Tag Archives: body flex

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

This has been one of the principles I live by.

Now, that finally the harmful effects of the milk protein wore off… and I am returning to being normal.

So my Sunday Rants call was more productive than maybe ever. Not less ranty… mind you, but more insights.

It is very easy to think in a tiny box, and most people live that way. It is even possible for most to stay in that tiny box when they listen to someone, or read something. They never leave, never enlarge the box, never go anywhere.

Because what gives you your world, what you see, your actions, your words, your feelings… that is what is in the box.

I realized that some 29 years ago. It was New Year’s Eve, and I spent it on the phone with a Landmark staff member from Detroit.

We took turns to speak the New Year into existence.

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Depression: could it be caused or perpetuated by your sleep habits?

Summary: when you declare that the state that you are in is depression, a loss of aliveness, a loss of piss and vinegar, then you suddenly have access to a power that you didn’t when you were just experiencing the exact same symptoms, without a label. This article is about what to do after the declaration

When life loses its taste

When sleeping tastes better than life

When you are not starting a project or stopping one you are in the middle of because you can’t see your way through it or because you don’t see that it can win

When you’d rather do menial stuff or watch movies

When you are obsessed with your sleep

Then you are, most likely, depressed.

Depression can be so low grade that most people would say it’s normal. Like with everything, you need a control, something to compare yourself with.

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Emotional breathing is one of the possible causes of your weight gain

Emotional breathing is one of the possible causes of your weight gain

Breathing should be controlled by your physiology, but because in “modern” man the mind has taken over most of your physiology, your hunger, your breathing, your sex, your breathing has also been controlled by your mind.

Mind contains your thoughts and your feelings. It is true that you have bodily feelings, just like any living being, but it is the mind that decides for you what they mean.

The mind is a meaning making machine. And lately its main, self-assumed function is to say if something is negative or positive.

Let me give you an example: you sit at your computer and you suddenly have a stab of pain on the right side of your chest.

Depending on your predisposition, your mind will decide what the pain “means” and then start dictating your actions.

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