Tag Archives: certain topics

Scams, conspiracies: how your mind makes you dumb, naive, stupid, and a victim

Scams, conspiracies: how your mind makes you dumb, naive, stupid, and a victim

Ever since I was a little girl, I could be sent into a deep depression with any story about scams, conspiracies.

The idea that I was duped, or could be duped, that we are walking on a minefield only safe for a moment and can be blown up any moment sent me hurling into depression.

I know that my wording is dramatic: I can be very dramatic about certain topics, to my own detriment.

Where is this from, this sudden “interest” in this topic again?

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12 steps toward becoming truly who you are: the Playground program

The Playground program: the history
Back in 1988 when I first created the Playground: It is never too late to have a happy childhood, I’d just come out from participating in a 12-step program, similar to AA, but for people who suffered from the behavior of the alcoholic.

It turns out, that a troubled household with troubled parents creates the same symptoms as one with an alcoholic parent: a lack of safety. My parents weren’t alcoholic, but their behavior was erratic. One day I was beaten up for a behavior, the next it was ignored… Nerve wrecking. There was nothing I could count on to be quasi permanent and reliable. It’s a miracle that I didn’t withdraw into schizophrenia.
What’s good about 12-step programs?
Anyway, I liked the environment of a 12-step meeting: the meeting had principles, but it had no coaching, no rebuttal, no arguments, it was a very adult and equals program, as opposed to any other place in the world.

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