Tag Archives: connect the dots

When I say: It’s the system, stupid! Where do you look?

Some people, a few, will know where to look. The rest is clueless.

So why would they be clueless?

Because they can’t connect the dots.

What is connecting the dots?

It is seeing the relationship between seemingly unrelated things, seemingly unrelated data.

Seeing what is cause, what is effect…
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What would be possible if you could choose to be not needy?

I am having a strange experience. It is pleasant. Bubbling. Stimulating. Lovely.

I am not the first one, not even the only one to teach what I teach. I am not alone. This knowledge of the human condition and what works and what doesn’t is holographic.

I am competitive. Maybe it’s my soul correction (34). I like to be the best, the first, the only one. And totally counter to that: I like to know that I could have partners and we could soar together.

I found a ‘soulmate’ who teaches a lot of what I teach to a narrow segment of people: who can see that in life you get what you negotiate for successfully. Jim Camp.
In life you get what you negotiate for successfully

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The main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the invisible thread that ties it all together

Here is another illustration of the main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the strait and narrow

I have been using Freecell as a training tool for myself.

Slow going, because sight, going from not seeing to being clear of what you are seeing is not a simple, one-step process… and playing Freecell well uses the sight… or shall I say Sight?

Today I even saw that it uses many of the principles, or better said: obeys many of the principles I write about.
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