Tag Archives: Brain Clean During Sleep

Is sleep really that important?

Getting high-quality sleep.
We’ve always known that quality sleep is good for your brain, but recent research from the University of Rochester demonstrated exactly how so. The study found that when you sleep, your brain removes toxic proteins, which are by-products of neural activity when you’re awake, from its neurons. The catch here is that your brain can only adequately remove these toxic proteins when you have sufficient quality sleep. When you don’t get high-quality deep sleep, the toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, wreaking havoc and ultimately impairing your ability to think—something no amount of caffeine can fix. This slows your ability to process information and solve problems, kills your creativity, and increases your emotional reactivity. Learning to get high-quality sleep on a regular basis is a difficult skill to master, but it pays massive dividends the next day.
I have never known about the toxic proteins, but I have known that the more time passes between brain cleanses for me, the worse I actually sleep.

And the more challenging my days… the worse I actually sleep… and the less resilient I am for difficulty the next day.

So it’s toxic proteins? Muscle test says “yes”.

Then, I guess, it is time for energetic brain cleansing… five minutes? 10 minutes? It is no big deal… I just have to remember.

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