Tag Archives: choosing

Don’t sleep well? Choose! eat your cake or choose to have it

Sleeping. They say you are supposed to sleep 7-8 hours.

But when I muscletest how much you sleep, even if you were in bed and in the dark, you only slept five hours.

Why? Because three hours of those eight you were not really sleeping, you were in a daze…

And your dazed state is not conducive to real rest, to restoration, to rejuvenation, because it is a troubled daze state.

What troubles you? Nearly everything.

But most importantly you are troubled about yourself.
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Your relationship to reality, your brain, and your life

Reality has everything it has. And what it doesn’t have isn’t real. It isn’t part of reality. It’s added.

This is the hardest part of reality: understanding that speaking, the observer, populates reality with things that don’t belong, and then turns around and grieves the things it spoke as reality. And the truth.

All suffering comes from this speaking.
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What does emotional and intellectual inflexibility do?

Almost all Nobel laureates in the sciences are actively engaged in arts as adults. They are twice as likely as the average scientist to be a photographer; four times as likely to be a musician; eight times more likely to do woodworking or some other craft; twelve times more likely to write poetry and literature; seventeen times as likely to be an artist; and twenty-five times as likely to sing, dance, or act.
– Bob Root-Bernstein, PhD
That, above, is probably a puzzling fact.

The question you should be having on your tongue is to ask: Why is that so?

The answer, of course, is below the visible, the invisible.
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Rebooting your brain, rebooting your life

Imagine this scenario: You look up your bank balance, see the number. And suddenly dread grabs your chest and you are off to panic-land.

You see that unless you start generating an income before the end of the month, you’ll be on the dole… at the mercy of others, at the mercy of social services… You’ve run out of money, and you have run out of time.

What do you do now?
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Dark side attack, hurry, and how choosing can save the day

What is a Dark Side event? Hard to know… but it is a lot like a locust swarm event… you see the aftermath, the people’s vibration dropping, bad behaviors that were already forgotten are revived, the water losing its coherence, inside you and outside you.

My own experience is quite dramatic: hurry has crept back… anger, anxiety, wallowing, and the water.

What is it about hurry that is harmful? All of it.
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Generosity, choosing, gratitude

Generosity was one of the distinctions I spent years researching and trying to BE…

It is a tricky way to be, the full meaning of generosity, because almost no one ever is really generous.

We normally equate giving with generosity. Some give stuff, others give praise, some give of themselves.

Most generosity makes the recipient suspicious: what is the ulterior motive?

And rightly so: culturally, human culture, I mean, generosity doesn’t make sense… only trade does. “I give you this, so you’ll give me that.”

And yet, there are a very few people who are actually generous, and they are happy. WTF, right?

Here is another important question: just like with love, whose experience matters, the giver or the receiver?
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Removing the leaks created by your inner habits, your attitude, your “how”

The current humanity, homo sapiens, is ignorant to the 90% of reality, the invisible reality. They are like a bunch of Missourians, the show me state… Building and changing the invisible habits

Most people judge by appearances, overt actions, your voice, your actions. But those cover only the top 10% of who you are.

The remaining 90% is invisible, sometimes even to yourself.

And as with everything in our 10% world, what defines how the 10% “manifests” is the 90%.
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How to make the empty wish “Happy New Year!” come true for you?

I took the garbage out this morning. It was really cold… I was shivering.

The guy across the street yelled to me: Happy New Year… and I responded in kind… But these good wished as nothing but wishful thinking: your word won’t make it happen. You wanting the New Year to be happy won’t do it for you… unless something changes… something fundamental… like your word will start to have power.
Because, at present, it has no power, or not much… instead your emotions control what you do, not your words.

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