Tag Archives: brilliance at will

How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?

How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?

This is an important question, that I have not answered publicly yet, so here you are…
What raises your vibration is the spiritual practice that you are being nudged to do by the activator, and not the activator itself.
Each activator works on a certain level of your consciousness.

I will use, again, the analogy of a highrise building to demonstrate how this works:

Most people, when they come to me, live, fully, in the basement of their being. Nowadays I have received requests from people that are, at least partially, on the ground floor.

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What are OUR tools in raising your vibration… Updated

Transformation is like picking a lock. You need tools, you need patience, you need immense awareness, and the results need to be valuable, or you’ll quit before you are done. Partial transformation gives you bragging rights, but no results.

This is going to be an article that, I predict, will grow as we discover or invent (with Source) new tools to bring about the 1,000 Years of Peace, the restoration of the Original Design.

I will not give details of the tools in this article. The details you can find in other articles, or in the glossary. I will link the tools to where you can read more about them as time allows.

Patience, my friend, patience is a virtue. I’ll get to it when I can. Start at the beginning… do you know how to connect, yet? I don’t mean know about it. I don’t mean “I think so” I mean, have I said that you are connected? If not, then please come to a connection call or stop feeding your mind. All this information is worthless there.

I will list the tools in the order I received them, not in the order of importance. This is where the good guys finish first, even if they started last…

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A fresh look at the pebble: is it an unconscious commitment to fail?

A fresh look at the pebble: is it a secret commitment?

When you are a transformational teacher, part of your job is to do the work you ask your students to do, on yourself and on your life.

Why? Aren’t you already transformed? No, transformation doesn’t last. Transformation is a momentary opening to the beyond, beyond what you already know and hold true, and that momentary opening doesn’t stay open for any longer than a few seconds, maybe minutes.

Which means, that if you don’t take an action consistent with the new opening you see, then the transformation is lost, maybe forever.

I am a transformational teacher, and I never pretend to have transformed: I do the work, every day, just like I ask you to do it.

Transformation is one of those phenomena when you can see that the saying is quite true: “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off…” Sounds funny, but it really isn’t.

Doing work, day in and day out, being pissed of by what you see is nobody’s dream life, and yet, if you want a bigger life, a less predictable, less scripted life, then the only path I have seen that works is ongoing transformation.

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Comparing: The Binary, The Pendulum, The Tedium, The Lifeless Life… PRISON BREAK!

Do you work on your mind to make it better? You are making the bars of your prison shinier…
One of the activities of the mind  that takes you out of the present is comparing. If you are new here, you probably think that I am talking about your brain… but the mind is only a limited function of the brain, the brain is like the world, and the mind is like a room in your house… much smaller, and totally insulated from the world.

In this article, we are going to examine the mind’s behavior that is much like the behavior of a pendulum.

Remember, the more you are able to be out of the mind and in the present, the more intelligent you are able to be… I hope that looks like a value, like a virtue you could go for… And if it does, keep on reading this article.

The 2-year old article I republished yesterday, started talking about the mind-activity: comparing. It dealt with your judgments about people. You judge what they do compared to your standards and ideals about what people should be doing.

Unfortunately, or thankfully, you can’t live up to your own standards and ideals, so you judge yourself too.

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Talk Back To Me: Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

How to get the most out of your Avatar State audio?
Hello Sophie

Below is a copy of the receipt I got from PayPal as requested in your “Package Deal” to acquire access to “Harmonize Your Vibration Audio”.

Also I have some questions.
I have both the Self Discipline and the Unconditional Love Activators and have listened to both at different times while on my computer. My question is this, should they be listened to separately, perhaps even alternating days or can they be listened to one after the other? Ideally I could have both of them running in the background simultaneously, but I don’t know if they would cancel each other out or worse, fry some brain cells. LOL! Is that an option?
For the nth time, let me say how the Avatar State Audios work:

How the harmonize works: the harmonize audio is slightly different from the rest of the Avatar State audios, in that it does not have a FOCUS.

It “shakes” you to harmonize your vibration with the vibration of the Universe.

The more out of sync you are, the more work the audio has to do.

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How much stress, how much tension can you handle? It is all in the stance…

I am going through a rough time.

A business I started 25 years ago needs to be shut down. It wasn’t a self-expression for me for about 10 years now. But closing a business is much like getting a divorce, so I was just plodding along until it is costing money instead of making me money.

It’s not very complicated, actually it is much easier, technically, thank a divorce: you just shut down the websites, and cancel a few contracts with suppliers.
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What is it costing you that you procrastinate? What is it costing you that you stay the same?

What is it costing you that you procrastinate? “What is your current mindset costing you?”

Or maybe even a better way to ask: what are you not getting out of your life, given that you procrastinate?

No one can tell you that… but whatever you are resisting, whatever you resist doing, has all the power.

There are people, myself included, that consciously not do a lot of things. I don’t do much house work, but I am not procrastinating. I don’t obsess about it, I have made a decision to not do it, or do as little as I can get way with, and I am fine about it.

If I were procrastinating, my mind would be on hold about that thing which I am not doing, and I would not be fully available to do what I am doing instead: I would be doing everything “instead” and not fully, not joyously, not with power. Why? Because my power would be tied up in what I am not doing.

Once you give yourself permission to not do the thing at all: you are free. You take complete responsibility for what other people say, etc. and that’s that.

But it takes almost as much courage to declare to not do something as it takes to actually do it.

You are suspended between heaven and hell… a victim of your own cowardice.

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