Tag Archives: capacities

Capacities, constructive attitudes. How do you create them?

Capacities, possibilities, new constructive attitudes…

What these share is that they are words first and foremost.
The second thing: saying the words will not make you that…
And unfortunately, it turned out that turning on the capacities in the DNA won’t create permanent changes… unless.

So what is the technology of inventing and making these capacities, possibilities and attitudes real?
This is what this article is about. It’s about you learning how to have what you want.

Let’s first talk about what people want… What you want.
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What does skill-building do to you, beyond building skills?

I realized today that I am still at the beginning phases of my “entrepreneurial” journey… meaning: I am not a seasoned entrepreneur.

Why that would be, you ask?

Today I had an insight. Everyone talks about knowing, maybe even knowing how to do something, but hardly anyone talks about building skills, the building blocks of a successful life.

There is a what to do… and then there is a how to do it… and they all look magical and at least foggy for most people…

There are so many how’s that I can promise you it takes years of diligent doing projects one after the other, with help, before you’ll get any good at it.

Here is an embarrassing example: I have been making my own capsules of supplements… I buy empty capsules and fill them with whatever I want to take.
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How to get out of the rut you are in?

 Simple answer: You lack skills and capacities… You can boil water, make coffee in the coffee maker, drive a car, open your smartphone… You are not quite hopeless… or are you? Not quite hapless either… or are you?

If you remember, my passion, my purpose, my reason d’etre is to penetrate the invisible portion of all knowledge. It gives me joy, and it keeps me busy.

One of the tools I use to do my “work” is the ability to see what I feel. See its size, nature, movement, and its connections to other things. I am an empath and I am (I hate the word) a clairsensar, which means what I just said… I see what I feel… blah blah blah.
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