Tag Archives: causing

Paying for something vs buying it: what is the difference?

In the past ten or so years I have had thousands of people who paid for something. 70% of them paid again and again… For the same thing or something else. Many are still around, reading the articles, and still paying for stuff.

The question is, suggested by the title of this article:
How many of those thousands were buyers?
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What does emotional and intellectual inflexibility do?

Almost all Nobel laureates in the sciences are actively engaged in arts as adults. They are twice as likely as the average scientist to be a photographer; four times as likely to be a musician; eight times more likely to do woodworking or some other craft; twelve times more likely to write poetry and literature; seventeen times as likely to be an artist; and twenty-five times as likely to sing, dance, or act.
– Bob Root-Bernstein, PhD
That, above, is probably a puzzling fact.

The question you should be having on your tongue is to ask: Why is that so?

The answer, of course, is below the visible, the invisible.
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Teaching the way a fig tree grows… from the top down

For 17 miserable years I was an architect in three countries. Unfortunately I brought myself with me…

I was, for a time, part of a team that introduced a new building method: building from the top down…

I won an architectural competition with it, I also won an award of excellence for a building built that way.

The method may work in architecture, and it definitely works for the fig tree…
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Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

The question is: are YOU causing your attention? Are you causing what you want to cause?

I always thought I was curious, but I am finding out: you cannot be curious if you are not open.

One of the issues of my soul correction is not being open. Self-protection, personal-reality protection.
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The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training

Just one more thing: the cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training…
And you cannot become cause without training either…
So if you think DNA activation by itself will make you a human being, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Even though you’ll have the capacity… and now with the 14 second audio you do, you still need TRAINING in using it.
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