
I was using a technique you can call journaling, where my intention was to create clarity, and to pull to myself, take responsibility for what belongs to me.
I gave myself access to power. My personal power.
To see that I own what belongs to me. That I drive the car that is my life.
And to see that if I do drive that life, then I can take it anywhere.
At some point in the story I had an urge to blame. To call myself a victim of a scam. A con.
But I got what I paid for. I paid to be published as part of a multi-author book that would be a best seller on Amazon.
It is a best-seller right now. And my name is listed there…
Did I make a good deal? I don’t think so.
But was it worth going through the steps
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