Tag Archives: coherent water

The greatest secret of life is that life is a gift. And so is happiness

I think, that of all Osho’s talks that I know, this is the most significant, and the most helpful, if you EVER want to be able to return HOME, to the present moment, where you can be content, happy, and start living.

Osho talks: The Man Who Loved Seagulls
7 May 1975 am in Buddha Hall
There was a man living by the seashore who loved seagulls. Every morning he went down to the sea to roam with the seagulls. More birds came to him than could be counted in hundreds.

His father said to him one day: I hear the seagulls all come roaming with you — bring me some to play with.

Next day, when he went to the sea, the seagulls danced above him and would not come down.
The greatest secret of life is — and remember it always — that life is a gift. You have not deserved it in the first place. It is not your right. It has been given to you, you have not earned it. Once you understand this, many things will become clear.

If life is a gift then all that belongs to life is going to be a gift. Happiness, love, meditation — all that is beautiful is going to be a gift from the holy, from the whole.

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Osho: Players Of A Game… being extraordinary is the most ordinary

In this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.

Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.

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What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are?

What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are?

This is a tricky question, so don’t just shoot from the hip and leave (like you always do)… let me show you something that you probably didn’t know.

I have been perturbed, I mean really bothered by the fact, that although everyone got the same activator download, the results are so different.

Some people thrive, soar, produce unpredictable and unprecedented results.

Some people didn’t see any changes.

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What is energized water?

This article explains what is energized water, what energizing does to the water, the difference between water in nature or from your tap, from a bottle, and energized water.

The main difference is that energized water, fully energized water, water whose vibration is raised to 653, is coherent… and the human cells accept it willingly whereas all other waters are not willingly accepted by the cells.

A few years ago I had a conversation with a well known guru. I shared with him that energized water is amazingly smooth, easy to drink, tastes good, and makes you feel like you did something good for your body.

He got really really angry. He said: water is water. H2O

Now, years later I am still drinking energized water, I look younger than I looked when I was 50, and my skin is smooth, my health is great. He is divorced, battling depression, he could use some energized water… lol.
Continue reading on my Energize Water site

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the planet’s smartest people have a narrow cone of vision

This is an article I reprinted because I found that it comes at the right juncture: where people are asked to decide if they are going to be the cause of their own evolution, or if they are going to assume the worry for themselves… Worry means no action. It’s a pretense. It is the only recourse of the cowardly, impotent, and ineffective.
The 150 Things the World’s Smartest People Are Afraid of
Afraid Of What? By Brian Merchant

Every year, the online magazine Edge–the so-called smartest website in the world, helmed by science impresario John Brockman–asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question. This year, that query was “What Should We Be Worried About?”, and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven’t yet been widely recognized.

This year’s respondents include former presidents of the Royal Society, Nobel prize-winners, famous sci-fi authors, Nassem Nicholas Taleb, Brian Eno, and a bunch of top theoretical physicists, psychologists, and biologists. And the list is long. Like, book-length long. There are some 150 different things that worry 151 of the planet’s biggest brains. And I read about them all, so you don’t have to: here’s the Buzzfeedized version, with the money quote, title, or summary of the fear pulled out of each essay. Obviously, go read the rest if any of the below get you fretting too.

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The Law of Choices, or do you really have a choice?

I am still dealing with the attacks, I am still working out this whole theory of humanity consisting of different groups having a vastly different set of DNA’s exactly in the areas that distinguish human from other species… in the area of their humanity or the lack of it.
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How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge? Hopis, Mayan Calendar?

How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge?

Great question, isn’t it?

This question came up, pushed itself on my mind, while I was watching the Quickening movie.

After all the movie is inspired, its truth factor is almost 70%. What is my problem. Oh you again, making trouble?

OK, it’s me again, and I am making trouble again.

Let us look at the Hopis first: Is the hopi myth Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge?

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Can you love and hate, have compassion/contempt?

Choosing, caring, designer energies…

On Sunday we went back to Standard Time, and it’s Tuesday. The time change always whacks me out, it takes me weeks to get back my bearings.

I slept in today. I missed the garbage pickup. I have a sore throat. …but had a dream that brought up some issues that are worth talking about.
Caring is not a feeling. Caring is choosing

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Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn.
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Double your reading speed… would that be really good for you?

One famous marketer is filling my mail box with emails to double the speed of my reading. I used to jump on offers like that, I have taken three different speed reading classes, one even back in Hungary.

It seemed to me, like it probably seems to you, that getting the knowledge out of the written word faster would double your knowledge, and maybe double your success.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

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