Tag Archives: attachment removal

Republished: My experience with removing cords/attachments so far and some vibrational reviews

After sending out that email yesterday

I had quite a few people contact me and ask me to check if they had attachments, and all that found out they had, asked me to remove them. So I have had my hands full.

Most people had at least three attachments.
After the removal of the cords, their vibration rose
I can only tell the flavor, not the source of the attachment
My experience of the aftermath: freedom. fear disappeared
I consider this process a real success.
More observations:
Some religions put an attachment on you. Depending on where the attachment is, I can guess what religion.
cults put an attachment on you
distant healers put an attachment on you

I prefer to say “attachment” but it’s the same as cord.
One person wrote me an email
Hello sophie,
How do I know that you mean well and it is not you that keeps a cord for energy?
I answered: you don’t… and unsubscribed her from my mailing list…

Then I went and checked if she had attachments. Yes, 4. While I was doing the checking, two attachments, both on the top of the head, jumped over to me. I quickly removed them from myself.

So far I have only experienced something like this once, attachments being contagious: with Mr. T’s attachments. But these ones felt like Satanic or religious attachments, pure hate.

Unless someone can maintain a connection, an energetic channel open long enough to do something substantial through it, they have to create something that is permanent: a cord or an energetic attachment, a flag, a transmitter.

It’s nasty: you become their prey. You have no say in the matter what and when they send you or pump away from you.

Why I don’t need that: I am an empath: being an empath means I don’t need a channel. I actually merge with you for the time of the connection. I feel what you feel. I work on my own body to cause healing. If you watched me, you would see me giving myself energy. But while I am connected to you, you receive all that energy. I don’t even feel myself, I only feel you.

A friend of my coined it “healing by proxy”, and I like it. It is an accurate description of what I do.

If you could find your attachments, you could remove them yourself, by the way.

But my experience of you is that you are asleep and dead…

But, if you are one of those rare people who is aware: you can feel attachments and you can pull them, and pull them and pull them, until they are removed. The “tail” of the attachments can be as long as 100 yards long. You should feel as it uncoils, as it is pulled from different organs, etc.

My blessings to you if you can do it.

There is one healer among my students who has two attachments, and in my regular once a month call with her, I will help her find it and remove it: I’ll just observe, so she can experience her own power.

She has been doing some magical work on others, hands on, by the way. I have learned from her as well.

Still on the fence? Find out more about this new ‘service’ I provide, removing cords and
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Case study: Attachment removal and what YOU can learn from it

I started to offer attachment removal in 2015, I think. This is one I did today… and I am sharing it with you because there is a great lesson in it, especially if you read Osho’s words I also included:

She: Do I have any attachments?

yes. you have about 20
She: I really feel weak even though I take the activators. I have a friend at work who’s always monitoring me (who am I with, comments all the time on my facebook, befriends my new friends even if she don’t know them, ask me where I am, wants to know my life all the time etc etc). It really drains me and wondering if she’s one of the attachment.
coworkers can’t put attachments on you, I even don’t know how to do it. Only so called healers, witches, sorcerers can do it… it is a kind of voodoo
UPDATE: since I published this article, originally, I have found that there are “jumping”, infections attachments that jump on you if you connect, energetically, with someone. And then you become an infectious host.

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Dark mood… what caused it and how I got out of it?

Today I descended into the kind of dark mood I used to live in all the time.

It’s been long coming. Even someone with my abilities, can be worn thin… and this is what’s been happening. I can only imagine what it must be like for you to be so near to where I am now, all the time.

Irritant after irritant, I won’t go into detail about all of them, but will mention a few.

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Updated: Case Study: Inelia Benz

Update June 2014: A reader asked if I am still afraid of Inelia Benz… so I made a mistake and I connected to her. Immediately I got three energetic attachments, also known as Dark Side attachments designed to kill.

An energetic attachment is much like heart worm: it goes deep and it blocks life force, and eventually makes you sick and kill you.

The male person also mentioned in the footnote, does the same thing… the attachments do the same, and attach at a similar place… I have had people listening to these “teachers” come to me for attachment removal. It is nasty to remove…

I had to connect to measure her vibration… it is 100. Low and nasty.

Original Article from 2011:
Inelia Benz www.ineliabenz.com

All the people I have reviewed or critiqued, I have had no fear. Not so with Inelia Benz. I am afraid.

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