Tag Archives: Conscious Decision

Want to steal a Jewish trick for prosperity? Read my article: How Can A Yarmulke Help You To Get Rich?

I once read a book that was teaching Jewish values, the values that made so many Jews wealthy, so many Jews high achievers, so many Jews Mensch, which is Yiddish for a righteous human being.

This article is about stealing a Jewish custom, that looks silly to steal, yet, unbeknownst to Jews made them special and specially favored, judged by all the achievements: and that is the custom of wearing a skullcap, also called yarmulke or kipa.

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Mites, especially spider mites (Morgellons), act much smarter than most humans.

What do most humans do when they are attacked? They sulk, argue, weep, yell, think about it, threaten, that’s what they do.

What do human mites do when they are attacked? They regroup. They get smarter. They do more of what works, and beat the attacker at their own game, by being stronger, smarter, and more capable, by counting on the human’s emotions to come in the way, on them sleepwalking or falling asleep at the wheel of their life.
Do you recognize yourself reacting like a human or reacting like a mite?
Mites have been around for much longer than humans, and will be around much longer than humans, because mites love Life, instead of thinking Life owes them a living, happiness, health, etc.

I am not saying mites don’t get angry, or huffy puffy for the injustices they receive.

They get angry, they may huff and puff, but then they say f… it, and get to work… doing what they need to do to have what they want.Life wants more life… And for mites that means more babies. Spider mites are actually sacrificing themselves for their offspring.

Humans, on the other hand,

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Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce

Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce

Stephen Pierce is a Born Again Christian. His vibration is 270.

He is a multi-millionaire marketer. A Black guy with a great story: long ago he was at the wrong place and got shot… he picked himself up.

He is unusually intelligent, you might say he is a genius. Also married right: his wife’s family are the nicest people I have ever met and the family works together as a unit. Have never seen anything like that. I spent a weekend with them a few years ago, when they still lived in Michigan.

Update: he is now divorced. I wish him luck.

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The drama of your life: do you have a choice about that? Conscious Uncoupling?

As a conscious empath I don’t only check if an emotion I feel is mine, I also check the source of the emotion.

Sometimes it is a Dark Side transmission, but mostly it’s another person I accidentally connected with.

I have two graduate students live in the downstairs apartment. Two girls.

Every time I go downstairs with a package for the mailman to pick up, or to check my mail, they hear me: the old wooden staircase makes an unholy noise. That’s when they connect, and I have to feel their emotions for a little while.

Both girls have a big issue about boys… it comes with their age.

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