Tag Archives: Brilliance

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

This has been one of the principles I live by.

Now, that finally the harmful effects of the milk protein wore off… and I am returning to being normal.

So my Sunday Rants call was more productive than maybe ever. Not less ranty… mind you, but more insights.

It is very easy to think in a tiny box, and most people live that way. It is even possible for most to stay in that tiny box when they listen to someone, or read something. They never leave, never enlarge the box, never go anywhere.

Because what gives you your world, what you see, your actions, your words, your feelings… that is what is in the box.

I realized that some 29 years ago. It was New Year’s Eve, and I spent it on the phone with a Landmark staff member from Detroit.

We took turns to speak the New Year into existence.

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Are you teachable?

I help people become the person who can have what they want to have. Will I be able to help you?
This is really the bottom line promise I have for you. But like every promise, it is conditional. Conditional on you… on you being teachable.
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It is the week of Thanksgiving… Why can’t you feel gratitude? Why your thanksgiving is hollow?

This morning I received an email from a young man who paid me to measure his starting point measurements.

He could be speaking for you.
I need to take better care to my physical body. Like you said, drinking more water is the first step.
I don’t take care of my body, and I can’t understand why.
I feel like I’m missing gratitude. I hate to say it but I don’t feel grateful, and I don’t understand why.
Gratitude probably will come up to everyone, at least in the United States, where this week is Thanksgiving week… and you are supposed to be grateful. Or pretend that you are.
The more lavish your Thanksgiving, the more money you spend, the more food on the table, the more you do it to cover up that you are pretending. And pretense is the killer of the spirit.

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What is the vibrational frequency of money?

What is the vibrational frequency of money? And how do you match it so you can have lots of money?
It was an email in one of my throwaway email accounts. an email from Stephanie Mulac. She claims that she can cause you to have a vibrational jump. so you too can attract money to your heart’s desire.

So I checked her vibration, and it is 100… Maybe she is bathing in money, but 99% of humanity doesn’t… 100, the same as her, is the average vibration on the planet right now.
I understand you want more money.
It seems that money is the solution for all that ails you. boredom, lack of direction, lack of joy. lack of meaning. your weight, your low income, your drudgery called your job, if you even have one.

The other day a dude came to one of my webinars from this very article. He is in pest control, but he wants to be a big guy. if I remember correctly, he wants to own a music agency and make a killing.

You too, you say? That is why you are asking about the vibrational frequency of money. Because you read somewhere that like attracts like, and if you could become like money, you could attract money. Right?

This video is about creating high vibration so you can have what you want, not just a big ego:
Find out more about this magic manifestation method >>>
What you read is b.s. Someone is trying to sell you something.

Money is an exchange value. Unless you have some value to trade for it, value for the buyer, money isn’t going to be exchanged.

Of course if you are employing the lottery approach to life, you want to win money. If You want to find money, then you are at the wrong place. I teach people here to have, to create, to offer more value to trade. to be worth a damn so they can do more, be more, contribute more. Earn more.

The vibration of money, the smell of money, the color of money have nothing to do with it. Their vibration, on the other hand, is a good predictor how much money they will make.
The higher vibration you have, and it’s a number, the higher earning power you have.
I measure this number. And to help people to see where and what they need to focus on, i.e. what’s missing so their vibration gets higher, I provide and measure a whole slew of numbers, called the Starting Point Measurements.

Because just knowing one number is quite useless… you have no idea how to raise it from just one number.

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I have been toying with the idea of teaching the Effortless Abundance Course…

I have been toying, playing with the idea of teaching the Effortless Abundance Course…

What has been blocking me is the kinds of people who want it.

You see effortless is a lie… although efforting, per se, is unnecessary.

Efforting is a concept. But doing things, learning things, unlearning things, is sometimes hard work. And for most people, who are attracted to the Effortless Abundance idea, work is a dirty word.
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How Actual Smart People Talk About Themselves

This is an article from The Atlantic… Hint: not by discussing IQ The I here is James Fallows… although I tend to agree with him. this is a companion article to my previous article on self-esteem…

If you just want to know what people who are actually smart think of themselves… talk about themselves, jump there…
by James Fallows Jan 6, 2018 Science

I’ve never met or interviewed Donald Trump, though like most of the world I feel amply exposed to his outlooks and styles of expression. So I can’t say whether, in person, he somehow conveys the edge, the sparkle, the ability to connect, the layers of meaning that we usually associate with both emotional and analytical intelligence.

But I have had the chance over the years to meet and interview a large sampling of people whom the world views the way Trump views himself. That is, according to this morning’s dispatches, as “like, really re,” and “genius.”
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Your life is like a boat on sea… Where it’s going is given by the drift 96%

Every learning is becoming. Every action that is aimed at learning but doesn’t lead to becoming… is not learning, it is just a pretense. Treading water. The drift.
But becoming is not easy, and it takes longer than you would expect. OK, longer than I expect. Longer than I have been expecting… 🙁
Why? because some of the learning requires you to be “right there”, ready for that particular learning. You first need to become ready.
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We all have moments of brilliance

It only takes one slow-walking person in the grocery store to destroy the illusion that you’re a nice person. And it only takes one ugly mistake to destroy the illusion that you are smart…

In preparation to my What’s the truth about you workshop –> this morning, I have been looking how to have the conversation about your delusions about who you are, how you are, and your abilities.

It’s a touchy issue… in fact 80% of humanity think themselves smarter than average, and smarter than they are. The remaining 16% don’t ever think about that or anything else, 4% think themselves less smart than they are. Continue reading We all have moments of brilliance