Tag Archives: big bundle activator

Announcing: “My secret weapon” webinar

Now that a bunch of you have bought my Secret Weapon, the Big Bundle of energies The purpose of this article is to announce the WEBINAR I am forced to do to let you feel the energy and teach you to use it correctly.

So, announcing the Big Bundle webinar.

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Osho: Self-knowledge is the most difficult thing – because you are scared to know about yourself

Yesterday I wrote about the “nut” that unless you break it and see what’s in it, your life will be lived out in the misery of duality. There is help available, here, because you need someone who is ruthlessly compassionate.

Of course you want someone who’ll console you, who’ll coddle you, but if you really want to get to the other side of it, and start the process of becoming real, you need someone who doesn’t buy into your fantasy about yourself, that even you know it’s a fantasy.

I, honestly, don’t expect any of you to be ready. It’s not a rate thing, I could offer it for free, and you wouldn’t be interested enough to come.

The Playground was a long version of this process, and a total of three-four people attended regularly. Of course there I didn’t tell people what was required of them… maybe I didn’t really know… I only realized the significance after 2-3 months passed.

Here is an Osho talk, talking about this exact topic. Enjoy.

Self-knowledge is the most difficult thing – not because it is difficult, but because you are scared to know about yourself. A deep fear exists. Everybody is trying to escape, escape from himself. This fear has to be understood. And if this fear exists, whatsoever you do will not be of much help. You may think that you want to know yourself, but if this unconscious fear is there you will continuously avoid, you will continuously try to hide, deceive. On the one hand you will try to know yourself, and on the other hand you will create all sorts of hindrances so that you cannot know.

Continue reading the talk on my Osho site

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Vortex Water vs Energizer Water energized with the Energizer® energy; What is the difference?

There is a difference.
What causes water’s low energy, water’s incoherence, is the little water spouts around impurities…
Just like you, your water is ADD, maybe even ADHD. Distilled water has more water spouts, so it is more incoherent even than tap water purified with primitive filters.

ADD and ADHD, in this connotation means that the water cannot pull it together, it is all over the place, it is confused, and it is hapless.

It may be strange to say that water is hapless, but that is how water feels… as an Empath I can tell you that. Starts and stops, attention span of a fly.
When you put incoherent water in your body, all hell breaks loose…
…even if you weren’t ADD before, it actually makes YOU incoherent, hapless, starts and stops… all over the place.

Continue reading on my Energywater blog

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What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

One of the biggest difficulties in raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, is your vocabulary. Connecting it to your life.

Unless you know what being, how, who words really really really mean, your vibration cannot rise. Your vocabulary makes you not just live in the world, but be OF THE WORLD… i.e. have the consciousness, awareness, attitude and vibration of the world… which is, at this point, has hit an all time low.

So I continue writing about your one thing…
…the one thing that can 10x your results and make everything else easier or not necessary.

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Overwhelm, survival mode, resignation, dead man walking

I had an important and eye-opening insight today. A looking back…

Let me tell you the story so you get the fact that the likelihood of me ever discovering this was between none and zero.

It began some 30 years ago.
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I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

A definition that gives someone access to growing it. What we have now is, essentially, ‘do well on the IQ test…’ which is not really useful.

So here is the first aspect that is definitely growable, and measurable:
Intelligence is how much you see of reality, accurately.
You see, you, me, anyone, only sees a fragment of reality at any point… for many reasons of which I’ll distinguish for you a few, so you can get some power… as far as growing your intelligence goes.

1. your cone of vision
2. the strength of your concern… for whatever
3. your about-me score

So if it is one of the most important elements of intelligence how much of reality you actually see and you see accurately, then you should get intensely curious what limits the size of reality you see… and then get curious to see what limits what you see accurately.

When I muscletest, this (how much of reality you see and how much of it accurately) is 91% of all what intelligence measures… and if you can get these numbers higher, you’ll be outstanding in the low intelligence environment everyone lives in.

The average intelligence has dropped from 100 to 70 in the past few years, most of it since Trump’s running for president and his presidency.

With Trump the world became divided. And when people are divided, their intelligence is limited, because suddenly they are only interested and therefore only see what proves their choice right. (concern)

No matter which side you are on, you fell victim to this.

The only way to stay outside of this intelligence lowering trend is to take no sides. It doesn’t matter who wins, neither sides are right… because they all engage in the binary way to look at the world, and the world is not binary… it is very multifaceted. (accuracy)

But even if you stay outside of ‘political’ views, how you view the world and yourself can be still systemic… good/bad, right/wrong.

As long as you spend most of your time on the systemic judgment level, you are not able to be intelligent… you look at the world as if the whole world were in that deep ditch you live in… and you can’t see anything outside of it.

I teach how to expand your ditch… (the pendulum method) but to date no one has followed my guidance… I guess you decided that I was wrong. Or that you can’t. Or whatever bs you decided… you still live there, in that narrow ditch.

Quickly let’s test if you live there: when I say my IQ is 170 and yours is, let’s say 100… what do you think I am saying? If you say that I am saying that I am better than you, then you live in this ditch of binary worldview.

And at this point, every single student or client of mine lives there… with almost 100% of the rest of the world. A handful of exception, so few people they don’t even move the needle.

I have found an amazing couple who don’t live there… Alex and Leila Hormozi… none of the coaches I actually pay
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Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

Karl Marx, the author of Communist Manifesto and the whole ideology of socialism and communism, where there is forced equality, said:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people

Religion was constructed by people to calm uncertainty over their role in the universe and in society.

I can see that.
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Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?

It’s Saturday and I cancelled all my engagements so I can have some time to clear my head

And then… this persistent inner weeping came up… again.

I asked Source: do I have a reason to grieve? yes. did I lose something? yes. was it ever mine? no. was it love? yes.

So I have been grieving over the loss of something that was never mine, that I never had… so I could not have lost it… and I am grieving nevertheless.

so I ask Source: is that stupid? yes… was the answer.

But what is really happening? I say: the feelings meditations are doing their work.

I had anger for decades… now I have the grief… and when it’s gone I’ll have maybe sadness… and when that is gone, I’ll be free.
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In preparation to the ‘bad feelings’ guidance mediation

The small thinker (who should not buy anything from me anyway) will hate the idea that the results are entirely up to them. The bigger thinker will likely love it.
Bad feelings and Bach energies… what is the connection?
Before you can heal something: you have to feel it. Consciously.
But it feels bad! you cry and you are right. It does.
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