Tag Archives: compassion

Remorse, regret, and self-recrimination…

Remorse is the ability to humble oneself and healthily repent for past mistakes ~ Ryan Fan

I read an article yesterday about Scientology children who left the ‘mother ship’.

I am left with just one thing from the article: in Scientology they train you to have no feelings, no expression.

I remember being in a Landmark program, years ago, that railed against the 3 R’s… regret, resentment, and I don’t remember the third. But they were wrong.

I have more time nowadays. I have more room for bad feelings too. And I don’t think they shouldn’t be.
I don’t hurry and run away from bad feelings.

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What is the number that most predicts how effective you are

Theory induced blindness

I like to call the phenomenon of not being able to see what doesn’t agree with your theory of life: theory induced blindness. A more popular and better known label for it is “confirmation bias”.

You only hear what you agree with. Or more precisely, you only see what you recognize. And you only consider what you recognize as agreeing with your world view.
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Want compassion: is it available to you? It isn’t

Compassion: you can’t ask for it, you can’t teach it. Do-good-ing and pity masquerade as compassion.

You want to be treated by others as a  person, you want to be treated fairly… but in vain…

Compassion is only possible if you can fully place yourself into the other person’s shoes and see that if you had the same gender, the same upbringing, the same history, you would be feeling and doing the exact same things that other person feels and does.

To be able to have compassion for another, you have to consider yourself a person, and you need to have compassion for yourself… See all the past and see that how you are and what you do is an of course… a consequence of your upbringing, your past, your gender, your worldview… And of-course…

To be able to have compassion, you can see, you need high skills, among them being able to write, in your head, that person background… like an actor, or like a movie maker, or a writer.
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