Tag Archives: Bruce Lipton

Vibrational Reviews: Holosync, Bill Harris, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Craig Hamilton, Galactic Federation Of Light, Nicki Lemarbre, Trinfinity 8, James Robinson, Dahryn Tr.

The vibrational numbers were true at the time I measured them… look at the date of this article.

Most people’s vibration gets lower every day… So unless I updated the number, expect that their vibration is lower now. Why? Because once you have established your “authority” in the world, you see no reason and no opportunity to grow… 🙁

Bill Harris personal vibration: 195 updated in 2018: 140. Truth value: 3%
Holosync free disc: 399
Holosync whole program: 230
Holosync as methodology and theory: 240

MaryEllen Tribby took over the company, holosync and Centerpointe… and is selling the sh*t out of Bill’s heritage… with a sales letter emailed every day… hard selling too.

MaryEllen Tribby’s vibration is 100. (November 2018)


Gregg Braden (Visionary Author Bridging Science and Spirituality)
personal vibration: 300.
teachings: 250

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Vibrational Reviews

Number after the person’s name signifies personal vibration, unless it’s an organization, then it signifies truth value.

The numbers are vibrational numbers, on a 1-1000 logarithmic scale.
Total truth is 1000…
Look at the map to see what each level feels like

Harrison Klein 170
Bruce Lipton 170
Gregg Braden 210
Eric Pearl 150
Joan Borysenko 210
Howard Martin 210
Guy Finley 170
Sue Morter 150
Bruce Goldberg 130

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DNA… The Thousand Years of Peace, the Bible, and more

DNA… The Thousand Years of Peace, the Bible, and more

lots of misleading stuff goes around about DNA… I don’t know a lot of “popular” authors or speakers that speak the truth.

The closest to truth are Bruce Lipton, and Kabbalah.

I am ill, so I am not going to do any research, I’ll just speak from the truth as I see it: DNA is like the blueprint of a building: it says everything about the building.

Each cell in your body has a DNA in the seed of the cell, and hopefully all the cells of your body have the same DNA.

Virus is nothing more than an alien DNA that replaces the invaded cell’s DNA, and the infected cell will start to produce more virus, instead of more of you.

In its behavior, cancer is a virus.

The current DNA of humans is the sixth generation of human DNA, and its blueprint allows for the destruction of the planet.

In my work for the past two and a half years, my most important job was to distinguish, clearly, the necessary DNA changes for the creation of the seventh generation DNA: the DNA that will create the humanity that is capable of living at peace with each other, and with the planet, for the period of the Thousand Years of Peace: The Promised Land.

I found 13 missing capacities, that need to be embedded in the new DNA.

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