Tag Archives: asking Source

Can you be well, can you get well if you don’t know if something is true or not?

This article has long been in the making.

It’s about our inability to tell what is the cause of something. Or even if there is a causal relationship between two things…

Between tithing and a sudden windfall… between lying and breaking your leg… between eating peanuts and feeling better/worse… Is there a cause and effect relationship there? If you pray: do people get better? If you spend time on a reiki person’s table… do you feel better because someone paid attention to you, or was there even energy there? Questions, questions and no answers.

If it were just you and other consumers of information who don’t know the answers, that would be fine with me, but with the proliferation of the internet, and with everyone and their brother writing, publishing, opinionating, sounding off, repeating things and their opposite, our sense of who to trust, what to believe is at an all-time low.

It used to be that we trusted doctors, and we died feeling that the doctor did their best… and their best was not a match to the task.

And we were right. We did the best we knew to do.
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The two types of truth testing… are you asking the body or the soul?

Yesterday I accidentally was lead to a year and a half old article of mine. I was stunned. I didn’t remember writing that article. It was the best article I have ever published… 100% channeled.

It was about the difference between asking-your-body type of muscle testing, and the asking-Source type of muscle testing.

Every nutritionist, chiropractor, etc. ask your body.
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