Tag Archives: brain fog

Depleted… One of the causes of brain fog… or foggy brain? Or brain that is not worth a dime.

You don’t have unlimited brain power.

The brain’s thinking/creative function, also choices, are located in the frontal cortex. That part is the latest addition to the multi-layered brain.

That part needs the most fuel.

People who don’t understand how their brain work will not amount to much. Their brain power will be used for mundane stuff and not for something that actually creates value for them and the world.

Using an analogy that, maybe, everyone can understand, let me use some examples that are more obvious.

If you had a quota of electricity you can use to heat your house, you would, probably, allow your hallways, your porch, your basement to remain cold, and would only heat the rooms where you spend a lot of time… or you’ll run out of electricity before you run out of time.
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Brain Fog or depression… what’s the connection?

Is brain fog the same as depression, or is depression associated with brain fog?
My assertion is that if you treat the brain fog, you also treat the depression.
Their overlap is 90%. And because brain fog is not emotional but all physical, the approach to treat it is all physical.

The human body is complicated. Not complex… Complex is still penetrable with the human mind, or with artificial brains. No. It’s complicated… not penetrable.

What different foods, different chemicals, different gut flora do and how they interact is complicated.

Trying to understand it is impossible. Not near impossible: it is impossible. Explaining, finding cures or fixes to symptoms is impractical and ineffective, and yet, this is the level of medicine and science… explaining, finding cures for symptoms, finding fixes to symptoms. Ugh.

So what can you do?
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