Tag Archives: Armand Morin

Why is it that you look at a successful person and even if you copy all their actions, even if you copy their attitude the way they tell you, you won’t be able to duplicate their success?

This is an article I wrote almost 8 years ago…

Why is it that you look at a successful person and even if you copy all their actions, even if you copy their attitude the way they tell you, you won’t be able to duplicate their success?

I have been slacking off growing, i.e. didn’t do much to grow, and I noticed. Not for a long time, maybe a week or two, but I have started to notice. Just like athletes notice the imperceptible signs of muscle atrophy and weakening when they are on vacation.

It is very easy to go to this mode… easier than to go back to growth mode.

It’s easy, because 99% of the population is there, at any one time. Most people over 18, as a matter of fact, and most people under 18… lol, not funny.
Continue reading Why is it that you look at a successful person and even if you copy all their actions, even if you copy their attitude the way they tell you, you won’t be able to duplicate their success?