Tag Archives: Avatar State audios

What is enlightenment? Are your gurus, sages, mystics enlightened?

What is enlightenment? Are the gurus, sages, mystics of the day enlightened? If their enlightenment were a sex organ, how much would they have to play with?

Enlightenment is a big word. It is a huge accomplishment.

Enlightenment is a way of being that is unburdened by the mind, the concerns society imposes on you. It is a simple way of being joy, rejoicing with life is the normal.

Just like with many other things in the domain of being, the nature of reality is such, that you can only see the tip of the iceberg of enlightenment.

We see the peacefulness of the person, the smile.

If is hard to tell if a person is peaceful as an act, carefully rehearsed, or the result of coming to peace.

But when I merge with their body, their feelings, their being, I can tell what the thin veneer is hiding: an unpeacefulness, that is often worse than yours.

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Instant Healing, Instant Transformation — The Dream Scam of the Age

I have started to do one-on-one consulting again. I didn’t know what to expect, but I now know I can handle anything…

I just started today, so I have had one session. It was wonderful, and the results could be spectacular, except…

This is what this article will be about, that “except…” To see what’s in the way of anyone, any modality, any methodology being able to produce results, ever.

We live in a world of instant gratification, and instant is expected. It is also propagated by stupid, ignorant, fraudulent practitioners, like the ones I write about in my vibrational reviews. In fact, there are 20 million pages telling you that instant whatever is possible, and it is your birthright, just pay a little bit of money for it.

I participated in Landmark Education for 27 years. They also, albeit not openly, promise that you will have a breakthrough in your effectiveness, in your results, in the quality of your life. What they are not saying is that it is not promised because it is up to you.

So, what are these programs, what are these practitioners do, if not what they are promising, if not what you are paying for?

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Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: identify your nine fat triggers and lose all the weight

Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: identify your nine fat triggers and lose all the weight

Jon Gabriel is an amateur(?) Biochemical Researcher. In this new Mind Valley program, the Gabriel Code, he claims that your body has fat triggers.

Test your fat triggers:

I did, and the result was: the cause of my weight issues is frequent dieting. Maybe, maybe not.

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Encounters with a lion… you can remain fearless, and do nothing… like you should.

This is pretty much what this spiritual work is about: don’t try to change anything.

How to use the Avatar State audios? Don’t change anything. Just observe. Just bring awareness to the behavior, the feelings, the thoughts, the inclinations that are the focus of the activator.

Once you bring awareness to anything undesirable, it will go away by itself.

When you resist or want to change anything, it will go underground, and will run your life more powerfully than before… You won’t have any life left of your own at all.

Many of you are there… there is not much I can do for you.
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New: Get SPECIFIC instructions on how to get the most out of your Avatar State Audios

New: Get SPECIFIC instructions on how to get the most out of your Avatar State Audios

People have been using the Avatar State Activator Audios with great success. But if the feedback rate is any indication, not everyone knows how to mine the gold in those activators, and instead of getting the amazing results I promise, they get only some results. Not bad, but not what they intended.

As I was re-listening my call with a student last Sunday, I realized that even my experienced old-timers need help. They need more clarification, more distinction, than they can come up with themselves.

So I decided to create a video/audio instruction for every activator, and I will make it available for purchase.

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Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water

Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bill Wernet, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water, Wilhelm Reich,Orgone energy

I see people searching for “bovis energy scale” “bovis scale water” on the site, and I get intensely curious.

I used to buy my water-energizing products from Sante in Florida, until the store defaulted with a large order and the money held back.

I looked for the “real” owner, Bill Wernet (vibration: 210), who was 90 years old a few years ago when I contacted him by phone.

He “owned” Sante Water’s method of turning purified water into energized water. At the time I didn’t find anything that would explain how to do that, though, based on today’s experience, I think I was asking the wrong questions… oh well, don’t you recognize yourself? Asking by the Tree of Knowledge.

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Vibrational Reviews: Raymon Grace: Energizing Your Water, Kute Blackson, And On Emptiness That Fills Your Core, And How Do The Activators Work

Vibrational Reviews: Raymon Grace: energizing your water, Kute Blackson, and the emptiness that fills your core

Yesterday I received a DVD of Raymon Grace (personal vibration: 170) from one of the students, so I can test it.
Raymon Grace

Now, I hate to admit, I am not sure what to make of what I experienced.

I put a pitcher of water in front of the monitor, as instructed. The water’s vibration was 190… it was already purified. Then I poured out of the pitcher about 1/4 glass into a glass and held it high.

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The Question is: What are you using your life for? Will you, with time, turn out the wrong person? Already have?

I don’t know Roy Williams, other than I have bought and read all his books. I have never gone to Texas to any of his seminars. But Roy Williams speaks for me. Beautifully, poetically, and near-accurately.

Here in this quote from his Monday Morning Memo, he speaks about time, about purpose, about the person you turn out to be.

In most of my programs, including the Soul Correction Workshop , the Activate Divinity Workshop, the Abundance Workshop (that is coming soon), all my Avatar State audios, the Heaven on Earth, etc. do one thing and one thing only: attempt to nudge you to restore your original self, the self that had the capacity for joy, for love, for creation, for immortality.

You are immortal if the you, the real you, doesn’t die with every step you take, with every day at work, with every day you spend with the people you spend your time.

But, of course, that is as rare as one in a billion or so.

But with the work we do here, you can return to that person, and the difference will be only in percentages, not an all or nothing, like it’s now.

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What is my experience with healing stones? Crystals? Do they heal or are they a fraud?

What is my experience with healing stones?

The question comes from the limited perspective of the human mind. In the physical existence we need to rely on our five senses, and inside the five senses, there is no sense that can tell if a stone or a crystal is doing something or not… or not quite. If we were sensitive enough, if we didn’t resist every “negative” feeling, we could feel the feeling vibrations of a stone, but most of us don’t.

Bach flowers, the energies in the Bach Flower Remedies or Bach Flower energies, have an energetic signature. It is much like music, recognizable, has a mood, a tempo, a timber to it. It evokes a feeling. A mood.

When you ingest the Bach Flower remedies, the feelings are matched. The feeling of the flower, the feeling of the Bach Flower energy. They are meeting your feelings, blocked feelings, resisted feelings head on and they effectively release the blockage.

The vibrational pattern, the vibrational signature of the organized, intentional energy of the Bach Flower Energy wins every time. It smoothes out the tangles wires, and you feel better.

Let’s follow this last analogy to see how this works with stones. Each stone has an energetic signature. When it is big enough and you put it next to your body, it will work two possible ways:

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Joy of life, Joy of Being Alive versus Should

I woke up with a wispy joy this morning. I loved how my bed felt, how my body felt, how the light fell in the room. It was an inside job. None of those outer stuff was any different from any other morning. I was different. I had that rare quality of enjoyment, of joy, of the joy of being alive.

It is so rare because it, just like the tiny blue flowers at the root of your grass, are hidden by the tall grass. They are tiny, they are insignificant, and our eyes look for the big, the flashy, the showy, and can’t even see the beauty of the tiny blue flowers.

It is rare, because most of us, very early in life, have overpowered with a demand of how life should be.

The man downstairs where I live, has two sons from a marriage, that come to stay with him 4-5 times a year. Two boys, one around 5, the other around 7.

The five year old still has joy. Joy of life. Joy for no reason. Joy because it’s there. His laugh is like the laughter of a mountain brook, bubbling. His brother laughs, but he always has a reason to laugh, mostly at his little brother’s expense. There is no joy in his laugh, there is glee. Glee has a reason, an evil reason. Glee cost another something. It’s pure desire to receive for the self alone.

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