Tag Archives: Clothes

Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?

I did the first session of the Muscle testing course, version 2 yesterday.

There was a lot of things to unlearn and relearn for the students, things can and do prevent one from being effective in life.

Tons of the memes, everything and its opposite, no clarity.

What is Source. Where is the knowledge coming from when we muscle test for the truth? Is truth stagnant, the same today as it was yesterday? Does anything remain the same as it was yesterday?

The most successful people on earth know that only physical laws, the laws of physics apply here, and you can deal with the rest as appearances. A mirage. Maya. Not solid.
That nothing happens until someone does something… The law of cause and effect.
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31 Quotes That Will Give You Chills

Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75. ~ Benjamin Franklin


Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions. Their lives a mimicry. Their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde


Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. ~ Arthur C. Clark


Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ~ Albert Einstein


Of all sad words of mouth or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier


I fear not the man who has practised 10,000 kicks, but I do fear the man who has practised one kick 10,000 times. ~ Bruce Lee

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…And live to tell the tale…

You want to live a life where you say this about yourself, a lot. “…And I lived to tell the tale…”

Where you are on the edge… and come back to tell the tale.

The edge? it feels like the dividing line between life and death. It is just a feeling. Some edge is quite inconsequential, but the going there is tremendous.

I signed up to be coached on Monday, and it’s Sunday, and I am already “fired”.

Another man’s integrity may be out of integrity for you. Another man’s wisdom is not YOUR wisdom. That is what happened.

I was asked to do something that doesn’t agree, doesn’t foster love between my two selves. Everybody is doing it… but for me to love ME, I can’t do it.

If you are not free to be yourself, then your integrity number is low.

Integrity is an inside job, and only you can call the shot…

But… Without integrity nothing work.
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When Does Tithing Activate The Law Of Attraction?

Tithing Or Not Tithing, That Is The Question. Does tithing really work?

Now, why does this issue come up, and why now?

I have a client who asked this question, and because he has given me an opportunity to think this over, maybe even channel a little bit of knowledge, here is what I have come up with so far:

Tithing requires you to give from the seed level of vibration of gratitude. From that frequency you can activate value exchange. A value exchange, from a place of equal values changing hands, not from a place of being a bottomless pit in need, asking for handout, asking for more than you can give back. What does that mean? Tithing is a kind of thank-you, appreciation (acknowledging value) expressed on the level of gratitude.

So when people ask: what is the vibrational frequency of money, they really should say: what is the vibrational frequency of equal trade? I give you this and you give me that, and we are both winners.

As such a tool tithing works miracles, but there is a problem.
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How to Get Guidance from the Beyond

Dream 1: I am playing with and fascinated by some colored dots that make a pattern, though moving, still a pattern, building something. At some point the dots suddenly lose color and die, and the fascinating pattern deteriorates to a one color dying, diminishing mess. I wake up. I know it is the message I asked for. My interpretation: don’t be fascinated with the ever changing outside world… turn your attention inward where you call all the shots.

Dream 2: I am invited to a conference in France. I haven’t been there for over 30 years. I want to go. I go. I just throw some clothes in an overnight bag and go. I am there, and I am having fun. I am ready to come back… I can’t. The doors of the US are closed. I am not having fun any more. I have no money, no place to stay. None of my things, including my business, are with me, it was all left in the US. I panic. I wake up. I sob. “I left without as much as a blanket and a pillow…” I cry. I know it is a message. I don’t think I have asked for this. But it came, so it is relevant. My interpretation: 1. think before you leap and don’t do something if it risks too much. 2. Leap. Build from nothing. that is where the blessing is. How can you do those two things at the same time?

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My life in Film Noir, Fritz Lang’s M, The Tongue in The Shoes

I had a conversation with Zsuzsa, a friend of mine from architecture school.

I normally hide from her, because she is traditionally very negative. But last instant messaging we had she sounded upbeat, so I thought, I’d give it a try. I know how to break off a conversation when it goes south.

As fate has it, she broke her hand a few months ago, it didn’t heal well, and she has had a lot of pain. Interestingly it has changed her. Permanently or temporarily, I don’t know. My hunch is that it is temporary…

Anyway, I shared with her my experience with the nose bleed. She didn’t quite grasp it at first. She has had nose bleeds but her first thought wasn’t: this is the beginning of the end, so for her the chance of a breakthrough with that would have been small.

On the other hand, given that she is an architect, her right hand is her bread and butter, so creating a new way to look at it was a definite breakthrough for her.

I was mulling over this today as I was washing my hands in the bathroom.

“You need to trust the whisper inside your head that says that what’s happening is a good thing.” I thought, but then I cringed. Some 58 years ago I thought just that and where did it lead me?!

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