Tag Archives: Colin Wilson

The Dark Forces: What They Are, What They Do, How They Pull Your Strings?

I am not sure who the original dark forces are… they have been around for about three thousand years.

They mean business. I mean business for themselves. These are individuals in a close knit clan, dispersed all over the world, spreading mayhem and fishing in troubled waters.

You work for them. If I had a job, I would work for them. The president of the United States work for them. They own all the banks, all the money on Planet Earth.

They pull the strings in this seemingly chaotic world.

Now, one could think: kill them. But that is more of the same. They can do their dirty deeds only because the conscious awareness of people is so low. And it hasn’t grown.

As a civilization we have been reduced to biological robots, and the chances of breaking out of that predicament is slim.

The scenario of the Matrix movie is both true and untrue.

In that movie, your biological piece was used as an energy cell, and only your computer character actually moved, changed location, etc.

In the real world, (no, not a hologram, as far as I can see), you are carrying around your piece. But other than that, you haven’t had an original thought probably ever.

Suggestions? yes. But original, un-influenced thought, probably never.

Why? Because that is how the Dark Side wants it.

Just watch yourself: you fill every waking moment with noise, brain candy, “information,” so you could never have a moment of reflection where you could maybe see through the possible cracks of this hoax we are living.

Instead of “killing them” I am interested in getting to know them enough, that I can mount an effective campaign to awaken people. Some people.

I knew they existed, I felt it all my life, but

1. I had no idea if I was targeted special or everyone was as miserable as I was
2. I had no recourse: I felt totally powerless given the onslaught of miserable feelings permeating me 80% of the time.

Recently I am starting to get insights, a little differentiation, some shades of gray, a little better grip on the “game.”

The first opening was when I discovered that the feelings I feel were mostly not mine.

There is a great working model that helps you understand the phenomenon if you read the amazing science fiction novel, The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson. You probably can’t get a newly printed copy, but you can always buy a used copy, it is worth it.

It will free you up enough to start coming from your power instead of your weaknesses.

One of the things I learned (and never honored, really, lol) from this book is to tread lightly… to move without noise, to not exclaim victories, to not brag, to not announce to the world that I am winning, because it immediately gets the attention of the Mind Parasites, which is an analogy of the Dark Side.

It is not me to tread lightly. I was born to be a leader, and an overt leader at that. So I have been barraged with attacks that even with the methods I have cannot be fended off.

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It takes energy to go to the next level, to be happy.

It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy.

Where are you leaking energy? Reclaim your energy

I am reading a book by one of my absolute favorite writers, Colin Wilson.

This is the first non-fiction book I read in a month. I have put myself on a Tree-of-Knowledge withdrawal fast. I am breaking the fast with his book. The title is ‘Super Consciousness: In Quest for the Peak Experience’
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what is love? how do you go about getting it? what is it buying you?

What is love?

When we are babies: love is attention. We can’t do anything for ourselves, and someone paying attention to us equals love to us. Our comfort, our survival depends on it.

We each “earned” the attention inĀ  different ways, and then settled on one or two ways that worked the best.

We cried for the bottle in a whiny way, suggesting to our caretaker that we are dying. Pleading, begging, modulating our cry until we got a response.

We cried for the bottle with anger, anguish, or threat. We cried to get a clean diaper. We cried to be picked up.

We also manipulated our caretakers by smiles, by reaching out to them, grabbing their fingers, maybe laugh, little manipulative signs that made them feel good, liked, maybe even loved.

Just like pets learn to push your buttons: it is all self-serving, to make us get attention and food, shelter, and petting.

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It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy. Where are you leaking energy? Reclaim your energy

It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy.

I am reading a book by one of my absolute favorite writers, Colin Wilson.

This is the first non-fiction book I read in a month: I have put myself on a Tree-of-Knowledge withdrawal fast. I am breaking the fast with his book. The title is “Super Consciousness: In Quest for the Peak Experience”

It’s a horrible title, and if I didn’t know who Colin Wilson is, I would have never bought this book.

But truth be told, some of the most important steps that have lead me to connecting to Source I learned from him.

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Vibrational Review: Gurjieff et. al.

Vibrational Review: Gurjieff (G. I. Gurjieff 1866-1949)

I haven’t read full original writings of Gurjieff, though I have read a book about him, with lots of quotes by Colin Wilson. I also knew one person, for a while, who was a disciple of Gurjieff and he was quite messed up…

But it would be a mistake to judge a teacher by their students… really.

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Should you become a client? Would I even accept you as a client?

