Tag Archives: biggest fear

Opportunities for growth, opportunity to make a difference

Today I woke up to trouble all around.

My favorite niece died and my checking account is overdrawn.

I know, I know, how can I put something so significant and something so mundane in the same sentence? I see your point. And yet, they happened on the same morning, and both hurt.

I went through many phases of grieving, disbelief, denial, anger, blame, depression… I know there are at least seven predictable phases, who cares.

What do you do when someone dies, someone who you loved, even if you haven’t spoken with her since she was six years old?

Really? And which “you” do I mean?

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Why do you choose the shotgun method that doesn’t work, while you know that the process method works?

I am reading this guy’s book. I say “this guy” because I don’t want you to read it. I want you to read my blog…

In a lot of ways he and I teach the same things, even though we use different words. He uses words from psychology and woowoo science… I use words like Amish Horse Training Method, Memes, Marker Feelings.

He is a money/marketing man. His vibration is 200, his accurate vocabulary is 600.

He is proof that you don’t have to have a very high vibration to be able to look from high enough so you see enough to make millions and even teach others to make millions.
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What is consciousness? How does one explore the higher states of consciousness?

Experiencing higher states of consciousness… This has been the desire of millions of people. You have taken drugs, they have done seances, turned to sex, turned to racing, gambling.

Ordinary consciousness is not very attractive. Ordinary consciousness is boredom, sameness, or misery. It is also a kind of sleepwalking.

Life lived in ordinary consciousness is much like the life of the computer animated characters in the movie Matrix. They go about their tiny concerns unaware that they are a computer generated character in a computer generated reality.

It often occurs for me that our lives, our consciousness is quite accurately illustrated in that movie. You can’t reason with a computer animated character, especially if you want them to go somewhere outside of that animation: they can’t. It defines their reality and there is nothing accessible for them beyond it. That is all there is… other than desiring to experience higher states of consciousness, lol.

In my work with people, and my work has been with thousands, at least for the extent of one coaching conversation, I have learned about the “human condition”.

All my experiments are to reveal if it is possible for human being to be awakened, if human being can change its perception of reality, even for just a glimpse. After that glimpse there is a crack, an opening in the paradigm walls, and the higher, larger paradigm can be introduced.

So far no cigar, and the same can be said about the results of all the previous teachers that have tried. Buddha didn’t cause anyone to attain, the next person attained about seven hundred years after Buddha.

We call that glimpse of the larger higher paradigm attainment. Or enlightenment. A very rare phenomenon.

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Is fear only an emotion? If it is: it rules. But maybe it isn’t… Maybe it is something that you can control

Fear talks… Depending on what it says, you’ll run, you’ll hide, or you’ll continue charging forward

I now have a coach to report to on what I accomplish in the project I started a week ago.

Just like you, my first report was something like this: “I know I did little, but there was this fear…”

“What does fear have to do with anything?” he asked… and I was dumbfounded. I know the guy, we’ve been friends now for 3-4 years, and he is always stopped by fear… Who is he kidding?!

I didn’t spend our time together to explain things, after all his role, this time around, is to coach me, not the other way around.

But, in this article, I’ll say everything about fear, and how it works. I will also talk about how to gain the upper hand, at least some of the time, in the face of fear. OK?

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Existential Courage, taking risks, and what will be the most important turning point in your life

One of the most important things I have ever done in my life is find out what really holds me back from taking risks.

After all, if you want to grow, as a person, as a business, you need to take risks: all power comes from going out of your comfort zone, and it’s a risk.

The kind of risk that causes you to grow is the kind of risk you need existential courage to face.

The other risk, existential risk, is annihilation of your physical body, but the kind of risk that causes growth is the kind that threatens to annihilate your self-image, your persona, to make you look bad, be wrong, be less than you desire to be.

So you can see, you have that kind of risk every step of the way, while the other, existential risk is rare and dull in comparison.

Let me return to the most important thing I have ever done, and that is: find out and own my biggest fear. Embrace it, if you wish… Love it, if you wish…

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