For decades one of my sore spots was that people refused to serve me, even though I paid them.

I remember saying to myself: my money is not good enough for you? and wept.

I had no idea how I “accomplished” that… in 20/20 hindsight it is still a little spotty.

What wasn’t clear to me, never even occurred to me, how my attitude effected the service provider. My “To what degree you think of yourself:” starting point measure was, at the time, 70%. From my behavior I would have guessed it was higher.

Mainly I overrode what they said. I argued, I knew better, I acted with contempt…

What I didn’t know then is that being a service provider needs to be a win, or no service.

A customer who is not happy is a drag on an provider, and not worth the little (or even a lot of) money they pay.

I was that kind of customer…

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What is consciousness? How does one explore the higher states of consciousness?

Experiencing higher states of consciousness… This has been the desire of millions of people. You have taken drugs, they have done seances, turned to sex, turned to racing, gambling.

Ordinary consciousness is not very attractive. Ordinary consciousness is boredom, sameness, or misery. It is also a kind of sleepwalking.

Life lived in ordinary consciousness is much like the life of the computer animated characters in the movie Matrix. They go about their tiny concerns unaware that they are a computer generated character in a computer generated reality.

It often occurs for me that our lives, our consciousness is quite accurately illustrated in that movie. You can’t reason with a computer animated character, especially if you want them to go somewhere outside of that animation: they can’t. It defines their reality and there is nothing accessible for them beyond it. That is all there is… other than desiring to experience higher states of consciousness, lol.

In my work with people, and my work has been with thousands, at least for the extent of one coaching conversation, I have learned about the “human condition”.

All my experiments are to reveal if it is possible for human being to be awakened, if human being can change its perception of reality, even for just a glimpse. After that glimpse there is a crack, an opening in the paradigm walls, and the higher, larger paradigm can be introduced.

So far no cigar, and the same can be said about the results of all the previous teachers that have tried. Buddha didn’t cause anyone to attain, the next person attained about seven hundred years after Buddha.

We call that glimpse of the larger higher paradigm attainment. Or enlightenment. A very rare phenomenon.

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Tiptoeing… treading lightly vs not rocking the boat or making waves

I am a boat-rocker, a wave maker… I get banged up a lot, and I don’t even notice it. It is my nature to be bold and speak openly what I see is amiss.

And in other situations I tiptoe… I tread lightly… quite out of character, wouldn’t you say?

I watch you tiptoe in situations when I speak and speak when I tiptoe… i.e. do the opposite of what I do and what I recommend that you do.

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Can you wield energies? Do attunements work? Are they needed? Is Reiki real?

In yesterday’s article about the story that marketers use to connect to you, to connect to your need, to prove that they are special, I made strong statements that I want to repeat and provide some evidence.

Some of the stuff that story-tellers sell to you actually work. Regardless of the story.

Now, I don’t have a lot of examples, because I am not a consumer of hyped up products, but I do have one example I’d like to share with you: it is very educational, and quite stunning.

Back in the year 2000 I met this flaky guy. He was quite cuckoo. Circumstances, story, blah blah blah later, he convinced me to buy an energy from his energy guy.

It turns out, the energy guy was Matt Schoener, the energy system was Omega Shakti System (no connection with the Omega Center in NY).

It was very expensive, and it was quite bs sounding, but I did it. (By the way, this guy loved to push me to spend my money on stuff he liked… I hated that, but on the long run I am grateful, I would have never become who I am today without those things.)

The energies were palpable, and they worked for me instantly. Meaning: energy shot out of my hand… wow. Quite amazing.

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Acidity, Cholesterol, Spirituality: Fixing: the number one way the mind leads you astray. If you are a fixer, know that fixing is stupid

Fixing: the number one way the mind leads you astray. If you are a fixer, know that fixing is stupid

Background: One of my favorite books is Colin Wilson’s Mind Parasites. I read it a few times, and it was, maybe, the first time I was alerted to the fact that the mind may not be your friend.

Of course it’s a novel, and it is on the level where Colin Wilson is, which is: not a lot of insights into the different aspects and the inner dynamics of a human being. Nevertheless it was very useful.

I found a sequel, one of the fans wrote a sequel to the original book, and I started to read it yesterday. And although the world view both books represent is childish and not even vaguely similar to how it is really, it triggered me to write this article.

This article is going to be about fixing…

I will pick the area of health and well being, given that this area is so wrought with misinformation and fixing, that it could be said that the fixes cause more mischief than the original problems they claim to fix.

Issue #1: acidity

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